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Cli/ref/mw docker mediawiki exec

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mw docker mediawiki exec


Executes a command in the MediaWiki container

mw docker mediawiki exec [flags] [command...]


exec bash                                               # Run bash as your system user
exec --user root -- bash                                # Run bash as root
exec -- composer phpunit:unit                           # Run a composer command (php unit tests)
exec -- composer phpunit tests/phpunit/unit/includes/xml/XmlTest.php                 # Run a single test
exec -- MW_DB=other composer phpunit tests/phpunit/unit/includes/xml/XmlTest.php     # Run a single test for another database
exec -- php maintenance/run.php update --quick          # Run a MediaWiki maintenance script
exec -- tail -f /var/log/mediawiki/debug.log            # Follow the MediaWiki debug log file


  -u, --user string   User to run as, defaults to current OS user uid:gid (default "0:0")

Options inherited from parent commands

  -c, --context string   The context to use (default "default")
      --help             Help for this command
      --no-interaction   Do not ask any interactive questions
  -v, --verbose count    Increase output verbosity. Example: --verbose=2 or -vv

