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Cli/ref/mw gitlab variable update

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mw gitlab variable update


Update an existing project or group variable

mw gitlab variable update <key> <value> [flags]


glab variable update WITH_ARG "some value"
glab variable update FROM_FLAG -v "some value"
glab variable update FROM_ENV_WITH_ARG "${ENV_VAR}"
glab variable update FROM_ENV_WITH_FLAG -v"${ENV_VAR}"
glab variable update FROM_FILE < secret.txt
cat file.txt | glab variable update SERVER_TOKEN
cat token.txt | glab variable update GROUP_TOKEN -g mygroup --scope=prod


  -g, --group string   Set variable for a group
  -m, --masked         Whether the variable is masked
  -p, --protected      Whether the variable is protected
  -r, --raw            Whether the variable is treated as a raw string
  -s, --scope string   The environment_scope of the variable. All (*), or specific environments (default "*")
  -t, --type string    The type of a variable: {env_var|file} (default "env_var")
      --value string   The value of a variable

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help              Help for this command
      --no-interaction    Do not ask any interactive questions
  -R, --repo OWNER/REPO   Select another repository using the OWNER/REPO or `GROUP/NAMESPACE/REPO` format or full URL or git URL
  -v, --verbose count     Increase output verbosity. Example: --verbose=2 or -vv

