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This page is a translated version of the page Content translation/Machine Translation/Youdao and the translation is 59% complete.


有道的服务有中国的一家互联网企业网易提供。 维基媒体基金会法务部和网易公司以签署合作协议。这一协议将确保维基百科用户使用有道翻译服务时,维基百科的政策如署名权、用户隐私及品牌形象等方面不受影响。 协议的概要在本页列出,我们欢迎您对这一服务提出任何的建议或者意见。 这一合作得到了中文维基百科社群的支持


  • 有道不会收集任何个人信息。 内容翻译工具将通过有道的公开API使用机器翻译的服务。 条目内容(自由版权)由维基媒体基金会的服务器发送至有道的服务器进行翻译。 用户和第三方服务器不会有直接的联系,任何私人信息(IP地址、用户名等)不会随同条目内容发送至有道的服务器。 联系有道服务器的客户端是开源的,您可以在此查阅。 有道的任何服务、代码将不会成为维基媒体的一部分或是进入“内容翻译”的编码库
  • 有道翻译返回的内容依然为自由版权。 当使用有道的服务时,有道提供的机翻维基百科内容将仍然是自有版权的。 用户在翻译文本的基础上修改并发布在维基百科并不与任何现存政策冲突。 由有道翻译的内容以及用户的修改将于维基百科其他的条目一样处于相同的版权协议下。
  • 惠及更广泛的开源翻译社群。 通过有道翻译及用户修改的内容是公开的。 翻译研究社群对编辑后的翻译原文进行研究并以此为资源开发能够支援其他语言的开源翻译服务。 这将帮助开发者们开发和改进机器翻译系统。
  • 自动翻译是内容翻译工具的可选功能。 用户若認為自动翻译功能沒有用,可以选择关闭它。 操作界面给用户提供了多种选择:是否使用这一功能、使用支援该语言的其他服务、或者不使用任何机器翻译功能。


有道及其翻译服务并不能翻译富文本,例如HTML。 它接受纯文本内容,并输出纯文本翻译。 内容翻译通常在这种输出的基础上重新应用标记,但对于中文而言,由于语句中存在并不常见的标记化字词而并不可能。 因此翻译者将只收到纯文本的翻译,所有链接和参考资料等需要在翻译后手动添加。



  • 为维基媒体基金会提供免费的API以供志愿者在维基媒体站点中翻译条目。
  • 容许所有志愿者单次翻译不超过四千字节的内容,每日上限则为一千万字节。(远多于有道公开的机翻服务)
  • 向维基媒体基金会提供用户请求翻译的统计数据。


  • 向有道提供志愿者编辑后的机翻文本,有道可以此改进其服务:
    • 不会分享任何翻译者的用户信息。
    • 目前,仅向有道提供翻译的源文本、翻译语言和目标语言。
    • 无论翻译者是否用了机器翻译服务帮助翻译,其翻译都会由内容翻译API以平行语料库的形式提供。 这些API将逐步开发,结果将免费提供给所有人,不仅仅是有道。


所有内容依然維持CC BY-SA 3.0版权协议

  • 除了在内容翻译工具的下拉菜单中加入有道翻译作为机器翻译服务的选项之一外,有道不要求维基媒体基金会在任何情况为其推广或宣传。
  • 任何用户的信息都不会在双方间交换。
  • 协议期限为一年,我们将在到期后重新评估我们的需求。
  • 我们可以再任何时候(提前30日通知)出于任何理由终止与有道的协议。
  • 本协议适用美国法律。



What languages are being handled by Youdao? Are there plans to add more?

Youdao is available at present only for translations Chinese, and English, French, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese, Russian and Spanish, for users who will be creating pages through Content Translation. As Youdao’s language coverage expands we will consider enabling them for Content Translation. Please note: Youdao machine translation will not be available when creating pages from Chinese to English.

How is using Youdao different than using other machine translation systems?

As a user of Content Translation you will not feel any difference on the translation interface as the machine translation system of Youdao will display the translated content similar to Apertium or Yandex. However, due to Youdao's current limitation of not supporting rich text, links, references etc. will have to be adapted manually.


有道提供免费API供其他网站或服务使用其机器翻译系统。 “内容翻译”工具将使用一个专门的API来使用有道的服务。 当用户开始翻译一个页面时,每个小节的HTML内容会被上传到有道服务器端,获取到的翻译版本会显示在“内容翻译”的对应翻译栏中。 链接及参考资料会像通常一样直接接受,用户可以进一步按需修改这些翻译版本。

This process continues for all the sections of the article being translated. For better performance, the translations for consecutive sections are pre-fetched. The user can save the unpublished translation (to work on it again at a later time) or publish the article in the usual manner. The article is published on Wikipedia like any other normal article with appropriate attribution and licenses.




我们并未将有道或者Yandex的机器翻译系统整合在“内容翻译”的代码,或维基媒体的网站及服务中。 这项服务是免费提供给所有人使用。

Only the freely available Wikipedia article content (in segments) is sent to the Youdao service and the obtained translated content is also freely usable on Wikipedia pages. The translated content can be modified by users and this data also maintains its free license and is available publicly through the Content Translation API. This is a valuable resource made available for the community to develop open source translation services for those languages where they don't exist yet.

After studying the implications carefully, we found the fact that the content was stored previously in a closed source service does not limit the freedom of our knowledge or our software in the present or the future. We have taken special care to make sure that the content translated maintained its free license to make sure it complies with Wikipedia policies. This includes a long process for legal and technical evaluation and compliance. The summary of the terms of use is also available.

From user feedback we have seen that machine translation support is really helpful for users and we want to support all languages in the best way. Guided by the principles of Wikimedia Foundation's resolution to support free and open source software, we will prioritise the integration of open source services whenever they are available for a language. Apertium has been a critical part of Content Translation since its inception, and currently provides machine translations for nearly 70 of the numerous possible language combination that Wikipedia can support. Adding Yandex in November 2015 has helped a large group of users of nearly 70 more languages, who were unable to use this facility before with Content Translation.

Should I be worried about my personal information when using Youdao?

Irrespective of the service being used, you can be assured that only Wikipedia content from existing articles is sent and only freely licensed content will be added back to the translation. No personal information is collected and communication with those services happen at the server side, so they are isolated from the user device. Please refer to this diagram for more details.

What if Youdao is the only machine translation tool available and I don't want to use it?

Machine Translation is an optional feature in Content Translation that you can easily disable at will. If more machine translation systems are added for your languages, you can choose to enable MT again and select the MT service of your choice.

Will the content translated by Youdao be free for use in Wikipedia?

Yes. The Wikipedia content translated from Youdao is otherwise freely available on the Youdao web translation platform. Content Translation receives it via an API key to make it seamlessly available on the translation interface. This content can be modified by the users (if necessary) and used in other Wikipedia articles under free licenses.

Can this content be used for improving machine translation systems in general?

Yes. Translations made in Content Translation are saved in our database. This information will be made publicly available for anyone to use as translation examples to improve their translation services (from University research groups, open source projects to commercial companies, anyone!). The content can be accessed via the Content Translation API. Please note, only information related to translated text is publicly available. This includes – source and translated text, source and target language information and an identifier for the segment of text.