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Architecture committee/2015-06-17

From mediawiki.org

People present: Daniel, Gabriel, Ori, Tim, S

Minutes from

Pending action items


Finalize Architecture focus 2015, decide what to do with it.

  • Tim: enhanced RC RFC: put in phab

RFCs to triage


Nothing new in inbox. We reviewed RFCs assigned to c'tee members, moved some tasks out of "under discussion" Daniel: phab:T73236 is worthwhile, needs review.

IRC meeting scheduling


This week


Next week

  • Architecture_focus_2015
    • But have an agenda which deals with specific issues from this document
      • not content platform, since we will have met the day before on it
    • What are the problems we are trying to solve?
    • What are the pain points?
    • Are we missing anything major?
    • Is it clear?

Other business


Daniel working on mapping content storage blob; integrating different storage solutions, content models, and content roles with current revision management. Gabriel: currently given title + revision ID, you can reach out to different services and get their content

"Content platform" meeting scheduled for next Tuesday same time as this, not a lot of notice.

Status of Architecture focus 2015 ? It overlaps phab tasks, but it's a story about them.

New action items

  • Tim: request Mark Bergsma nominate a deputy to review the priorities & focus