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Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/irish 2002 general election dublin west/archive

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commit 829547c9573b196bd6e832893caa97e51510e575


Tally page




Election for 3 seats with 9 candidates. Total 29,988 votes.

  1. "5"
  2. "4"
  3. "2"

Eliminated/Not elected

  • "8"
  • "1"
  • "6"
  • "7"
  • "3"
  • "9"

Rounds table

Round Number Tally Result
  1. "5": 8,086
  2. "4": 6,442
  3. "2": 3,810
  4. "9": 3,694
  5. "6": 2,404
  6. "7": 2,370
  7. "3": 2,300
  8. "1": 748
  9. "8": 134
Quota: 7,497.000001
  1. "5": 8,086
  2. "4": 6,442
  3. "2": 3,810
  4. "9": 3,694
  5. "6": 2,404
  6. "7": 2,370
  7. "3": 2,300
  8. "1": 748
  9. "8": 134
Quota: 7,497.000001

Elected: "5"

  1. "5": 8,086 - 588.999999 = 7,497.000001 (keep factor: 0.927158)
  2. "4": 6,442 + 67.743012 = 6,509.743012
  3. "2": 3,810 + 54.995671 = 3,864.995671
  4. "9": 3,694 + 43.486644 = 3,737.486644
  5. "3": 2,300 + 298.360623 = 2,598.360623
  6. "7": 2,370 + 70.219639 = 2,440.219639
  7. "6": 2,404 + 24.037843 = 2,428.037843
  8. "1": 748 + 8.085456 = 756.085456
  9. "8": 134 + 1.092629 = 135.092629
Quota: 7,491.755381

Eliminated: "8" Transferring votes

  1. "5": 7,497.000001 + 16.065097 = 7,513.065098 (keep factor: 0.926509)
  2. "4": 6,509.743012 + 18.897165 = 6,528.640177
  3. "2": 3,864.995671 + 4.563187 = 3,869.558859
  4. "9": 3,737.486644 + 20.534198 = 3,758.020842
  5. "3": 2,598.360623 + 14.053007 = 2,612.41363
  6. "7": 2,440.219639 + 13.698746 = 2,453.918385
  7. "6": 2,428.037843 + 17.434511 = 2,445.472354
  8. "1": 756.085456 + 18.218976 = 774.304433
Quota: 7,488.848445

Eliminated: "1" Transferring votes

  1. "5": 7,513.065098 + 34.888823 = 7,547.953921 (keep factor: 0.923523)
  2. "4": 6,528.640177 + 195.936444 = 6,724.576622
  3. "2": 3,869.558859 + 198.552021 = 4,068.11088
  4. "9": 3,758.020842 + 68.088957 = 3,826.109799
  5. "3": 2,612.41363 + 55.730466 = 2,668.144095
  6. "7": 2,453.918385 + 94.258453 = 2,548.176838
  7. "6": 2,445.472354 + 74.447531 = 2,519.919885
Quota: 7,475.748011

Transferring votes

  1. "5": 7,547.953921 - 72.20591 = 7,475.748011 (keep factor: 0.914688)
  2. "4": 6,724.576622 + 8.384119 = 6,732.960741
  3. "2": 4,068.11088 + 6.944065 = 4,075.054945
  4. "9": 3,826.109799 + 5.442168 = 3,831.551967
  5. "3": 2,668.144095 + 36.752305 = 2,704.8964
  6. "7": 2,548.176838 + 8.684499 = 2,556.861337
  7. "6": 2,519.919885 + 3.10981 = 2,523.029695
Quota: 7,475.025775

Eliminated: "6" Transferring votes

  1. "4": 6,732.960741 + 1,068.612862 = 7,801.573603
  2. "5": 7,475.748011 + 282.803763 = 7,758.551774 (keep factor: 0.9146)
  3. "2": 4,075.054945 + 270.364258 = 4,345.419203
  4. "9": 3,831.551967 + 137.787235 = 3,969.339202
  5. "3": 2,704.8964 + 237.717614 = 2,942.614014
  6. "7": 2,556.861337 + 95.698466 = 2,652.559803
Quota: 7,367.514401

Elected: "4" Transferring votes

  1. "5": 7,758.551774 - 315.656202 = 7,442.895572 (keep factor: 0.868503)
  2. "4": 7,801.573603 - 386.870627 = 7,414.702976 (keep factor: 0.944363)
  3. "2": 4,345.419203 + 189.006411 = 4,534.425613
  4. "9": 3,969.339202 + 79.837706 = 4,049.176908
  5. "3": 2,942.614014 + 240.334927 = 3,182.948941
  6. "7": 2,652.559803 + 82.219901 = 2,734.779704
Quota: 7,339.732429

Eliminated: "7" Transferring votes

  1. "5": 7,442.895572 + 609.713817 = 8,052.609389 (keep factor: 0.856465)
  2. "4": 7,414.702976 + 235.42366 = 7,650.126636 (keep factor: 0.934814)
  3. "2": 4,534.425613 + 575.678279 = 5,110.103892
  4. "9": 4,049.176908 + 698.986425 = 4,748.163333
  5. "3": 3,182.948941 + 393.532745 = 3,576.481686
Quota: 7,284.371235

Eliminated: "3" Transferring votes

  1. "5": 8,052.609389 + 660.32904 = 8,712.938429 (keep factor: 0.774757)
  2. "4": 7,650.126636 + 279.348288 = 7,929.474924 (keep factor: 0.89012)
  3. "2": 5,110.103892 + 914.971305 = 6,025.075197
  4. "9": 4,748.163333 + 607.160077 = 5,355.32341
Quota: 7,005.702991

Transferring votes

  1. "4": 7,929.474924 - 608.237185 = 7,321.237739 (keep factor: 0.786423)
  2. "5": 8,712.938429 - 1,574.938033 = 7,138.000396 (keep factor: 0.622949)
  3. "2": 6,025.075197 + 815.918678 = 6,840.993875
  4. "9": 5,355.32341 + 512.494819 = 5,867.818229
Quota: 6,792.012561

Elected: "2" Transferring votes

(Results from 13:38, 4 August 2021)

PHP output


Output from SecurePoll (var_export( $this->tallier->resultsLog );): irish_2002_general_election_dublin_west/actual