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Architecture committee/2016-04-06

From mediawiki.org
Video call scheduled for 2016-04-06 at 20:00 UTC/1pm PDT (Private minutes)

Meeting summary


RFC status update


Gabriel sent out the RFC summary from last week to wikitech-l: ArchCom RFC update

In 2016-04-06 ArchCom Planning Meeting (E157), Gabriel and Tim both identified T114445 (balanced templates) as important, with Gabriel highlighting T130567 and T114072. Timo (on behalf of Roan) brought up T108655 (Standardise on how to access/register JavaScript interfaces), and he also listedT130663 (RFC: Reference API requirements and options) as work that needs to continue.

At E159, we plan to disucss Hygienic transclusions and balanced templates (2016-04-13, #wikimedia-office)

More details: