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CREDIT showcase/2017-03-01

From mediawiki.org

Notes from the CREDIT showcase held 1-March-2017.

About the CREDIT showcase


Learn more about the CREDIT showcase.



Video: WebM on Commons or YouTube



1. Presenter, name of your project:   Stephen Niedzielski, localized Android app independent of system language


0:28 start - YouTube

What does it do? / Why is it awesome? Localizes the Wikipedia for Android native user interface chrome to the app language regardless of the system language.

How can people find out more information if they'd like to learn more? (Contact name, wiki page, phab ticket, etc.) https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T142019

2. Presenter, name of your project: Gergő Tisza, Developer Wishlist


4:35 start - YouTube

What does it do? / Why is it awesome? Helps prioritize efforts; some of the tools developed for it can be reused for other kinds of outreach

How can people find out more information if they'd like to learn more? (Contact name, wiki page, phab ticket, etc.)

info: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_Wishlist

results: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Developer_Wishlist/2017/results

3. Presenter, name of your project: Gergő Tisza, PsySH   (much of the credit is due to Antoine Musso who could not participate)


8:48 start - YouTube

What does it do? / Why is it awesome? It's like eval.php except it does not suck.

How can people find out more information if they'd like to learn more? (Contact name, wiki page, phab ticket, etc.)


Questions? Comments?

  • How does this compare to mwrepl which provides breakpoints, access check bypass (private/protected), etc?
    • access check bypass would be easy to add; it includes a full PHP parser and you can manipulate commands before they are executed
    • not sure about breakpoints (is that a HHVM feature?) you can use PsySH as a sort of breakpoint though, just drop eval( \Psy\sh() ) in your code and you get a prompt
    • mwrepl itself is just  the hhvm debug mode with mediawiki loaded, so yes it's hhvm specific. 

4.  Presenter, name of your project: Jan Drewniak - 'Explore Similar' feature for search results 


12:15 start - YouTube

What does it do? / Why is it awesome? adds categories and related pages directly search results 

How can people find out more information if they'd like to learn more? (Contact name, wiki page, phab ticket, etc.)

  • Install the userscript `importScript( 'User:JDrewniak_(WMF)/exploreSimilarSearchResults.js' );`