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Anti-Harassment Tools/SecurePoll Improvements/Test Results/20 2 5200 1308507669

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SecurePoll and OpenSTV agree on elected candidates.

Election setup

  • Candidates: 20
  • Seats: 2
  • Votes: 5200



Output from SecurePoll: 20_2_5200_1308507669/actual

Actual tally: SP 3.0.0 (58bf4c8)




Election for 2 seats with 20 candidates. Total 5,200 votes.

  1. "1"
  2. "2"

Eliminated/Not elected

  • "17"
  • "18"
  • "19"
  • "20"
  • "10"
  • "15"
  • "14"
  • "13"
  • "12"
  • "11"
  • "9"
  • "8"
  • "7"
  • "6"
  • "5"
  • "4"
  • "3"
  • "16"

Rounds table


The following table describes the calculations that happened in order to achieve the result above. In each round of calculation, the candidate(s) who achieved more votes than the quota are declared elected. Their surplus votes above the quota are redistributed to the remaining candidates. If nobody achieves the quota, the lowest ranking candidate is eliminated and their votes are redistributed to the remaining candidates. To understand this better, please refer to this link.

Round Number Tally Result
  1. "1": 1,734
  2. "16": 232
  3. "10": 231
  4. "15": 231
  5. "14": 231
  6. "13": 231
  7. "12": 231
  8. "2": 231
  9. "11": 231
  10. "9": 231
  11. "8": 231
  12. "7": 231
  13. "6": 231
  14. "5": 231
  15. "4": 231
  16. "3": 231
  17. "17": 0
  18. "18": 0
  19. "19": 0
  20. "20": 0
Quota: 1,733.333334
  1. "1": 1,734
  2. "16": 232
  3. "10": 231
  4. "15": 231
  5. "14": 231
  6. "13": 231
  7. "12": 231
  8. "2": 231
  9. "11": 231
  10. "9": 231
  11. "8": 231
  12. "7": 231
  13. "6": 231
  14. "5": 231
  15. "4": 231
  16. "3": 231
  17. "17": 0
  18. "18": 0
  19. "19": 0
  20. "20": 0
Quota: 1,733.333334

Elected: "1"

  1. "1": 1,734 - 1 = 1,733.333334 (keep factor: 0.999616)
  2. "16": 232
  3. "2": 231 + 0.666666 = 231.666666
  4. "10": 231
  5. "15": 231
  6. "14": 231
  7. "13": 231
  8. "12": 231
  9. "11": 231
  10. "9": 231
  11. "8": 231
  12. "7": 231
  13. "6": 231
  14. "5": 231
  15. "4": 231
  16. "3": 231
  17. "17": 0
  18. "18": 0
  19. "19": 0
  20. "20": 0
Quota: 1,733.333334

Eliminated: "17", "18", "19", "20" Transferring votes

  1. "1": 1,733.333334 (keep factor: 0.999616)
  2. "16": 232
  3. "2": 231.666666
  4. "10": 231
  5. "15": 231
  6. "14": 231
  7. "13": 231
  8. "12": 231
  9. "11": 231
  10. "9": 231
  11. "8": 231
  12. "7": 231
  13. "6": 231
  14. "5": 231
  15. "4": 231
  16. "3": 231
Quota: 1,733.333334

Eliminated: "10", "15", "14", "13", "12", "11", "9", "8", "7", "6", "5", "4", "3"

  1. "1": 1,733.333334 (keep factor: 0.999616)
  2. "16": 232
  3. "2": 231.666666
Quota: 732.333334
  1. "2": 231.666666 - 230.666666 = 1,232.666666
  2. "1": 1,733.333334 + 731.333334 = 732.333334 (keep factor: 0.422338)
  3. "16": 232
Quota: 732.333334

Elected: "2" Transferring votes

(Results from 20:03, 31 August 2021)



Output from OpenSTV:

Loading ballots from file 20_2_5200_1308507669.blt.
Ballot file contains 20 candidates and 5200 ballots.
No candidates have withdrawn.
Ballot file contains 5200 non-empty ballots.

Counting votes for ElectionTitle using Meek STV.
20 candidates running for 2 seats.

 R|1          |2          |3          |4          |5          |6          
  |7          |8          |9          |10         |11         |12         
  |13         |14         |15         |16         |17         |18         
  |19         |20         |Exhausted  |Surplus    |Threshold  
 1|1734.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000
  |   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.000000|   0.666666|1733.333334
  | Count of first choices. Candidate 1 has reached the threshold and is
  | elected.
 2|1734.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |   0.000000|   0.666666|1733.333334
  | Count after eliminating 17, 18, 19, and 20 and transferring votes. All
  | losing candidates are eliminated.
 3|1733.334144| 231.665856| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |   0.000000|   0.000810|1733.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.999616.
 4|1733.334144| 231.665856| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |   0.000000|   0.000810|1733.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.999616.
 5|1733.334144| 231.665856| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 231.000000|  77.000810|1656.333334
  | Count after eliminating 12 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
  | 11, 12, 13, 14, and 15 were tied when choosing candidates to
  | eliminate. Candidate 12 was chosen by breaking the tie randomly.
 6|1656.334140| 308.665860| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 231.000000|   0.000806|1656.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.955210.
 7|1656.334140| 308.665860| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 231.000000|   0.000806|1656.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.955210.
 8|1656.334140| 308.665860| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 462.000000|  77.000806|1579.333334
  | Count after eliminating 13 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
  | 11, 13, 14, and 15 were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate.
  | Candidate 13 was chosen by breaking the tie randomly.
 9|1579.334136| 385.665864| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 462.000000|   0.000802|1579.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.910804.
10|1579.334136| 385.665864| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 462.000000|   0.000802|1579.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.910804.
11|1579.334136| 385.665864| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 693.000000|  77.000802|1502.333334
  | Count after eliminating 10 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10,
  | 11, 14, and 15 were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate.
  | Candidate 10 was chosen by breaking the tie randomly.
12|1502.334132| 462.665868| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 693.000000|   0.000798|1502.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.866398.
13|1502.334132| 462.665868| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 693.000000|   0.000798|1502.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.866398.
14|1502.334132| 462.665868| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 924.000000|  77.000798|1425.333334
  | Count after eliminating 9 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11,
  | 14, and 15 were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate
  | 9 was chosen by breaking the tie randomly.
15|1425.334128| 539.665872| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 924.000000|   0.000794|1425.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.821992.
16|1425.334128| 539.665872| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           | 924.000000|   0.000794|1425.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.821992.
17|1425.334128| 539.665872| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1155.000000|  77.000794|1348.333334
  | Count after eliminating 6 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 11, 14,
  | and 15 were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate 6
  | was chosen by breaking the tie randomly.
18|1348.334124| 616.665876| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1155.000000|   0.000790|1348.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.777586.
19|1348.334124| 616.665876| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           | 231.000000| 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1155.000000|   0.000790|1348.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.777586.
20|1348.334124| 616.665876| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1386.000000|  77.000790|1271.333334
  | Count after eliminating 14 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, 14,
  | and 15 were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate 14
  | was chosen by breaking the tie randomly.
21|1271.334120| 693.665880| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1386.000000|   0.000786|1271.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.733180.
22|1271.334120| 693.665880| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000| 231.000000|           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1386.000000|   0.000786|1271.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.733180.
23|1271.334120| 693.665880| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1617.000000|  77.000786|1194.333334
  | Count after eliminating 8 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 11, and 15
  | were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate 8 was
  | chosen by breaking the tie randomly.
24|1194.334116| 770.665884| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1617.000000|   0.000782|1194.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.688774.
25|1194.334116| 770.665884| 231.000000| 231.000000| 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1617.000000|   0.000782|1194.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.688774.
26|1194.334116| 770.665884| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1848.000000|  77.000782|1117.333334
  | Count after eliminating 4 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 4, 5, 7, 11, and 15
  | were tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate 4 was
  | chosen by breaking the tie randomly.
27|1117.334112| 847.665888| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1848.000000|   0.000778|1117.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.644368.
28|1117.334112| 847.665888| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           | 231.000000|           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |1848.000000|   0.000778|1117.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.644368.
29|1117.334112| 847.665888| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |2079.000000|  77.000778|1040.333334
  | Count after eliminating 11 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 5, 7, 11, and 15 were
  | tied when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate 11 was chosen by
  | breaking the tie randomly.
30|1040.334108| 924.665892| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |2079.000000|   0.000774|1040.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.599962.
31|1040.334108| 924.665892| 231.000000|           | 231.000000|           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |2079.000000|   0.000774|1040.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.599962.
32|1040.334108| 924.665892| 231.000000|           |           |           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |2310.000000|  77.000774| 963.333334
  | Count after eliminating 5 and transferring votes. Candidates tied
  | within precision of computations. Candidates 3, 5, 7, and 15 were tied
  | when choosing candidates to eliminate. Candidate 5 was chosen by
  | breaking the tie randomly.
33| 963.334104|1001.665896| 231.000000|           |           |           
  | 231.000000|           |           |           |           |           
  |           |           | 231.000000| 232.000000|           |           
  |           |           |2310.000000|  38.333332| 963.333334
  | Count after transferring surplus votes. Keep factors of candidates who
  | have exceeded the threshold: 1, 0.555556. Candidate 2 has reached the
  | threshold and is elected.

Winners are 1 and 2.


array (
  13 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 13,
  9 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 9,
  8 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 8,
  5 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 5,
  14 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 14,
  7 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 7,
  16 => 
  array (
    'count' => 232,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 16,
  '1_2' => 
  array (
    'count' => 1734,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 1,
      2 => 2,
  4 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 4,
  15 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 15,
  10 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 10,
  12 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 12,
  3 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 3,
  2 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 2,
  11 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 11,
  6 => 
  array (
    'count' => 231,
    'rank' => 
    array (
      1 => 6,

