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Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/20 6 5001 819859726

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This is a slight modification to 20_6_5000_536228607, which gives results which agree between SecurePoll and OpenSTV.

Election setup

  • Candidates: 20
  • Seats: 6
  • Votes: 5001



Output from SecurePoll: https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/P16838

Actual tally: SP 3.0.0 (58bf4c8)




Election for 6 seats with 20 candidates. Total 5,001 votes.

  1. "10"
  2. "19"
  3. "20"
  4. "18"
  5. "17"
  6. "16"

Eliminated/Not elected

  • "1"
  • "2"
  • "3"
  • "4"
  • "5"
  • "6"
  • "7"
  • "8"
  • "9"
  • "11"
  • "12"
  • "13"
  • "14"
  • "15"

Rounds table


The following table describes the calculations that happened in order to achieve the result above. In each round of calculation, the candidate(s) who achieved more votes than the quota are declared elected. Their surplus votes above the quota are redistributed to the remaining candidates. If nobody achieves the quota, the lowest ranking candidate is eliminated and their votes are redistributed to the remaining candidates. To understand this better, please refer to this link.

Round Number Tally Result
  1. "10": 716
  2. "20": 226
  3. "12": 226
  4. "19": 226
  5. "18": 226
  6. "17": 226
  7. "16": 226
  8. "15": 226
  9. "14": 226
  10. "13": 226
  11. "11": 226
  12. "2": 225
  13. "9": 225
  14. "8": 225
  15. "7": 225
  16. "6": 225
  17. "5": 225
  18. "4": 225
  19. "3": 225
  20. "1": 225
Quota: 714.428572
  1. "10": 716
  2. "20": 226
  3. "12": 226
  4. "19": 226
  5. "18": 226
  6. "17": 226
  7. "16": 226
  8. "15": 226
  9. "14": 226
  10. "13": 226
  11. "11": 226
  12. "2": 225
  13. "9": 225
  14. "8": 225
  15. "7": 225
  16. "6": 225
  17. "5": 225
  18. "4": 225
  19. "3": 225
  20. "1": 225
Quota: 714.428572

Elected: "10"

  1. "10": 716 - 1.571428 = 714.428572 (keep factor: 0.997805)
  2. "20": 226 + 0.041700 = 226.041700
  3. "19": 226 + 0.039505 = 226.039505
  4. "18": 226 + 0.037310 = 226.037310
  5. "17": 226 + 0.035116 = 226.035116
  6. "16": 226 + 0.032921 = 226.032921
  7. "15": 226 + 0.030726 = 226.030726
  8. "14": 226 + 0.028532 = 226.028532
  9. "13": 226 + 0.026337 = 226.026337
  10. "12": 226 + 0.024142 = 226.024142
  11. "11": 226 + 0.021947 = 226.021947
  12. "9": 225 + 0.019753 = 225.019753
  13. "8": 225 + 0.017558 = 225.017558
  14. "7": 225 + 0.015363 = 225.015363
  15. "6": 225 + 0.013168 = 225.013168
  16. "5": 225 + 0.010974 = 225.010974
  17. "4": 225 + 0.008779 = 225.008779
  18. "3": 225 + 0.006584 = 225.006584
  19. "2": 225 + 0.004389 = 225.004389
  20. "1": 225 + 0.002195 = 225.002195
Quota: 714.263654

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 714.428572 - 0.164918 = 714.263654 (keep factor: 0.997575)
  2. "20": 226.041700 + 0.004376 = 226.046076
  3. "19": 226.039505 + 0.004146 = 226.043651
  4. "18": 226.037310 + 0.003916 = 226.041226
  5. "17": 226.035116 + 0.003685 = 226.038801
  6. "16": 226.032921 + 0.003455 = 226.036376
  7. "15": 226.030726 + 0.003225 = 226.033951
  8. "14": 226.028532 + 0.002994 = 226.031526
  9. "13": 226.026337 + 0.002764 = 226.029101
  10. "12": 226.024142 + 0.002534 = 226.026676
  11. "11": 226.021947 + 0.002304 = 226.024251
  12. "9": 225.019753 + 0.002073 = 225.021826
  13. "8": 225.017558 + 0.001843 = 225.019401
  14. "7": 225.015363 + 0.001612 = 225.016975
  15. "6": 225.013168 + 0.001382 = 225.014550
  16. "5": 225.010974 + 0.001151 = 225.012125
  17. "4": 225.008779 + 0.000921 = 225.009700
  18. "3": 225.006584 + 0.000691 = 225.007275
  19. "2": 225.004389 + 0.000461 = 225.004850
  20. "1": 225.002195 + 0.000230 = 225.002425
Quota: 714.246346

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 714.263654 - 0.017308 = 714.246346 (keep factor: 0.997551)
  2. "20": 226.046076 + 0.000460 = 226.046536
  3. "19": 226.043651 + 0.000435 = 226.044086
  4. "18": 226.041226 + 0.000411 = 226.041637
  5. "17": 226.038801 + 0.000387 = 226.039188
  6. "16": 226.036376 + 0.000363 = 226.036739
  7. "15": 226.033951 + 0.000338 = 226.034289
  8. "14": 226.031526 + 0.000314 = 226.031840
  9. "13": 226.029101 + 0.000290 = 226.029391
  10. "12": 226.026676 + 0.000266 = 226.026942
  11. "11": 226.024251 + 0.000241 = 226.024492
  12. "9": 225.021826 + 0.000217 = 225.022043
  13. "8": 225.019401 + 0.000193 = 225.019594
  14. "7": 225.016975 + 0.000170 = 225.017145
  15. "6": 225.014550 + 0.000145 = 225.014695
  16. "5": 225.012125 + 0.000121 = 225.012246
  17. "4": 225.009700 + 0.000097 = 225.009797
  18. "3": 225.007275 + 0.000073 = 225.007348
  19. "2": 225.004850 + 0.000048 = 225.004898
  20. "1": 225.002425 + 0.000024 = 225.002449
Quota: 714.244530

Eliminated: "1" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 714.246346 - 0.001816 = 714.244530 (keep factor: 0.997548)
  2. "20": 226.046536 + 0.000048 = 226.046584
  3. "19": 226.044086 + 0.000046 = 226.044132
  4. "18": 226.041637 + 0.000043 = 226.041680
  5. "17": 226.039188 + 0.000040 = 226.039228
  6. "16": 226.036739 + 0.000038 = 226.036777
  7. "15": 226.034289 + 0.000036 = 226.034325
  8. "14": 226.031840 + 0.000033 = 226.031873
  9. "13": 226.029391 + 0.000030 = 226.029421
  10. "12": 226.026942 + 0.000028 = 226.026970
  11. "11": 226.024492 + 0.000026 = 226.024518
  12. "9": 225.022043 + 0.000023 = 225.022066
  13. "8": 225.019594 + 0.000020 = 225.019614
  14. "7": 225.017145 + 0.000017 = 225.017162
  15. "6": 225.014695 + 0.000016 = 225.014711
  16. "5": 225.012246 + 0.000013 = 225.012259
  17. "4": 225.009797 + 0.000010 = 225.009807
  18. "3": 225.007348 + 0.000007 = 225.007355
  19. "2": 225.004898 + 0.000006 = 225.004904
Quota: 682.101132

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 714.244530 - 32.143398 = 682.101132 (keep factor: 0.952655)
  2. "20": 226.046584 + 0.852967 = 226.899551
  3. "19": 226.044132 + 0.808074 = 226.852206
  4. "18": 226.041680 + 0.763181 = 226.804861
  5. "17": 226.039228 + 0.718289 = 226.757517
  6. "16": 226.036777 + 0.673395 = 226.710172
  7. "15": 226.034325 + 0.628502 = 226.662827
  8. "14": 226.031873 + 0.583609 = 226.615482
  9. "13": 226.029421 + 0.538716 = 226.568137
  10. "12": 226.026970 + 0.493823 = 226.520793
  11. "11": 226.024518 + 0.448930 = 226.473448
  12. "9": 225.022066 + 0.404037 = 225.426103
  13. "8": 225.019614 + 0.359144 = 225.378758
  14. "7": 225.017162 + 0.314252 = 225.331414
  15. "6": 225.014711 + 0.269358 = 225.284069
  16. "5": 225.012259 + 0.224465 = 225.236724
  17. "4": 225.009807 + 0.179572 = 225.189379
  18. "3": 225.007355 + 0.134679 = 225.142034
  19. "2": 225.004904 + 0.089786 = 225.094690
Quota: 678.721329

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 682.101132 - 3.379803 = 678.721329 (keep factor: 0.947935)
  2. "20": 226.899551 + 0.089687 = 226.989238
  3. "19": 226.852206 + 0.084967 = 226.937173
  4. "18": 226.804861 + 0.080247 = 226.885108
  5. "17": 226.757517 + 0.075526 = 226.833043
  6. "16": 226.710172 + 0.070806 = 226.780978
  7. "15": 226.662827 + 0.066086 = 226.728913
  8. "14": 226.615482 + 0.061365 = 226.676847
  9. "13": 226.568137 + 0.056645 = 226.624782
  10. "12": 226.520793 + 0.051924 = 226.572717
  11. "11": 226.473448 + 0.047204 = 226.520652
  12. "9": 225.426103 + 0.042484 = 225.468587
  13. "8": 225.378758 + 0.037763 = 225.416521
  14. "7": 225.331414 + 0.033042 = 225.364456
  15. "6": 225.284069 + 0.028322 = 225.312391
  16. "5": 225.236724 + 0.023602 = 225.260326
  17. "4": 225.189379 + 0.018882 = 225.208261
  18. "3": 225.142034 + 0.014162 = 225.156196
  19. "2": 225.094690 + 0.009440 = 225.104130
Quota: 678.365951

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 678.721329 - 0.355378 = 678.365951 (keep factor: 0.947438)
  2. "20": 226.989238 + 0.009431 = 226.998669
  3. "19": 226.937173 + 0.008934 = 226.946107
  4. "18": 226.885108 + 0.008438 = 226.893546
  5. "17": 226.833043 + 0.007941 = 226.840984
  6. "16": 226.780978 + 0.007445 = 226.788423
  7. "15": 226.728913 + 0.006948 = 226.735861
  8. "14": 226.676847 + 0.006453 = 226.683300
  9. "13": 226.624782 + 0.005956 = 226.630738
  10. "12": 226.572717 + 0.005460 = 226.578177
  11. "11": 226.520652 + 0.004963 = 226.525615
  12. "9": 225.468587 + 0.004467 = 225.473054
  13. "8": 225.416521 + 0.003971 = 225.420492
  14. "7": 225.364456 + 0.003475 = 225.367931
  15. "6": 225.312391 + 0.002978 = 225.315369
  16. "5": 225.260326 + 0.002482 = 225.262808
  17. "4": 225.208261 + 0.001985 = 225.210246
  18. "3": 225.156196 + 0.001489 = 225.157685
  19. "2": 225.104130 + 0.000993 = 225.105123
Quota: 678.328584

Eliminated: "2" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 678.365951 - 0.037367 = 678.328584 (keep factor: 0.947386)
  2. "20": 226.998669 + 0.000991 = 226.999660
  3. "19": 226.946107 + 0.000940 = 226.947047
  4. "18": 226.893546 + 0.000887 = 226.894433
  5. "17": 226.840984 + 0.000835 = 226.841819
  6. "16": 226.788423 + 0.000783 = 226.789206
  7. "15": 226.735861 + 0.000731 = 226.736592
  8. "14": 226.683300 + 0.000678 = 226.683978
  9. "13": 226.630738 + 0.000627 = 226.631365
  10. "12": 226.578177 + 0.000574 = 226.578751
  11. "11": 226.525615 + 0.000522 = 226.526137
  12. "9": 225.473054 + 0.000469 = 225.473523
  13. "8": 225.420492 + 0.000418 = 225.420910
  14. "7": 225.367931 + 0.000365 = 225.368296
  15. "6": 225.315369 + 0.000313 = 225.315682
  16. "5": 225.262808 + 0.000261 = 225.263069
  17. "4": 225.210246 + 0.000209 = 225.210455
  18. "3": 225.157685 + 0.000156 = 225.157841
Quota: 646.166765

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 678.328584 - 32.161819 = 646.166765 (keep factor: 0.902468)
  2. "20": 226.999660 + 0.853457 = 227.853117
  3. "19": 226.947047 + 0.808537 = 227.755584
  4. "18": 226.894433 + 0.763619 = 227.658052
  5. "17": 226.841819 + 0.718700 = 227.560519
  6. "16": 226.789206 + 0.673781 = 227.462987
  7. "15": 226.736592 + 0.628862 = 227.365454
  8. "14": 226.683978 + 0.583944 = 227.267922
  9. "13": 226.631365 + 0.539024 = 227.170389
  10. "12": 226.578751 + 0.494106 = 227.072857
  11. "11": 226.526137 + 0.449188 = 226.975325
  12. "9": 225.473523 + 0.404269 = 225.877792
  13. "8": 225.420910 + 0.359350 = 225.780260
  14. "7": 225.368296 + 0.314431 = 225.682727
  15. "6": 225.315682 + 0.269513 = 225.585195
  16. "5": 225.263069 + 0.224593 = 225.487662
  17. "4": 225.210455 + 0.179675 = 225.390130
  18. "3": 225.157841 + 0.134756 = 225.292597
Quota: 642.772191

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 646.166765 - 3.394574 = 642.772191 (keep factor: 0.897727)
  2. "20": 227.853117 + 0.090079 = 227.943196
  3. "19": 227.755584 + 0.085339 = 227.840923
  4. "18": 227.658052 + 0.080597 = 227.738649
  5. "17": 227.560519 + 0.075857 = 227.636376
  6. "16": 227.462987 + 0.071115 = 227.534102
  7. "15": 227.365454 + 0.066375 = 227.431829
  8. "14": 227.267922 + 0.061633 = 227.329555
  9. "13": 227.170389 + 0.056893 = 227.227282
  10. "12": 227.072857 + 0.052151 = 227.125008
  11. "11": 226.975325 + 0.047410 = 227.022735
  12. "9": 225.877792 + 0.042669 = 225.920461
  13. "8": 225.780260 + 0.037928 = 225.818188
  14. "7": 225.682727 + 0.033187 = 225.715914
  15. "6": 225.585195 + 0.028446 = 225.613641
  16. "5": 225.487662 + 0.023705 = 225.511367
  17. "4": 225.390130 + 0.018964 = 225.409094
  18. "3": 225.292597 + 0.014223 = 225.306820
Quota: 642.413905

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 642.772191 - 0.358286 = 642.413905 (keep factor: 0.897226)
  2. "20": 227.943196 + 0.009508 = 227.952704
  3. "19": 227.840923 + 0.009007 = 227.849930
  4. "18": 227.738649 + 0.008507 = 227.747156
  5. "17": 227.636376 + 0.008006 = 227.644382
  6. "16": 227.534102 + 0.007506 = 227.541608
  7. "15": 227.431829 + 0.007005 = 227.438834
  8. "14": 227.329555 + 0.006505 = 227.336060
  9. "13": 227.227282 + 0.006005 = 227.233287
  10. "12": 227.125008 + 0.005505 = 227.130513
  11. "11": 227.022735 + 0.005004 = 227.027739
  12. "9": 225.920461 + 0.004504 = 225.924965
  13. "8": 225.818188 + 0.004003 = 225.822191
  14. "7": 225.715914 + 0.003503 = 225.719417
  15. "6": 225.613641 + 0.003002 = 225.616643
  16. "5": 225.511367 + 0.002502 = 225.513869
  17. "4": 225.409094 + 0.002002 = 225.411096
  18. "3": 225.306820 + 0.001502 = 225.308322
Quota: 642.376090

Eliminated: "3" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 642.413905 - 0.037815 = 642.376090 (keep factor: 0.897173)
  2. "20": 227.952704 + 0.001003 = 227.953707
  3. "19": 227.849930 + 0.000950 = 227.850880
  4. "18": 227.747156 + 0.000898 = 227.748054
  5. "17": 227.644382 + 0.000845 = 227.645227
  6. "16": 227.541608 + 0.000792 = 227.542400
  7. "15": 227.438834 + 0.000740 = 227.439574
  8. "14": 227.336060 + 0.000687 = 227.336747
  9. "13": 227.233287 + 0.000633 = 227.233920
  10. "12": 227.130513 + 0.000581 = 227.131094
  11. "11": 227.027739 + 0.000528 = 227.028267
  12. "9": 225.924965 + 0.000475 = 225.925440
  13. "8": 225.822191 + 0.000423 = 225.822614
  14. "7": 225.719417 + 0.000370 = 225.719787
  15. "6": 225.616643 + 0.000317 = 225.616960
  16. "5": 225.513869 + 0.000264 = 225.514133
  17. "4": 225.411096 + 0.000211 = 225.411307
Quota: 610.185173

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 642.376090 - 32.190917 = 610.185173 (keep factor: 0.852214)
  2. "20": 227.953707 + 0.854228 = 228.807935
  3. "19": 227.850880 + 0.809269 = 228.660149
  4. "18": 227.748054 + 0.764309 = 228.512363
  5. "17": 227.645227 + 0.719350 = 228.364577
  6. "16": 227.542400 + 0.674391 = 228.216791
  7. "15": 227.439574 + 0.629431 = 228.069005
  8. "14": 227.336747 + 0.584472 = 227.921219
  9. "13": 227.233920 + 0.539513 = 227.773433
  10. "12": 227.131094 + 0.494553 = 227.625647
  11. "11": 227.028267 + 0.449594 = 227.477861
  12. "9": 225.925440 + 0.404635 = 226.330075
  13. "8": 225.822614 + 0.359675 = 226.182289
  14. "7": 225.719787 + 0.314716 = 226.034503
  15. "6": 225.616960 + 0.269756 = 225.886716
  16. "5": 225.514133 + 0.224797 = 225.738930
  17. "4": 225.411307 + 0.179837 = 225.591144
Quota: 606.768260

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 610.185173 - 3.416913 = 606.768260 (keep factor: 0.847442)
  2. "20": 228.807935 + 0.090673 = 228.898608
  3. "19": 228.660149 + 0.085900 = 228.746049
  4. "18": 228.512363 + 0.081128 = 228.593491
  5. "17": 228.364577 + 0.076356 = 228.440933
  6. "16": 228.216791 + 0.071583 = 228.288374
  7. "15": 228.069005 + 0.066811 = 228.135816
  8. "14": 227.921219 + 0.062039 = 227.983258
  9. "13": 227.773433 + 0.057267 = 227.830700
  10. "12": 227.625647 + 0.052494 = 227.678141
  11. "11": 227.477861 + 0.047722 = 227.525583
  12. "9": 226.330075 + 0.042950 = 226.373025
  13. "8": 226.182289 + 0.038177 = 226.220466
  14. "7": 226.034503 + 0.033405 = 226.067908
  15. "6": 225.886716 + 0.028634 = 225.915350
  16. "5": 225.738930 + 0.023861 = 225.762791
  17. "4": 225.591144 + 0.019089 = 225.610233
Quota: 606.405570

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 606.768260 - 0.36269 = 606.405570 (keep factor: 0.846935)
  2. "20": 228.898608 + 0.009624 = 228.908232
  3. "19": 228.746049 + 0.009118 = 228.755167
  4. "18": 228.593491 + 0.008611 = 228.602102
  5. "17": 228.440933 + 0.008105 = 228.449038
  6. "16": 228.288374 + 0.007599 = 228.295973
  7. "15": 228.135816 + 0.007092 = 228.142908
  8. "14": 227.983258 + 0.006585 = 227.989843
  9. "13": 227.830700 + 0.006078 = 227.836778
  10. "12": 227.678141 + 0.005572 = 227.683713
  11. "11": 227.525583 + 0.005065 = 227.530648
  12. "9": 226.373025 + 0.004559 = 226.377584
  13. "8": 226.220466 + 0.004053 = 226.224519
  14. "7": 226.067908 + 0.003546 = 226.071454
  15. "6": 225.915350 + 0.003039 = 225.918389
  16. "5": 225.762791 + 0.002533 = 225.765324
  17. "4": 225.610233 + 0.002026 = 225.612259
Quota: 606.367073

Eliminated: "4" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 606.405570 - 0.038497 = 606.367073 (keep factor: 0.846881)
  2. "20": 228.908232 + 0.001022 = 228.909254
  3. "19": 228.755167 + 0.000968 = 228.756135
  4. "18": 228.602102 + 0.000914 = 228.603016
  5. "17": 228.449038 + 0.000860 = 228.449898
  6. "16": 228.295973 + 0.000806 = 228.296779
  7. "15": 228.142908 + 0.000753 = 228.143661
  8. "14": 227.989843 + 0.000699 = 227.990542
  9. "13": 227.836778 + 0.000645 = 227.837423
  10. "12": 227.683713 + 0.000592 = 227.684305
  11. "11": 227.530648 + 0.000538 = 227.531186
  12. "9": 226.377584 + 0.000484 = 226.378068
  13. "8": 226.224519 + 0.000430 = 226.224949
  14. "7": 226.071454 + 0.000376 = 226.071830
  15. "6": 225.918389 + 0.000323 = 225.918712
  16. "5": 225.765324 + 0.000269 = 225.765593
Quota: 574.132633

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 606.367073 - 32.23444 = 574.132633 (keep factor: 0.801861)
  2. "20": 228.909254 + 0.855383 = 229.764637
  3. "19": 228.756135 + 0.810363 = 229.566498
  4. "18": 228.603016 + 0.765343 = 229.368359
  5. "17": 228.449898 + 0.720322 = 229.170220
  6. "16": 228.296779 + 0.675303 = 228.972082
  7. "15": 228.143661 + 0.630282 = 228.773943
  8. "14": 227.990542 + 0.585262 = 228.575804
  9. "13": 227.837423 + 0.540242 = 228.377665
  10. "12": 227.684305 + 0.495222 = 228.179527
  11. "11": 227.531186 + 0.450202 = 227.981388
  12. "9": 226.378068 + 0.405181 = 226.783249
  13. "8": 226.224949 + 0.360161 = 226.585110
  14. "7": 226.071830 + 0.315141 = 226.386971
  15. "6": 225.918712 + 0.270121 = 226.188833
  16. "5": 225.765593 + 0.225101 = 225.990694
Quota: 570.685374

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 574.132633 - 3.447259 = 570.685374 (keep factor: 0.797047)
  2. "20": 229.764637 + 0.091477 = 229.856114
  3. "19": 229.566498 + 0.086663 = 229.653161
  4. "18": 229.368359 + 0.081849 = 229.450208
  5. "17": 229.170220 + 0.077034 = 229.247254
  6. "16": 228.972082 + 0.072219 = 229.044301
  7. "15": 228.773943 + 0.067404 = 228.841347
  8. "14": 228.575804 + 0.062590 = 228.638394
  9. "13": 228.377665 + 0.057776 = 228.435441
  10. "12": 228.179527 + 0.052960 = 228.232487
  11. "11": 227.981388 + 0.048146 = 228.029534
  12. "9": 226.783249 + 0.043331 = 226.826580
  13. "8": 226.585110 + 0.038517 = 226.623627
  14. "7": 226.386971 + 0.033703 = 226.420674
  15. "6": 226.188833 + 0.028887 = 226.217720
  16. "5": 225.990694 + 0.024073 = 226.014767
Quota: 570.316713

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 570.685374 - 0.368661 = 570.316713 (keep factor: 0.796532)
  2. "20": 229.856114 + 0.009783 = 229.865897
  3. "19": 229.653161 + 0.009268 = 229.662429
  4. "18": 229.450208 + 0.008753 = 229.458961
  5. "17": 229.247254 + 0.008238 = 229.255492
  6. "16": 229.044301 + 0.007723 = 229.052024
  7. "15": 228.841347 + 0.007209 = 228.848556
  8. "14": 228.638394 + 0.006694 = 228.645088
  9. "13": 228.435441 + 0.006178 = 228.441619
  10. "12": 228.232487 + 0.005664 = 228.238151
  11. "11": 228.029534 + 0.005149 = 228.034683
  12. "9": 226.826580 + 0.004635 = 226.831215
  13. "8": 226.623627 + 0.004119 = 226.627746
  14. "7": 226.420674 + 0.003604 = 226.424278
  15. "6": 226.217720 + 0.003090 = 226.220810
  16. "5": 226.014767 + 0.002574 = 226.017341
Quota: 570.277287

Eliminated: "5" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 570.316713 - 0.039426 = 570.277287 (keep factor: 0.796477)
  2. "20": 229.865897 + 0.001046 = 229.866943
  3. "19": 229.662429 + 0.000991 = 229.663420
  4. "18": 229.458961 + 0.000936 = 229.459897
  5. "17": 229.255492 + 0.000881 = 229.256373
  6. "16": 229.052024 + 0.000826 = 229.052850
  7. "15": 228.848556 + 0.000771 = 228.849327
  8. "14": 228.645088 + 0.000715 = 228.645803
  9. "13": 228.441619 + 0.000661 = 228.442280
  10. "12": 228.238151 + 0.000606 = 228.238757
  11. "11": 228.034683 + 0.000550 = 228.035233
  12. "9": 226.831215 + 0.000495 = 226.831710
  13. "8": 226.627746 + 0.000441 = 226.628187
  14. "7": 226.424278 + 0.000385 = 226.424663
  15. "6": 226.220810 + 0.000330 = 226.221140
Quota: 537.984840

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 570.277287 - 32.292447 = 537.984840 (keep factor: 0.751375)
  2. "20": 229.866943 + 0.856923 = 230.723866
  3. "19": 229.663420 + 0.811821 = 230.475241
  4. "18": 229.459897 + 0.766720 = 230.226617
  5. "17": 229.256373 + 0.721619 = 229.977992
  6. "16": 229.052850 + 0.676518 = 229.729368
  7. "15": 228.849327 + 0.631416 = 229.480743
  8. "14": 228.645803 + 0.586316 = 229.232119
  9. "13": 228.442280 + 0.541214 = 228.983494
  10. "12": 228.238757 + 0.496113 = 228.734870
  11. "11": 228.035233 + 0.451012 = 228.486245
  12. "9": 226.831710 + 0.405911 = 227.237621
  13. "8": 226.628187 + 0.360809 = 226.988996
  14. "7": 226.424663 + 0.315709 = 226.740372
  15. "6": 226.221140 + 0.270607 = 226.491747
Quota: 534.499163

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 537.984840 - 3.485677 = 534.499163 (keep factor: 0.746507)
  2. "20": 230.723866 + 0.092497 = 230.816363
  3. "19": 230.475241 + 0.087629 = 230.562870
  4. "18": 230.226617 + 0.082760 = 230.309377
  5. "17": 229.977992 + 0.077893 = 230.055885
  6. "16": 229.729368 + 0.073024 = 229.802392
  7. "15": 229.480743 + 0.068156 = 229.548899
  8. "14": 229.232119 + 0.063287 = 229.295406
  9. "13": 228.983494 + 0.058419 = 229.041913
  10. "12": 228.734870 + 0.053551 = 228.788421
  11. "11": 228.486245 + 0.048683 = 228.534928
  12. "9": 227.237621 + 0.043814 = 227.281435
  13. "8": 226.988996 + 0.038946 = 227.027942
  14. "7": 226.740372 + 0.034078 = 226.774450
  15. "6": 226.491747 + 0.029210 = 226.520957
Quota: 534.122915

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 534.499163 - 0.376248 = 534.122915 (keep factor: 0.745982)
  2. "20": 230.816363 + 0.009984 = 230.826347
  3. "19": 230.562870 + 0.009459 = 230.572329
  4. "18": 230.309377 + 0.008934 = 230.318311
  5. "17": 230.055885 + 0.008407 = 230.064292
  6. "16": 229.802392 + 0.007882 = 229.810274
  7. "15": 229.548899 + 0.007357 = 229.556256
  8. "14": 229.295406 + 0.006832 = 229.302238
  9. "13": 229.041913 + 0.006306 = 229.048219
  10. "12": 228.788421 + 0.005780 = 228.794201
  11. "11": 228.534928 + 0.005255 = 228.540183
  12. "9": 227.281435 + 0.004729 = 227.286164
  13. "8": 227.027942 + 0.004204 = 227.032146
  14. "7": 226.774450 + 0.003678 = 226.778128
  15. "6": 226.520957 + 0.003153 = 226.524110
Quota: 534.082303

Eliminated: "6" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 534.122915 - 0.040612 = 534.082303 (keep factor: 0.745925)
  2. "20": 230.826347 + 0.001078 = 230.827425
  3. "19": 230.572329 + 0.001021 = 230.573350
  4. "18": 230.318311 + 0.000964 = 230.319275
  5. "17": 230.064292 + 0.000908 = 230.065200
  6. "16": 229.810274 + 0.000851 = 229.811125
  7. "15": 229.556256 + 0.000794 = 229.557050
  8. "14": 229.302238 + 0.000737 = 229.302975
  9. "13": 229.048219 + 0.000681 = 229.048900
  10. "12": 228.794201 + 0.000624 = 228.794825
  11. "11": 228.540183 + 0.000567 = 228.540750
  12. "9": 227.286164 + 0.000511 = 227.286675
  13. "8": 227.032146 + 0.000454 = 227.032600
  14. "7": 226.778128 + 0.000397 = 226.778525
Quota: 501.717283

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 534.082303 - 32.36502 = 501.717283 (keep factor: 0.700722)
  2. "20": 230.827425 + 0.858848 = 231.686273
  3. "19": 230.573350 + 0.813646 = 231.386996
  4. "18": 230.319275 + 0.768443 = 231.087718
  5. "17": 230.065200 + 0.723241 = 230.788441
  6. "16": 229.811125 + 0.678038 = 230.489163
  7. "15": 229.557050 + 0.632836 = 230.189886
  8. "14": 229.302975 + 0.587633 = 229.890608
  9. "13": 229.048900 + 0.542430 = 229.591330
  10. "12": 228.794825 + 0.497228 = 229.292053
  11. "11": 228.540750 + 0.452025 = 228.992775
  12. "9": 227.286675 + 0.406823 = 227.693498
  13. "8": 227.032600 + 0.361620 = 227.394220
  14. "7": 226.778525 + 0.316418 = 227.094943
Quota: 498.185028

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 501.717283 - 3.532255 = 498.185028 (keep factor: 0.695789)
  2. "20": 231.686273 + 0.093733 = 231.780006
  3. "19": 231.386996 + 0.088799 = 231.475795
  4. "18": 231.087718 + 0.083867 = 231.171585
  5. "17": 230.788441 + 0.078933 = 230.867374
  6. "16": 230.489163 + 0.074000 = 230.563163
  7. "15": 230.189886 + 0.069066 = 230.258952
  8. "14": 229.890608 + 0.064133 = 229.954741
  9. "13": 229.591330 + 0.059200 = 229.650530
  10. "12": 229.292053 + 0.054266 = 229.346319
  11. "11": 228.992775 + 0.049334 = 229.042109
  12. "9": 227.693498 + 0.044400 = 227.737898
  13. "8": 227.394220 + 0.039467 = 227.433687
  14. "7": 227.094943 + 0.034533 = 227.129476
Quota: 497.799524

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 498.185028 - 0.385504 = 497.799524 (keep factor: 0.695251)
  2. "20": 231.780006 + 0.010230 = 231.790236
  3. "19": 231.475795 + 0.009692 = 231.485487
  4. "18": 231.171585 + 0.009153 = 231.180738
  5. "17": 230.867374 + 0.008614 = 230.875988
  6. "16": 230.563163 + 0.008076 = 230.571239
  7. "15": 230.258952 + 0.007538 = 230.266490
  8. "14": 229.954741 + 0.006999 = 229.961740
  9. "13": 229.650530 + 0.006461 = 229.656991
  10. "12": 229.346319 + 0.005923 = 229.352242
  11. "11": 229.042109 + 0.005384 = 229.047493
  12. "9": 227.737898 + 0.004845 = 227.742743
  13. "8": 227.433687 + 0.004307 = 227.437994
  14. "7": 227.129476 + 0.003769 = 227.133245
Quota: 497.757451

Eliminated: "7" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 497.799524 - 0.042073 = 497.757451 (keep factor: 0.695192)
  2. "20": 231.790236 + 0.001117 = 231.791353
  3. "19": 231.485487 + 0.001058 = 231.486545
  4. "18": 231.180738 + 0.000998 = 231.181736
  5. "17": 230.875988 + 0.000940 = 230.876928
  6. "16": 230.571239 + 0.000881 = 230.572120
  7. "15": 230.266490 + 0.000822 = 230.267312
  8. "14": 229.961740 + 0.000764 = 229.962504
  9. "13": 229.656991 + 0.000705 = 229.657696
  10. "12": 229.352242 + 0.000646 = 229.352888
  11. "11": 229.047493 + 0.000587 = 229.048080
  12. "9": 227.742743 + 0.000529 = 227.743272
  13. "8": 227.437994 + 0.000470 = 227.438464
Quota: 465.305194

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 497.757451 - 32.452257 = 465.305194 (keep factor: 0.649868)
  2. "20": 231.791353 + 0.861163 = 232.652516
  3. "19": 231.486545 + 0.815838 = 232.302383
  4. "18": 231.181736 + 0.770515 = 231.952251
  5. "17": 230.876928 + 0.725191 = 231.602119
  6. "16": 230.572120 + 0.679866 = 231.251986
  7. "15": 230.267312 + 0.634542 = 230.901854
  8. "14": 229.962504 + 0.589217 = 230.551721
  9. "13": 229.657696 + 0.543893 = 230.201589
  10. "12": 229.352888 + 0.498569 = 229.851457
  11. "11": 229.048080 + 0.453244 = 229.501324
  12. "9": 227.743272 + 0.407920 = 228.151192
  13. "8": 227.438464 + 0.362595 = 227.801059
Quota: 461.718093

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 465.305194 - 3.587101 = 461.718093 (keep factor: 0.644858)
  2. "20": 232.652516 + 0.095188 = 232.747704
  3. "19": 232.302383 + 0.090179 = 232.392562
  4. "18": 231.952251 + 0.085169 = 232.037420
  5. "17": 231.602119 + 0.080158 = 231.682277
  6. "16": 231.251986 + 0.075149 = 231.327135
  7. "15": 230.901854 + 0.070139 = 230.971993
  8. "14": 230.551721 + 0.065129 = 230.616850
  9. "13": 230.201589 + 0.060119 = 230.261708
  10. "12": 229.851457 + 0.055109 = 229.906566
  11. "11": 229.501324 + 0.050099 = 229.551423
  12. "9": 228.151192 + 0.045089 = 228.196281
  13. "8": 227.801059 + 0.040080 = 227.841139
Quota: 461.321594

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 461.718093 - 0.396499 = 461.321594 (keep factor: 0.644304)
  2. "20": 232.747704 + 0.010522 = 232.758226
  3. "19": 232.392562 + 0.009968 = 232.402530
  4. "18": 232.037420 + 0.009414 = 232.046834
  5. "17": 231.682277 + 0.008861 = 231.691138
  6. "16": 231.327135 + 0.008306 = 231.335441
  7. "15": 230.971993 + 0.007752 = 230.979745
  8. "14": 230.616850 + 0.007199 = 230.624049
  9. "13": 230.261708 + 0.006645 = 230.268353
  10. "12": 229.906566 + 0.006091 = 229.912657
  11. "11": 229.551423 + 0.005538 = 229.556961
  12. "9": 228.196281 + 0.004984 = 228.201265
  13. "8": 227.841139 + 0.004430 = 227.845569
Quota: 461.277767

Eliminated: "8" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 461.321594 - 0.043827 = 461.277767 (keep factor: 0.644243)
  2. "20": 232.758226 + 0.001163 = 232.759389
  3. "19": 232.402530 + 0.001102 = 232.403632
  4. "18": 232.046834 + 0.001040 = 232.047874
  5. "17": 231.691138 + 0.000979 = 231.692117
  6. "16": 231.335441 + 0.000919 = 231.336360
  7. "15": 230.979745 + 0.000857 = 230.980602
  8. "14": 230.624049 + 0.000796 = 230.624845
  9. "13": 230.268353 + 0.000735 = 230.269088
  10. "12": 229.912657 + 0.000673 = 229.913330
  11. "11": 229.556961 + 0.000612 = 229.557573
  12. "9": 228.201265 + 0.000551 = 228.201816
Quota: 428.723486

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 461.277767 - 32.554281 = 428.723486 (keep factor: 0.598776)
  2. "20": 232.759389 + 0.863870 = 233.623259
  3. "19": 232.403632 + 0.818403 = 233.222035
  4. "18": 232.047874 + 0.772937 = 232.820811
  5. "17": 231.692117 + 0.727470 = 232.419587
  6. "16": 231.336360 + 0.682003 = 232.018363
  7. "15": 230.980602 + 0.636537 = 231.617139
  8. "14": 230.624845 + 0.591069 = 231.215914
  9. "13": 230.269088 + 0.545602 = 230.814690
  10. "12": 229.913330 + 0.500136 = 230.413466
  11. "11": 229.557573 + 0.454669 = 230.012242
  12. "9": 228.201816 + 0.409202 = 228.611018
Quota: 425.073145

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 428.723486 - 3.650341 = 425.073145 (keep factor: 0.593678)
  2. "20": 233.623259 + 0.096867 = 233.720126
  3. "19": 233.222035 + 0.091769 = 233.313804
  4. "18": 232.820811 + 0.086670 = 232.907481
  5. "17": 232.419587 + 0.081572 = 232.501159
  6. "16": 232.018363 + 0.076473 = 232.094836
  7. "15": 231.617139 + 0.071375 = 231.688514
  8. "14": 231.215914 + 0.066277 = 231.282191
  9. "13": 230.814690 + 0.061179 = 230.875869
  10. "12": 230.413466 + 0.056081 = 230.469547
  11. "11": 230.012242 + 0.050982 = 230.063224
  12. "9": 228.611018 + 0.045884 = 228.656902
Quota: 424.663829

Eliminated: "9" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 425.073145 - 0.409316 = 424.663829 (keep factor: 0.593106)
  2. "20": 233.720126 + 0.010862 = 233.730988
  3. "19": 233.313804 + 0.010290 = 233.324094
  4. "18": 232.907481 + 0.009719 = 232.917200
  5. "17": 232.501159 + 0.009146 = 232.510305
  6. "16": 232.094836 + 0.008575 = 232.103411
  7. "15": 231.688514 + 0.008003 = 231.696517
  8. "14": 231.282191 + 0.007432 = 231.289623
  9. "13": 230.875869 + 0.006860 = 230.882729
  10. "12": 230.469547 + 0.006288 = 230.475835
  11. "11": 230.063224 + 0.005717 = 230.068941
Quota: 391.951926

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 424.663829 - 32.711903 = 391.951926 (keep factor: 0.547419)
  2. "20": 233.730988 + 0.868053 = 234.599041
  3. "19": 233.324094 + 0.822366 = 234.146460
  4. "18": 232.917200 + 0.776679 = 233.693879
  5. "17": 232.510305 + 0.730993 = 233.241298
  6. "16": 232.103411 + 0.685306 = 232.788717
  7. "15": 231.696517 + 0.639619 = 232.336136
  8. "14": 231.289623 + 0.593931 = 231.883554
  9. "13": 230.882729 + 0.548244 = 231.430973
  10. "12": 230.475835 + 0.502557 = 230.978392
  11. "11": 230.068941 + 0.456870 = 230.525811
Quota: 388.225171

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 391.951926 - 3.726755 = 388.225171 (keep factor: 0.542214)
  2. "20": 234.599041 + 0.098894 = 234.697935
  3. "19": 234.146460 + 0.093689 = 234.240149
  4. "18": 233.693879 + 0.088484 = 233.782363
  5. "17": 233.241298 + 0.083279 = 233.324577
  6. "16": 232.788717 + 0.078074 = 232.866791
  7. "15": 232.336136 + 0.072869 = 232.409005
  8. "14": 231.883554 + 0.067665 = 231.951219
  9. "13": 231.430973 + 0.062460 = 231.493433
  10. "12": 230.978392 + 0.057255 = 231.035647
  11. "11": 230.525811 + 0.052050 = 230.577861
Quota: 387.800594

Eliminated: "11" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 388.225171 - 0.424577 = 387.800594 (keep factor: 0.541621)
  2. "20": 234.697935 + 0.011267 = 234.709202
  3. "19": 234.240149 + 0.010674 = 234.250823
  4. "18": 233.782363 + 0.010081 = 233.792444
  5. "17": 233.324577 + 0.009488 = 233.334065
  6. "16": 232.866791 + 0.008895 = 232.875686
  7. "15": 232.409005 + 0.008302 = 232.417307
  8. "14": 231.951219 + 0.007709 = 231.958928
  9. "13": 231.493433 + 0.007116 = 231.500549
  10. "12": 231.035647 + 0.006523 = 231.042170
Quota: 354.811682

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 387.800594 - 32.988912 = 354.811682 (keep factor: 0.495547)
  2. "20": 234.709202 + 0.875404 = 235.584606
  3. "19": 234.250823 + 0.829330 = 235.080153
  4. "18": 233.792444 + 0.783256 = 234.575700
  5. "17": 233.334065 + 0.737182 = 234.071247
  6. "16": 232.875686 + 0.691108 = 233.566794
  7. "15": 232.417307 + 0.645034 = 233.062341
  8. "14": 231.958928 + 0.598960 = 232.557888
  9. "13": 231.500549 + 0.552886 = 232.053435
  10. "12": 231.042170 + 0.506813 = 231.548983
Quota: 350.987548

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 354.811682 - 3.824134 = 350.987548 (keep factor: 0.490206)
  2. "20": 235.584606 + 0.101479 = 235.686085
  3. "19": 235.080153 + 0.096138 = 235.176291
  4. "18": 234.575700 + 0.090797 = 234.666497
  5. "17": 234.071247 + 0.085456 = 234.156703
  6. "16": 233.566794 + 0.080115 = 233.646909
  7. "15": 233.062341 + 0.074774 = 233.137115
  8. "14": 232.557888 + 0.069433 = 232.627321
  9. "13": 232.053435 + 0.064092 = 232.117527
  10. "12": 231.548983 + 0.058750 = 231.607733
Quota: 350.544248

Eliminated: "12" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 350.987548 - 0.4433 = 350.544248 (keep factor: 0.489587)
  2. "20": 235.686085 + 0.011763 = 235.697848
  3. "19": 235.176291 + 0.011144 = 235.187435
  4. "18": 234.666497 + 0.010525 = 234.677022
  5. "17": 234.156703 + 0.009906 = 234.166609
  6. "16": 233.646909 + 0.009287 = 233.656196
  7. "15": 233.137115 + 0.008668 = 233.145783
  8. "14": 232.627321 + 0.008049 = 232.635370
  9. "13": 232.117527 + 0.007430 = 232.124957
Quota: 317.405068

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 350.544248 - 33.13918 = 317.405068 (keep factor: 0.443303)
  2. "20": 235.697848 + 0.879392 = 236.577240
  3. "19": 235.187435 + 0.833108 = 236.020543
  4. "18": 234.677022 + 0.786824 = 235.463846
  5. "17": 234.166609 + 0.740540 = 234.907149
  6. "16": 233.656196 + 0.694256 = 234.350452
  7. "15": 233.145783 + 0.647973 = 233.793756
  8. "14": 232.635370 + 0.601689 = 233.237059
  9. "13": 232.124957 + 0.555405 = 232.680362
Quota: 313.490783

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 317.405068 - 3.914285 = 313.490783 (keep factor: 0.437836)
  2. "20": 236.577240 + 0.103871 = 236.681111
  3. "19": 236.020543 + 0.098404 = 236.118947
  4. "18": 235.463846 + 0.092937 = 235.556783
  5. "17": 234.907149 + 0.087470 = 234.994619
  6. "16": 234.350452 + 0.082004 = 234.432456
  7. "15": 233.793756 + 0.076536 = 233.870292
  8. "14": 233.237059 + 0.071069 = 233.308128
  9. "13": 232.680362 + 0.065603 = 232.745965
Quota: 313.028441

Eliminated: "13" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 313.490783 - 0.462342 = 313.028441 (keep factor: 0.437191)
  2. "20": 236.681111 + 0.012268 = 236.693379
  3. "19": 236.118947 + 0.011623 = 236.130570
  4. "18": 235.556783 + 0.010977 = 235.567760
  5. "17": 234.994619 + 0.010332 = 235.004951
  6. "16": 234.432456 + 0.009686 = 234.442142
  7. "15": 233.870292 + 0.009040 = 233.879332
  8. "14": 233.308128 + 0.008395 = 233.316523
Quota: 279.723301

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 313.028441 - 33.30514 = 279.723301 (keep factor: 0.390675)
  2. "20": 236.693379 + 0.883796 = 237.577175
  3. "19": 236.130570 + 0.837280 = 236.967850
  4. "18": 235.567760 + 0.790765 = 236.358525
  5. "17": 235.004951 + 0.744249 = 235.749200
  6. "16": 234.442142 + 0.697733 = 235.139875
  7. "15": 233.879332 + 0.651218 = 234.530550
  8. "14": 233.316523 + 0.604702 = 233.921225
Quota: 275.709673

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 279.723301 - 4.013628 = 275.709673 (keep factor: 0.385069)
  2. "20": 237.577175 + 0.106507 = 237.683682
  3. "19": 236.967850 + 0.100901 = 237.068751
  4. "18": 236.358525 + 0.095296 = 236.453821
  5. "17": 235.749200 + 0.089690 = 235.838890
  6. "16": 235.139875 + 0.084084 = 235.223959
  7. "15": 234.530550 + 0.078479 = 234.609029
  8. "14": 233.921225 + 0.072873 = 233.994098
Quota: 275.225987

Eliminated: "14" Transferring votes

  1. "10": 275.709673 - 0.483686 = 275.225987 (keep factor: 0.384394)
  2. "20": 237.683682 + 0.012835 = 237.696517
  3. "19": 237.068751 + 0.012160 = 237.080911
  4. "18": 236.453821 + 0.011484 = 236.465305
  5. "17": 235.838890 + 0.010809 = 235.849699
  6. "16": 235.223959 + 0.010133 = 235.234092
  7. "15": 234.609029 + 0.009457 = 234.618486
Quota: 241.738715

Transferring votes

  1. "10": 275.225987 - 33.487272 = 241.738715 (keep factor: 0.337624)
  2. "20": 237.696517 + 0.888629 = 238.585146
  3. "19": 237.080911 + 0.841859 = 237.922770
  4. "18": 236.465305 + 0.795089 = 237.260394
  5. "17": 235.849699 + 0.748319 = 236.598018
  6. "16": 235.234092 + 0.701549 = 235.935641
  7. "15": 234.618486 + 0.654779 = 235.273265
Quota: 237.616279

Elected: "19", "20" Transferring votes

  1. "20": 238.585146 - 0.859917 = 237.725229 (keep factor: 0.995939)
  2. "19": 237.922770 - 0.202988 = 237.719782 (keep factor: 0.998712)
  3. "10": 241.738715 - 4.122436 = 237.616279 (keep factor: 0.331866)
  4. "18": 237.260394 + 0.097879 = 237.358273
  5. "17": 236.598018 + 0.092121 = 236.690139
  6. "16": 235.935641 + 0.086364 = 236.022005
  7. "15": 235.273265 + 0.080607 = 235.353872
Quota: 236.926512

Elected: "18" Transferring votes

  1. "20": 237.725229 - 0.780548 = 236.944681 (keep factor: 0.992593)
  2. "19": 237.719782 - 0.776009 = 236.943773 (keep factor: 0.995379)
  3. "18": 237.358273 - 0.415413 = 236.942860 (keep factor: 0.998181)
  4. "10": 237.616279 - 0.689767 = 236.926512 (keep factor: 0.330903)
  5. "17": 236.690139 + 0.015414 = 236.705553
  6. "16": 236.022005 + 0.014451 = 236.036456
  7. "15": 235.353872 + 0.013487 = 235.367359
Quota: 236.552457

Elected: "17" Transferring votes

  1. "20": 236.944681 - 0.382388 = 236.562293 (keep factor: 0.990950)
  2. "19": 236.943773 - 0.381971 = 236.561802 (keep factor: 0.993735)
  3. "18": 236.942860 - 0.381552 = 236.561308 (keep factor: 0.996536)
  4. "17": 236.705553 - 0.144743 = 236.560810 (keep factor: 0.999353)
  5. "10": 236.926512 - 0.374055 = 236.552457 (keep factor: 0.330381)
  6. "16": 236.036456 + 0.007836 = 236.044292
  7. "15": 235.367359 + 0.007314 = 235.374673
Quota: 236.316806

Transferring votes

  1. "20": 236.562293 - 0.239297 = 236.322996 (keep factor: 0.989922)
  2. "19": 236.561802 - 0.239115 = 236.322687 (keep factor: 0.992706)
  3. "18": 236.561308 - 0.238932 = 236.322376 (keep factor: 0.995506)
  4. "17": 236.560810 - 0.238747 = 236.322063 (keep factor: 0.998322)
  5. "10": 236.552457 - 0.235651 = 236.316806 (keep factor: 0.330051)
  6. "16": 236.044292 + 0.004937 = 236.049229
  7. "15": 235.374673 + 0.004607 = 235.379280
Quota: 236.147921

Transferring votes

  1. "20": 236.322996 - 0.170642 = 236.152354 (keep factor: 0.989188)
  2. "19": 236.322687 - 0.170555 = 236.152132 (keep factor: 0.991972)
  3. "18": 236.322376 - 0.170466 = 236.151910 (keep factor: 0.994771)
  4. "17": 236.322063 - 0.170377 = 236.151686 (keep factor: 0.997587)
  5. "10": 236.316806 - 0.168885 = 236.147921 (keep factor: 0.329816)
  6. "16": 236.049229 + 0.003538 = 236.052767
  7. "15": 235.379280 + 0.003303 = 235.382583
Quota: 236.027337

Elected: "16" Transferring votes

(Results from 14:14, 31 August 2021)



Output from OpenSTV (or other):

Loading ballots from file 20_6_5001_819859726.blt.
Ballot file contains 20 candidates and 5001 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 5001 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for ElectionTitle using Meek STV.
20 candidates running for 6 seats.

 R|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          
  |7          |8          |9          |10         |11         |12         
  |13         |14         |15         |16         |17         |18         
  |19         |20         |Exhausted  |Surplus    |Threshold  
 1| 225.000000| 225.000000| 225.000000| 225.000000| 225.000000| 225.000000
  | 225.000000| 225.000000| 225.000000| 716.000000| 226.000000| 226.000000
  | 226.000000| 226.000000| 226.000000| 226.000000| 226.000000| 226.000000
  | 226.000000| 226.000000|   0.000000|   1.571428| 714.428572
  | Count of first choices. Candidate 10 has reached the threshold and is
  | elected.
 2| 225.002194| 225.004388| 225.006582| 225.008776| 225.010970| 225.013164
  | 225.015358| 225.017552| 225.019746| 714.429096| 226.021940| 226.024134
  | 226.026328| 226.028522| 226.030716| 226.032910| 226.035104| 226.037298
  | 226.039492| 226.041686|   1.154044|   0.165387| 714.263709
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.997806.
 3| 225.002424| 225.004848| 225.007272| 225.009696| 225.012120| 225.014544
  | 225.016968| 225.019392| 225.021816| 714.264416| 226.024240| 226.026664
  | 226.029088| 226.031512| 226.033936| 226.036360| 226.038784| 226.041208
  | 226.043632| 226.046056|   1.275024|   0.017990| 714.246426
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.997576.
 4| 225.002449| 225.004898| 225.007347| 225.009796| 225.012245| 225.014694
  | 225.017143| 225.019592| 225.022041| 714.246516| 226.024490| 226.026939
  | 226.029388| 226.031837| 226.034286| 226.036735| 226.039184| 226.041633
  | 226.044082| 226.046531|   1.288174|   0.001969| 714.244547
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.997551.
 5|           | 225.004898| 225.007347| 225.009796| 225.012245| 225.014694
  | 225.017143| 225.019592| 225.022041| 714.246516| 226.024490| 226.026939
  | 226.029388| 226.031837| 226.034286| 226.036735| 226.039184| 226.041633
  | 226.044082| 226.046531| 226.290623|  32.145176| 682.101340
  | Count after eliminating 1 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
 6|           | 225.094688| 225.142032| 225.189376| 225.236720| 225.284064
  | 225.331408| 225.378752| 225.426096| 682.101696| 226.473440| 226.520784
  | 226.568128| 226.615472| 226.662816| 226.710160| 226.757504| 226.804848
  | 226.852192| 226.899536| 249.950288|   3.380308| 678.721388
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.952656.
 7|           | 225.104130| 225.156195| 225.208260| 225.260325| 225.312390
  | 225.364455| 225.416520| 225.468585| 678.721460| 226.520650| 226.572715
  | 226.624780| 226.676845| 226.728910| 226.780975| 226.833040| 226.885105
  | 226.937170| 226.989235| 252.438255|   0.355496| 678.365964
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.947935.
 8|           | 225.105122| 225.157683| 225.210244| 225.262805| 225.315366
  | 225.367927| 225.420488| 225.473049| 678.366324| 226.525610| 226.578171
  | 226.630732| 226.683293| 226.735854| 226.788415| 226.840976| 226.893537
  | 226.946098| 226.998659| 252.699647|   0.037702| 678.328622
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.947439.
 9|           |           | 225.157683| 225.210244| 225.262805| 225.315366
  | 225.367927| 225.420488| 225.473049| 678.366324| 226.525610| 226.578171
  | 226.630732| 226.683293| 226.735854| 226.788415| 226.840976| 226.893537
  | 226.946098| 226.998659| 477.804769|  32.195576| 646.170748
  | Count after eliminating 2 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
10|           |           | 225.292578| 225.390104| 225.487630| 225.585156
  | 225.682682| 225.780208| 225.877734| 646.171384| 226.975260| 227.072786
  | 227.170312| 227.267838| 227.365364| 227.462890| 227.560416| 227.657942
  | 227.755468| 227.852994| 501.591254|   3.398705| 642.772679
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.902474.
11|           |           | 225.306816| 225.409088| 225.511360| 225.613632
  | 225.715904| 225.818176| 225.920448| 642.773248| 227.022720| 227.124992
  | 227.227264| 227.329536| 227.431808| 227.534080| 227.636352| 227.738624
  | 227.840896| 227.943168| 504.101888|   0.359231| 642.414017
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.897728.
12|           |           | 225.308319| 225.411092| 225.513865| 225.616638
  | 225.719411| 225.822184| 225.924957| 642.414532| 227.027730| 227.130503
  | 227.233276| 227.336049| 227.438822| 227.541595| 227.644368| 227.747141
  | 227.849914| 227.952687| 504.366917|   0.038377| 642.376155
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.897227.
13|           |           |           | 225.411092| 225.513865| 225.616638
  | 225.719411| 225.822184| 225.924957| 642.414532| 227.027730| 227.130503
  | 227.233276| 227.336049| 227.438822| 227.541595| 227.644368| 227.747141
  | 227.849914| 227.952687| 729.675236|  32.225279| 610.189253
  | Count after eliminating 3 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
14|           |           |           | 225.591120| 225.738900| 225.886680
  | 226.034460| 226.182240| 226.330020| 610.189520| 227.477800| 227.625580
  | 227.773360| 227.921140| 228.068920| 228.216700| 228.364480| 228.512260
  | 228.660040| 228.807820| 753.618960|   3.420799| 606.768721
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.852220.
15|           |           |           | 225.610228| 225.762785| 225.915342
  | 226.067899| 226.220456| 226.373013| 606.769188| 227.525570| 227.678127
  | 227.830684| 227.983241| 228.135798| 228.288355| 228.440912| 228.593469
  | 228.746026| 228.898583| 756.160324|   0.363519| 606.405669
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.847443.
16|           |           |           | 225.612256| 225.765320| 225.918384
  | 226.071448| 226.224512| 226.377576| 606.406176| 227.530640| 227.683704
  | 227.836768| 227.989832| 228.142896| 228.295960| 228.449024| 228.602088
  | 228.755152| 228.908216| 756.430048|   0.039039| 606.367137
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.846936.
17|           |           |           |           | 225.765320| 225.918384
  | 226.071448| 226.224512| 226.377576| 606.406176| 227.530640| 227.683704
  | 227.836768| 227.989832| 228.142896| 228.295960| 228.449024| 228.602088
  | 228.755152| 228.908216| 982.042304|  32.269362| 574.136814
  | Count after eliminating 4 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
18|           |           |           |           | 225.990660| 226.188792
  | 226.386924| 226.585056| 226.783188| 574.137488| 227.981320| 228.179452
  | 228.377584| 228.575716| 228.773848| 228.971980| 229.170112| 229.368244
  | 229.566376| 229.764508|1006.198752|   3.451595| 570.685893
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.801868.
19|           |           |           |           | 226.014760| 226.217712
  | 226.420664| 226.623616| 226.826568| 570.686368| 228.029520| 228.232472
  | 228.435424| 228.638376| 228.841328| 229.044280| 229.247232| 229.450184
  | 229.653136| 229.856088|1008.782272|   0.369549| 570.316819
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.797048.
20|           |           |           |           | 226.017340| 226.220808
  | 226.424276| 226.627744| 226.831212| 570.316912| 228.034680| 228.238148
  | 228.441616| 228.645084| 228.848552| 229.052020| 229.255488| 229.458956
  | 229.662424| 229.865892|1009.058848|   0.039604| 570.277308
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.796532.
21|           |           |           |           |           | 226.220808
  | 226.424276| 226.627744| 226.831212| 570.316912| 228.034680| 228.238148
  | 228.441616| 228.645084| 228.848552| 229.052020| 229.255488| 229.458956
  | 229.662424| 229.865892|1235.076188|  32.327795| 537.989117
  | Count after eliminating 5 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
22|           |           |           |           |           | 226.491708
  | 226.740326| 226.988944| 227.237562| 537.989512| 228.486180| 228.734798
  | 228.983416| 229.232034| 229.480652| 229.729270| 229.977888| 230.226506
  | 230.475124| 230.723742|1259.502338|   3.489845| 534.499667
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.751382.
23|           |           |           |           |           | 226.520952
  | 226.774444| 227.027936| 227.281428| 534.499728| 228.534920| 228.788412
  | 229.041904| 229.295396| 229.548888| 229.802380| 230.055872| 230.309364
  | 230.562856| 230.816348|1262.139172|   0.376752| 534.122976
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.746508.
24|           |           |           |           |           | 226.524108
  | 226.778126| 227.032144| 227.286162| 534.123112| 228.540180| 228.794198
  | 229.048216| 229.302234| 229.556252| 229.810270| 230.064288| 230.318306
  | 230.572324| 230.826342|1262.423738|   0.040788| 534.082324
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.745982.
25|           |           |           |           |           |           
  | 226.778126| 227.032144| 227.286162| 534.123112| 228.540180| 228.794198
  | 229.048216| 229.302234| 229.556252| 229.810270| 230.064288| 230.318306
  | 230.572324| 230.826342|1488.947846|  32.401375| 501.721737
  | Count after eliminating 6 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
26|           |           |           |           |           |           
  | 227.094897| 227.394168| 227.693439| 501.721964| 228.992710| 229.291981
  | 229.591252| 229.890523| 230.189794| 230.489065| 230.788336| 231.087607
  | 231.386878| 231.686149|1513.701237|   3.536426| 498.185538
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.700729.
27|           |           |           |           |           |           
  | 227.129470| 227.433680| 227.737890| 498.185640| 229.042100| 229.346310
  | 229.650520| 229.954730| 230.258940| 230.563150| 230.867360| 231.171570
  | 231.475780| 231.779990|1516.402870|   0.386049| 497.799591
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.695790.
28|           |           |           |           |           |           
  | 227.133243| 227.437992| 227.742741| 497.799716| 229.047490| 229.352239
  | 229.656988| 229.961737| 230.266486| 230.571235| 230.875984| 231.180733
  | 231.485482| 231.790231|1516.697703|   0.042244| 497.757472
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.695251.
29|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           | 227.437992| 227.742741| 497.799716| 229.047490| 229.352239
  | 229.656988| 229.961737| 230.266486| 230.571235| 230.875984| 231.180733
  | 231.485482| 231.790231|1743.830946|  32.489851| 465.309865
  | Count after eliminating 7 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
30|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           | 227.801000| 228.151125| 465.310500| 229.501250| 229.851375
  | 230.201500| 230.551625| 230.901750| 231.251875| 231.602000| 231.952125
  | 232.302250| 232.652375|1768.969250|   3.591821| 461.718679
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.649875.
31|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           | 227.841128| 228.196269| 461.719044| 229.551410| 229.906551
  | 230.261692| 230.616833| 230.971974| 231.327115| 231.682256| 232.037397
  | 232.392538| 232.747679|1771.748114|   0.397345| 461.321699
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.644859.
32|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           | 227.845560| 228.201255| 461.322380| 229.556950| 229.912645
  | 230.268340| 230.624035| 230.979730| 231.335425| 231.691120| 232.046815
  | 232.402510| 232.758205|1772.055030|   0.044527| 461.277853
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.644305.
33|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           | 228.201255| 461.322380| 229.556950| 229.912645
  | 230.268340| 230.624035| 230.979730| 231.335425| 231.691120| 232.046815
  | 232.402510| 232.758205|1999.900590|  32.593892| 428.728488
  | Count after eliminating 8 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
34|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           | 228.610953| 428.728628| 230.012170| 230.413387
  | 230.814604| 231.215821| 231.617038| 232.018255| 232.419472| 232.820689
  | 233.221906| 233.623123|2025.483954|   3.654907| 425.073721
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.598783.
35|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           | 228.656889| 425.074164| 230.063210| 230.469531
  | 230.875852| 231.282173| 231.688494| 232.094815| 232.501136| 232.907457
  | 233.313778| 233.720099|2028.352402|   0.410221| 424.663943
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.593679.
36|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 425.074164| 230.063210| 230.469531
  | 230.875852| 231.282173| 231.688494| 232.094815| 232.501136| 232.907457
  | 233.313778| 233.720099|2257.009291|  33.075491| 391.998673
  | Count after eliminating 9 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
37|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 391.999260| 230.525150| 230.977665
  | 231.430180| 231.882695| 232.335210| 232.787725| 233.240240| 233.692755
  | 234.145270| 234.597785|2283.386065|   3.768697| 388.230563
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.547485.
38|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 388.230952| 230.577780| 231.035558
  | 231.493336| 231.951114| 232.408892| 232.866670| 233.324448| 233.782226
  | 234.240004| 234.697782|2286.391238|   0.429700| 387.801252
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.542222.
39|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 388.230952|           | 231.035558
  | 231.493336| 231.951114| 232.408892| 232.866670| 233.324448| 233.782226
  | 234.240004| 234.697782|2516.969018|  33.369383| 354.861569
  | Count after eliminating 11 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
40|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 354.861772|           | 231.548213
  | 232.052596| 232.556979| 233.061362| 233.565745| 234.070128| 234.574511
  | 235.078894| 235.583277|2544.046523|   3.868418| 350.993354
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.495617.
41|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 350.993940|           | 231.607635
  | 232.117420| 232.627205| 233.136990| 233.646775| 234.156560| 234.666345
  | 235.176130| 235.685915|2547.185085|   0.448952| 350.544988
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.490215.
42|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 350.993940|           |           
  | 232.117420| 232.627205| 233.136990| 233.646775| 234.156560| 234.666345
  | 235.176130| 235.685915|2778.792720|  33.535757| 317.458183
  | Count after eliminating 12 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
43|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 317.458648|           |           
  | 232.679464| 233.236086| 233.792708| 234.349330| 234.905952| 235.462574
  | 236.019196| 236.575818|2806.520224|   3.961537| 313.497111
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.443378.
44|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 313.497736|           |           
  | 232.745848| 233.308002| 233.870156| 234.432310| 234.994464| 235.556618
  | 236.118772| 236.680926|2809.795168|   0.468474| 313.029262
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.437846.
45|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 313.497736|           |           
  |           | 233.308002| 233.870156| 234.432310| 234.994464| 235.556618
  | 236.118772| 236.680926|3042.541016|  33.717881| 279.779855
  | Count after eliminating 13 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
46|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 279.779864|           |           
  |           | 233.920198| 234.529444| 235.138690| 235.747936| 236.357182
  | 236.966428| 237.575674|3070.984584|   4.063375| 275.716489
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.390754.
47|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 275.716564|           |           
  |           | 233.993973| 234.608894| 235.223815| 235.838736| 236.453657
  | 237.068578| 237.683499|3074.412284|   0.489747| 275.226817
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.385079.
48|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 275.716564|           |           
  |           |           | 234.608894| 235.223815| 235.838736| 236.453657
  | 237.068578| 237.683499|3308.406257|  33.917457| 241.799107
  | Count after eliminating 14 and transferring votes. All losing
  | candidates are eliminated.
49|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 241.799644|           |           
  |           |           | 235.272074| 235.934365| 236.596656| 237.258947
  | 237.921238| 238.583529|3337.633547|   5.433071| 237.623780
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.337709. Candidates 19 and 20 have
  | reached the threshold and are elected.
50|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 237.623932|           |           
  |           |           | 235.353722| 236.021845| 236.689968| 237.358091
  | 237.728681| 237.734308|3342.489453|   2.724696| 236.930079
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.331877; 19, 0.998750; and 20,
  | 0.995978. Candidate 18 has reached the threshold and is elected.
51|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 236.930128|           |           
  |           |           | 235.367288| 236.036380| 236.705472| 236.946577
  | 236.947464| 236.948422|3345.118269|   1.705393| 236.554534
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.330908; 18, 0.998197; 19, 0.995395;
  | and 20, 0.992609. Candidate 17 has reached the threshold and is
  | elected.
52|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 236.554944|           |           
  |           |           | 235.374624| 236.044240| 236.563069| 236.563549
  | 236.564065| 236.564412|3346.771097|   1.217964| 236.318415
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.330384; 17, 0.999363; 18, 0.996546;
  | 19, 0.993745; and 20, 0.990959.
53|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 236.318664|           |           
  |           |           | 235.379244| 236.049190| 236.323815| 236.324154
  | 236.324529| 236.324734|3347.955670|   0.869941| 236.149191
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.330054; 17, 0.998330; 18, 0.995514;
  | 19, 0.992714; and 20, 0.989929.
54|           |           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           |           | 236.149688|           |           
  |           |           | 235.382548| 236.052730| 236.153119| 236.153189
  | 236.153532| 236.153704|3348.801490|   0.645808| 236.028359
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 10, 0.329818; 17, 0.997593; 18, 0.994777;
  | 19, 0.991978; and 20, 0.989194. Candidate 16 has reached the threshold
  | and is elected.

Winners are 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, and 20.


array (
  3 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 3,
  20 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 20,
  1 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 1,
  18 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 18,
  7 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 7,
  16 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 16,
  17 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 17,
  2 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 2,
  11 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 11,
  5 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 5,
  8 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 8,
  '10_11' => 
  array (
    'count' => 10,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 11,
  13 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 13,
  12 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 12,
  6 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 6,
  '10_9' => 
  array (
    'count' => 9,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 9,
  '10_15' => 
  array (
    'count' => 14,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 15,
  9 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 9,
  4 => 
  array (
    'count' => 225,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 4,
  19 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 19,
  '10_20' => 
  array (
    'count' => 19,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 20,
  14 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 14,
  15 => 
  array (
    'count' => 226,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 15,
  '10_5' => 
  array (
    'count' => 5,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 5,
  '10_18' => 
  array (
    'count' => 17,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 18,
  '10_16' => 
  array (
    'count' => 15,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 16,
  '10_17' => 
  array (
    'count' => 16,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 17,
  '10_19' => 
  array (
    'count' => 18,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 19,
  '10_2' => 
  array (
    'count' => 2,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 2,
  '10_8' => 
  array (
    'count' => 8,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 8,
  '10_7' => 
  array (
    'count' => 7,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 7,
  '10_3' => 
  array (
    'count' => 3,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 3,
  '10_1' => 
  array (
    'count' => 1,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 1,
  '10_6' => 
  array (
    'count' => 6,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 6,
  '10_4' => 
  array (
    'count' => 4,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 4,
  '10_14' => 
  array (
    'count' => 13,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 14,
  '10_13' => 
  array (
    'count' => 12,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 13,
  '10_12' => 
  array (
    'count' => 11,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
      2 => 12,
  10 => 
  array (
    'count' => 526,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,

