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Category talk:All skins

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Gallery of Skin Screenshots?

KenshStarrJr (talkcontribs)

I'd also like to see the All Skins page as a gallery of screenshots/thumbnails so that I don't have to click into each skin to see its preview. Not sure if there is a template for a Gallery in Wikipedia, but I think this would benefit most people trying to choose a skin?

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New Subcategory: Skins: Dark Modes

KenshStarrJr (talkcontribs)

I feel like there should be a new subcategory of all skins that could be classified as dark mode skins. I don't know anything about designing skins, but I think the classifying could be done by the designers of the skins themselves perhaps when uploading their skins? Somehow tagging them with a Dark Mode tag would place them in the Dark Mode subcategory?

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