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Cli/ref/mw gitlab repo view

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mw gitlab repo view


View a project/repository



Display the description and README of a project or open it in the browser.

mw gitlab repo view [repository] [flags]


# view project information for the current directory (must be a git repository)
$ glab repo view

# view project information of specified name
$ glab repo view my-project
$ glab repo view user/repo
$ glab repo view group/namespace/repo

# specify repo by full [git] URL
$ glab repo view git@gitlab.com:user/repo.git
$ glab repo view https://gitlab.company.org/user/repo
$ glab repo view https://gitlab.company.org/user/repo.git


  -b, --branch string   View a specific branch of the repository
  -F, --output string   Format output as: text, json (default "text")
  -w, --web             Open a project in the browser

Options inherited from parent commands

      --help             Help for this command
      --no-interaction   Do not ask any interactive questions
  -v, --verbose count    Increase output verbosity. Example: --verbose=2 or -vv

