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Architecture committee/2016-09-21

From mediawiki.org
The TechCom planning meeting is a weekly invite-only video discussion, generally held on Wednesday 13:00 USA Pacific Time.
See also TechCom-RFC workboard in Phabricator. (Private minutes)



This section will also serve as the collaboratively edited minutes of the meeting, and will as the official minutes of the meeting. Attendees: Fill in the important details in this section, but try to keep this concise and NPOV (easy way: use questions).  Put any prep information in this section if appropriate

Intro section


10 minutes (starting 21:00 UTC)

  • Action items
    • Moved under individual people in the RFC status update section
  • Review 2016W36 RfC office hour (2016-09-07)
    • E269 - Discussion about WikiDev17
      • We all need to make sure we’re individually talking with Quim
  • Last week's minutes
  • Update attendee list
    • In attendance: Brion, Daniel, Kevin, RobLa, Tim
    • Invited: Brion, Daniel, Gabriel, Kevin, Roan, RobLa, Tim, Timo
    • RSVP
      • yes:
      • no:
      • maybe/unknown:

RFC status update


20 minutes (starting 21:10 UTC)

Spend roughly 20 minutes ensuring Architecture committee/Status is up-to-date. Checklist of the questions we should answer:

  • Who is chairing the upcoming IRC meeting?
  • Conclude last week's "final comment period"? Do we have anything that should enter "final comment"?
  • For each upcoming meeting, do we anticipate the RFC moving into "final comment"?
  • Picking an RFC for next week:
    • Phab board triage
      • ArchCom-RfCs board - "Inbox" column
        • T145604 Future of magic links  - Tim will shepherd...
        • T145472 Surveying Cookie Use… Rob will shepherd
        • T40417 MediaWiki's anonymous edit token leaves wiki installations (incl. Wikipedia) open to mass anonymous spam we can't block...
        • T129842 Code Review Committee...
      • Architecture board - "Discuss at next ArchCom Planning meeting" column
    • ArchComStatus discussion / ArchCom-Has-Shepherd board
      • Brion Vibber.
        • TMH - wrapping up in 3 weeks(?)
      • Daniel Kinzler
        • MCR
        • Sites refactoring
      • Gabriel Wicke...
      • Rob Lanphier
        • Wikimedia Product & Tech Onsite
          • Dev Summit discussion
          • Wikitext discussion
        • Completed action items
          • ACTION: Moving T589 to “in discussion” (done)
          • ACTION: Rob: populate inbox for meeting in two weeks (done)
            • I don't get to really take credit for this....it just happened  :-)
          • ACTION: Rob: does “last call” belong on wikitech-l (per Timo) (filed as T146307)
          • ACTION: Brion and Rob to discuss next FY16-17Q2 Wikimedia Architecture Team goals (done, and ongoing)
          • ACTION: Rob: Bring up MCR on behalf of Daniel at WMF onsite (done-ish)
          • ACTION: Rob: shepherd Parsing/Notes/Wikitext_2.0 (assigned; page is now Requests for comment/A Spec For Wikitext)
          • ACTION: Rob: announce cancellation of Phab:E271 (done)
      • Roan Kattouw...
      • Tim Starling.
        • Planning Parser Test features for Tidy replacement
      • Timo Tijhof
        • Status check:
          • ACTION: Timo: figure out who should shepherd T133462 (load multi-file .js packages)
    • Are responsibilities balanced well between ArchCom members?
    • Which RFCs are listed as "needs triage"?
    • Do we have an RFC selected for next week's meeting?
      • This week: Dev Summit
        • Dev Summit
        • ACTION: Brion and RobLa to meet about Dev Summit
      • T145604 Future of magic links

Other business/planning


20 minutes (starting 21:30 UTC)