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Code Health Group/20171115

From mediawiki.org

Attendees: JR, Erik, Greg



UPDATE: JR and Erika spoke a bit about Code Health attributes.  More to talk about, but some thoughts:

- Why do we want to measure things?  To work towards a goal/target, to identify teams that are succeeding in order to help teams that are struggling, or a bit of both?

Code Stewards and SLAs



Erik thought that the SLAs would perhaps drive people to better manage their task priorities, but isn't sure if there's much value in that.  

JR made some changes to the developers/maintainers page that ended up getting reverted due to the including of draft SLAs.  Thinking about removing the SLA part and implementing that Stewardship portions in order to start transitioning the language. 

Two sided contracts (Kunal's thread)

Erik doesn't really experience much of a problem with "drive-by" commits due to the nature of their code.  

JR mentioned that perhaps having prerequisites would help with the SLAs in that we could encourage contributors to follow an approach in order to get priority engagement from the foundation.  

JR mentioned Erika's idea of having reinforcement come from the system when contributors follow both the desired and undesired approaches (When defined).  Contributor's current lack of following prerequisites may be a lack on knowledge thing.  

Extension Ranking (Jon's thread)


- Look to more broadly apply these kinds of things.  

- Call out extension specific items

JR will reach out to Jon about the broader application of these ideas.  

Code Health office hours


- good/bad idea?  Seems like other office hours struggle.  

Erik's experience has been that they're not usually attended by those that they are intended to help.

JR will likely do it for a while to see if it leads to some informal discussion regarding Code Health

JR's thinking of doing some kind of newsletter on a montly basis.  Greg thinks this is worth pursuing.