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Architecture committee/2016-04-13

From mediawiki.org
The TechCom planning meeting is a weekly invite-only video discussion, generally held on Wednesday 13:00 USA Pacific Time.
See also TechCom-RFC workboard in Phabricator. (Private minutes)

Agenda timeline

  • Agenda bashing and action item check 21:00 (5 minutes)
  • Last week+this week’s RfC office hour 21:05 (5 minutes)
  • RfC inbox triage 21:10 (10 minutes)
  • Shepherd assignments 21:20 (5 minutes)
  • Queue for future RfC office hours 21:25 (5 minutes)
  • Other business 21:30 (10 minutes)
  • Next week’s ArchCom agenda 21:40 (10 minutes)

Meeting summary

  • Action items
    • (anything from last week (E157)?)
    • Daniel: talk about setting up a working group for DI
  • Last week+this week’s RfC office hour
  • RFC Status Update editing
    • See below
  • Queue for future RfC office hours:
  • Other business 0:30 (10 minutes)
    • Gabriel out next week.
  • Next week’s ArchCom agenda 0:40 (10 minutes)

Status update


RFC "Needs shepherd" column


From the ArchCom-RFC board

Approved RFCs


T108655 Standardise access to JavaScript interfaces (Roan): Previously approved. Implementation landed in master this week.

Entering Final Comment Period


No RFCs entered FCP this week.

This week's IRC meeting


Next week’s IRC meeting

  • T91162 Shadow namespaces (brion): A proposed mechanism for sharing content like templates or modules cross-wiki, similar to how InstantCommons and foreign file repos work. Kunal is getting ready to work on this.