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Community Tech/Retrospectives/2015-12-07

From mediawiki.org

Action items from last time

  • Kaldari: Post retro notes
    • NOT DONE!
  • Niharika to do code review for Wikimania scholarship app stuff
    • Done.
  • Follow-up on translation needs with CE team: Johan
    • Getting a better strategy long-term is now one of my personal goals for Q3. (/Johan)
  • Report about Wikisource conference: Johan (and maybe Frances)
    • Done
  • Help Frances w Turnitin task if she's stuck: Kaldari
    • Will do tomorrow
  • Danny: Be more attentive to email
    • Probably done
  • Next week - plan when to show people the new GadgetManager
    • pushed back
  • better internet service for Kaldari
    • DONE

What has gone well?

  • Good progress on PageAssessment extension
  • Wishlist Survey going well -- starting to think about life after the survey ++
  • The wishlist survey has largerly been without drama over the last few weeks
  • Some translation help on the survey
  • Happy with my progress on PageAssessment extension + lot of help from kaldari
  • Work on Special:GadgetUsage seems about wrapped up
  • Me and Frances tried our 1:1 in my morning/her evening time, worked really well for me
    • Pretty good for me for now, we can keep experimenting
  • Finishing up citation bot, finally (unless a new maintainer appears)
  • Conversations with community on citation bot have generally been constructive

What could have gone better?

  • Thanksgiving week, most of the team off for a chunk of the sprint
    • Also Wikisource Conference
  • Not a lot of closed tickets this sprint (as of Mon), esp 8 and 13 point tasks (hopefully ActiveUsers will make the cut) +1
  • Turnitin/copyvios still going (stress/current state doesn't help me learn a new system)
  • Today was a little slow on productivity side - was hung up on which way to go regarding removing deleted {{#assessment}} p.fn from pages
    • Time zone difference slows getting feedback+1 ++++
  • We, as an organization, still don't have a good process for getting translations
  • No new citation bot maintainers :(

What else is on your mind?

  • Org stress/conflict/survey/leadership
  • Want to do more pair programming sessions with Frances/Kaldari +1 ++++

Deeper discussions

  • Time zone difference slows getting feedback+1 ++++
  • Want to do more pair programming sessions with Frances/Kaldari +1 ++++
  • Wishlist Survey going well -- starting to think about life after the survey ++

Action Items

  • Help Frances w Turnitin task: Kaldari
  • Kaldari + Danny: Next week - plan when to show people the new GadgetManager on BetaLabs -- once front-end code is done
  • Kaldari, Niharika, Frances: Look for timeslot(s) for pair programming sessions
  • Danny: schedule bug triage meeting Fri, survey assessment mtg Tues after voting ends