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Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/stackoverflow-com-2015-election-results

From mediawiki.org



SecurePoll and OpenSTV agree on elected candidates.

Election setup

  • Candidates: 10
  • Seats: 3
  • Votes: 26657

Actual results latest


See: https://vote.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:SecurePoll/tally/1249

Actual results archive





Output from OpenSTV: https://stackoverflow.com/election/6

Loading ballots from file stackoverflow-com-2015-election-results.blt.
Ballot file contains 10 candidates and 26657 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 26657 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for Stack Overflow Moderator Election 2015 using Meek STV.
10 candidates running for 3 seats.

 R|Candidate 1   |Candidate 2   |Candidate 3   |Candidate 4   |Candidate 5   
  |Candidate 6   |Candidate 7   |Candidate 8   |Candidate 9   |Candidate 10  
  |Exhausted     |Surplus       |Threshold     
 1|   1829.000000|   3181.000000|   7167.000000|   2110.000000|   2883.000000
  |   1871.000000|   1924.000000|   1874.000000|   1792.000000|   2026.000000
  |      0.000000|    502.749999|   6664.250001
  | Count of first choices. Candidate Candidate 3 has reached the threshold
  | and is elected.
 2|   1884.486277|   3244.062153|   6664.256451|   2168.853333|   2973.700071
  |   1897.726007|   2002.284052|   1903.040858|   1837.735844|   2056.864680
  |     23.990274|      6.004019|   6658.252432
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 3, 0.929853.
 3|   2063.518919|   3469.163321|   6913.457055|   2349.972443|   3218.432562
  |   2041.636297|   2201.998601|   2056.231736|              |   2241.336146
  |    101.252920|    274.520284|   6638.936771
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 9 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 4|   2095.899513|   3507.672967|   6638.941985|   2385.749861|   3271.821774
  |   2058.288119|   2249.369527|   2074.249672|              |   2260.461742
  |    114.544840|      3.328194|   6635.613791
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 3, 0.892931.
 5|   2249.145894|   3700.381935|   6831.815081|   2582.424518|   3493.350915
  |              |   2385.329012|   2669.813124|              |   2492.277779
  |    252.461742|    230.680516|   6601.134565
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 6 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 6|   2277.064794|   3733.999185|   6601.137431|   2613.237818|   3539.631165
  |              |   2425.971212|   2687.782524|              |   2510.096429
  |    268.079442|      3.907291|   6597.230140
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 3, 0.862781.
 7|              |   4067.444816|   6917.778058|   2840.606346|   3931.129588
  |              |   2635.065302|   2931.269453|              |   2811.250635
  |    522.455802|    384.142008|   6533.636050
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 1 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 8|              |   4128.001792|   6533.643696|   2894.935152|   4019.857056
  |              |   2704.916624|   2964.182936|              |   2843.110120
  |    568.352624|     11.481851|   6522.161845
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 3, 0.814872.
 9|              |   4561.983264|   6983.453040|   3270.774080|   4415.061608
  |              |              |   3197.323936|              |   3160.140352
  |   1068.263720|    586.268969|   6397.184071
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 7 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
10|              |   4670.616756|   6397.187910|   3363.810320|   4562.893457
  |              |              |   3252.872044|              |   3213.773008
  |   1195.846505|     31.899536|   6365.288374
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 3, 0.746463.
11|              |   5158.787659|   6683.829702|   3707.022540|   5000.514842
  |              |              |   3737.605486|              |              
  |   2369.239771|    611.889644|   6071.940058
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 10 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
12|              |   5275.438918|   6071.940204|   3804.061080|   5155.366484
  |              |              |   3797.605372|              |              
  |   2552.587942|     45.837189|   6026.103015
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 3, 0.678126.
13|              |   5284.177051|   6026.104678|   3811.330060|   5166.966138
  |              |              |   3802.099854|              |              
  |   2566.322219|      3.435232|   6022.669446
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: Candidate 3, 0.673007.
14|              |   5762.488659|   6388.855451|   4226.508521|   5635.741522
  |              |              |              |              |              
  |   4643.405847|   1276.890015|   5503.398539
  | Count after eliminating Candidate 8 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated. Candidates Candidate 2 and Candidate 5 have
  | reached the threshold and are elected.

Winners are Candidate 2, Candidate 3, and Candidate 5.




  • Where you tested: local docker using phpunit
  • Latest version of SecurePoll tested: 3.0.0 (f06e679) 21:48, 24 August 2021