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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page Code of Conduct and the translation is 40% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.

Dette er en adfærdskodeks for Wikimedia tekniske rum. Det gælder både inden for fysiske rum, som f.eks. Wikimedia tekniske arrangementer og Wikimedia tekniske præsentationer i andre arrangementer og virtuelle rum. (MediaWiki.org, wikitech.wikimedia.org, Phabricator, Gerrit, technical mailing lists, technical IRC channels, Etherpad, og andre udviklingsorienterede rum, der drives af Wikimedia Foundation).


For at fremme et åbent og indbydende samfund er vi forpligtet til at gøre deltagelse i Wikimedia-tekniske projekter en respektfuld og chikanefri oplevelse for alle, uanset køn, kønsidentitet og udtryk, køn, seksuel orientering, handicap, neuroatypicalitet, fysisk udseende, kropsstørrelse, race, etnicitet, national oprindelse, alder, politisk tilhørsforhold eller religion.

Tekniske færdigheder og fællesskabsstatus gør ingen forskel for retten til at blive respekteret og forpligtelsen til at respektere andre. Nybegyndere og andre bidragydere med begrænset erfaring i vores samfund fortjener en imødekommende holdning og konstruktiv feedback. Prolific bidrag og teknisk ekspertise er ikke en begrundelse for lavere standarder for adfærd.

Uacceptabel adfærd

Chikane og andre former for uhensigtsmæssig adfærd er uacceptable i alle offentlige og private Wikimedia-tekniske rum. Eksempler indbefatter, men er ikke begrænset til:

  • Personlige angreb, vold, trusler mod vold eller bevidst intimidering.
  • Offensiv, nedsættende eller diskriminerende bemærkninger.
  • Gratuitous eller off-topic brug af seksuelt sprog eller billedsprog.
  • Uheldig eller uønsket opmærksomhed, berøring eller fysisk kontakt (seksuel eller ellers).
  • Uheldig eller uønsket offentlig eller privat kommunikation, efter eller nogen form for stalking.
  • Uønsket fotografering eller optagelse.
  • Offentliggørelse af en persons identitet eller anden privat information uden deres samtykke. Oplysning om nogle identificerende oplysninger er ikke godkendt til at videregive andre identificerende oplysninger.
  • Uheldig eller uønsket offentliggørelse af privat kommunikation. Udgivelse eller rapportering af privat kommunikation eller personligt identificerende oplysninger med det formål at rapportere chikane (som forklaret her) og / eller i tilfælde af whistleblowing er acceptabelt.
  • Hæmmer diskussionen eller samfundet med metoder som vedvarende forstyrrelse, afbrydelse eller blokering af fællesskabssamarbejde (dvs. trolling).
  • Discrimination, particularly against marginalised and otherwise underrepresented groups. Targeted outreach to such groups is allowed and encouraged.
  • Using the code of conduct system for purposes other than reporting genuine violations of the code of conduct (e.g., retaliating against a reporter or victim by filing a report claiming their response was harassment).
  • Attempting to circumvent a decision of the Committee, e.g. unblocking someone during a period the Committee banned them.

Report a problem

In case of threats of harm and other urgent situations, notify the relevant authorities first (if possible) and email the Wikimedia Foundation via emergency@wikimedia.org (more information).

People who experience or observe unacceptable behaviour are encouraged to follow any of these steps:

  1. Ask the person who is behaving unacceptably to stop. Make them aware of this Code of Conduct.
  2. If you are at an event, report the problem to the event organisers, or a designated contact.
  3. Report the problem directly to the Code of Conduct Committee via techconduct@wikimedia.org. You can also send a report to the Committee if you reported an incident elsewhere but were not satisfied with the response.

Reports can be as short as a notification with a link, but more information will help us understand what is happening. You can include:

  • Your contact information (e.g. Wikimedia and Phabricator usernames), if you want to identify yourself.
  • Your account of the incident:
    • Where and when it happened.
    • A description of the unacceptable behaviour.
    • Who was involved and who saw it happen.
    • Whether the incident is ongoing.
  • Any additional information that will help us fully understand the problem, such as previous incidents or special circumstances.
  • Links to public records of the incident, if any.
  • Screenshots showing what exactly happened.

Reports are processed confidentially. For more information, see Confidentiality.

Go to Code of Conduct/Cases to learn about how reports to the Committee are processed.

Attribution and re-use

This Code of Conduct is adapted from the Contributor Covenant (revision 49054013), the jQuery Code of Conduct (revision 91777886), the Open Code of Conduct (v1.0), and the Citizen Code of Conduct, along with the WMF Friendly space policy.

Text from the Contributor Covenant and the jQuery Code of Conduct is used under the MIT Licence (Contributor Covenant has changed its licence to CC BY 4.0 now). The text from the Open Code of Conduct is used under a Creative Commons Attribution licence. The text from the Citizen Code of Conduct is used under a Creative Commons Share-alike Attribution licence. The overall text is under MediaWiki.org's standard licence (CC BY-SA 4.0).

We value each other's contributions and each contributor's commitment to making our technical spaces friendly spaces for everyone. We encourage other projects to adopt and adapt this code of conduct regardless of whether they use Wikimedia technical infrastructure.

See also