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Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/20 6 5100 106188776

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SecurePoll and OpenSTV agree on elected candidates.

This is similar to 20_6_5100_1090197746.

Election setup

  • Candidates: 20
  • Seats: 6
  • Votes: 5100

Actual results latest


Output from SecurePoll tally.php: /actual

Output from SecurePoll var_export( $this->tallier->resultsLog );: https://github.com/dominic998/SecurePoll-Test-Data/blob/main/test_data/20_6_5100_106188776.blt.php

SecurePoll tally page: https://vote.wikimedia.beta.wmflabs.org/wiki/Special:SecurePoll/tally/2276

Actual results archive





Output from OpenSTV:

Loading ballots from file 20_6_5100_106188776.blt.
Ballot file contains 20 candidates and 5100 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 5100 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for ElectionTitle using Meek STV.
20 candidates running for 6 seats.

 R|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          
  |7          |8          |9          |10         |11         |12         
  |13         |14         |15         |16         |17         |18         
  |19         |20         |Exhausted  |Surplus    |Threshold  
 1|1092.000000|1093.000000|1093.000000|1093.000000| 729.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|1457.142855| 728.571429
  | Count of first choices. Candidates 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 have reached the
  | threshold and are elected.
 2| 728.571480| 728.571940| 728.571940| 728.571940| 728.572077|   0.000587
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|1457.140036|1040.816542| 520.408567
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.667190; 2, 0.666580; 3, 0.666580; 4,
  | 0.666580; and 5, 0.999413.
 3| 520.408980| 520.408997| 520.408997| 520.408997| 520.409043|   0.286133
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|2497.668853| 743.237049| 371.761593
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.476565; 2, 0.476129; 3, 0.476129; 4,
  | 0.476129; and 5, 0.713867.
 4| 371.762664| 371.762090| 371.762090| 371.762090| 371.762298|   0.490038
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|3240.698730| 530.738892| 265.614468
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.340442; 2, 0.340130; 3, 0.340130; 4,
  | 0.340130; and 5, 0.509962.
 5| 265.614804| 265.615395| 265.615395| 265.615395| 265.614795|   0.635645
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|3771.288571| 378.996189| 189.815919
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.243237; 2, 0.243015; 3, 0.243015; 4,
  | 0.243015; and 5, 0.364355.
 6| 189.816900| 189.816938| 189.816938| 189.816938| 189.816291|   0.739621
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4150.176374| 270.638555| 135.689090
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.173825; 2, 0.173666; 3, 0.173666; 4,
  | 0.173666; and 5, 0.260379.
 7| 135.689736| 135.689392| 135.689392| 135.689392| 135.689499|   0.813869
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4420.738720| 193.260781|  97.037326
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.124258; 2, 0.124144; 3, 0.124144; 4,
  | 0.124144; and 5, 0.186131.
 8|  97.038396|  97.037633|  97.037633|  97.037633|  97.037919|   0.866889
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4613.943897| 138.006279|  69.436587
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.088863; 2, 0.088781; 3, 0.088781; 4,
  | 0.088781; and 5, 0.133111.
 9|  69.437004|  69.437197|  69.437197|  69.437197|  69.437250|   0.904750
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4751.909405|  98.549705|  49.727228
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.063587; 2, 0.063529; 3, 0.063529; 4,
  | 0.063529; and 5, 0.095250.
10|  49.727496|  49.728221|  49.728221|  49.728221|  49.727277|   0.931787
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4850.428777|  70.374276|  35.653032
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.045538; 2, 0.045497; 3, 0.045497; 4,
  | 0.045497; and 5, 0.068213.
11|  35.653800|  35.653660|  35.653660|  35.653660|  35.653203|   0.951093
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4920.780924|  50.254353|  25.602726
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.032650; 2, 0.032620; 3, 0.032620; 4,
  | 0.032620; and 5, 0.048907.
12|  25.603032|  25.603525|  25.603525|  25.603525|  25.603209|   0.964879
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|4971.018305|  35.887031|  18.425957
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.023446; 2, 0.023425; 3, 0.023425; 4,
  | 0.023425; and 5, 0.035121.
13|  18.426408|  18.426887|  18.426887|  18.426887|  18.426204|   0.974724
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5006.892003|  25.627558|  13.301143
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.016874; 2, 0.016859; 3, 0.016859; 4,
  | 0.016859; and 5, 0.025276.
14|  13.301652|  13.301810|  13.301810|  13.301810|  13.301334|   0.981754
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5032.509830|  18.301151|   9.641453
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.012181; 2, 0.012170; 3, 0.012170; 4,
  | 0.012170; and 5, 0.018246.
15|   9.642360|   9.642446|   9.642446|   9.642446|   9.641754|   0.986774
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5050.801774|  13.069857|   7.028319
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.008830; 2, 0.008822; 3, 0.008822; 4,
  | 0.008822; and 5, 0.013226.
16|   7.029204|   7.029083|   7.029083|   7.029083|   7.029018|   0.990358
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5063.864171|   9.334161|   5.162262
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.006437; 2, 0.006431; 3, 0.006431; 4,
  | 0.006431; and 5, 0.009642.
17|   5.162976|   5.163332|   5.163332|   5.163332|   5.162778|   0.992918
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5073.191332|   6.666700|   3.829810
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.004728; 2, 0.004724; 3, 0.004724; 4,
  | 0.004724; and 5, 0.007082.
18|   3.830736|   3.829872|   3.829872|   3.829872|   3.830166|   0.994746
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5079.854736|   4.761043|   2.877895
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.003508; 2, 0.003504; 3, 0.003504; 4,
  | 0.003504; and 5, 0.005254.
19|   2.878512|   2.878962|   2.878962|   2.878962|   2.878092|   0.996052
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5084.610458|   3.400955|   2.198507
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.002636; 2, 0.002634; 3, 0.002634; 4,
  | 0.002634; and 5, 0.003948.
20|   2.199288|   2.199116|   2.199116|   2.199116|   2.198664|   0.996984
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5088.007716|   2.429380|   1.713184
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.002014; 2, 0.002012; 3, 0.002012; 4,
  | 0.002012; and 5, 0.003016.
21|   1.713348|   1.713824|   1.713824|   1.713824|   1.713879|   0.997649
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5090.433652|   1.735589|   1.366622
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.001569; 2, 0.001568; 3, 0.001568; 4,
  | 0.001568; and 5, 0.002351.
22|   1.367184|   1.367343|   1.367343|   1.367343|   1.366875|   0.998125
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|5092.165787|   1.240218|   1.119174
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.001252; 2, 0.001251; 3, 0.001251; 4,
  | 0.001251; and 5, 0.001875.
23|   1.119300|   1.119232|   1.119232|   1.119232|   1.119744|   0.998464
  |           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |5093.404796|   0.942166|   0.942173
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.001025; 2, 0.001024; 3, 0.001024; 4,
  | 0.001024; and 5, 0.001536. Candidate 6 has reached the threshold and
  | is elected.

Winners are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6.




  • Where you tested: local docker and beta
  • Latest version of SecurePoll tested: 3.0.0 (624ef32) 00:10, 28 September 2021.