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Cli/ref/mw tools exec

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mw tools exec


Execute commands as a tool



Tools exec


Allows you to run commands on tools.

This includes running as your user, or as a tool user by specifying –tool


mw tools exec [flags] [command & arguments] -- [command flags]


exec whoami                                                     # Run the whoami command as you on tools
exec --tool=mytool whoami                                       # Run the whoami command as the specified tool
exec --tool=mytool rm foo                                       # Remove the file called foo from the tool
exec --tool=mytool webservice -- --backend=kubernetes start     # Starts a kubernetes webservice on mytool
exec --tool=mytool webservice restart                           # Restart the webservice of mytool
exec --tool=mytool webservice shell                             # Start a shell in a webservice pod for mytool
exec --tool=mytool -- kubectl get pods -o=json 2> /dev/null     # Get JSON output of pods of mytool, ignoring stdout


  -t, --tool string   Tool to execute command on

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help             Help for this command
      --no-interaction   Do not ask any interactive questions
  -v, --verbose count    Increase output verbosity. Example: --verbose=2 or -vv


  • mw tools - Interact with any Wikimedia “Tool”