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Cli/ref/mw wiki page put

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mw wiki page put


MediaWiki Wiki Page Put

mw wiki page put [flags]


# Put "foo" on the "mwcli-test" page on test.wikipedia.org
put --wiki https://test.wikipedia.org/w/api.php --user ${user} --password ${password} --title "mwcli-test" <<< "foo"


      --bot              Bot edit
      --createonly       Don't edit the page if it exists already.
      --minor            Minor edit
      --nocreate         Throw an error if the page doesn't exist.
      --recreate         Override any errors about the page having been deleted in the meantime.
      --summary string   Summary of the edit (default "mwcli edit")

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help              Help for this command
      --no-interaction    Do not ask any interactive questions
      --password string   Password of the user to interact with
      --title string      Title of the page
      --user string       A user to interact using
  -v, --verbose count     Increase output verbosity. Example: --verbose=2 or -vv
      --wiki string       URL of wikis api.php

