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Anti-Harassment Tools/Product analytics/Partial block usage 2021-07

From mediawiki.org



Partial blocks have been deployed on all projects in 2020. We measured partial block usage in May 2020. (Anti-Harassment Tools/Product analytics/Partial block usage). Now want to re-calculate how often they are being used one year later.

Data timeframe: since the launch of partial blocks ~ 2021-07-31

Schema used: wmf_raw.mediawiki_logging

Number of Partial Blocks on All Projects


The monthly partial block usage was published at dashboard. You also can explore data for each project by selecting projects in the filter section.

Overall, the usage grew year over year. The spike on October 2020 is from ptwiki, which might be related to turning off IP editing on ptwiki in October 2020. Top 5 projects which have most partial blocks are: enwiki, itwiki, ptwiki, dewiki and bnwiki. Compared with the number in our 2020 report, bnwiki replaced frwiki and became one of the top 5.

Partial Blocks Trend
Top 5 Partial Blocks by Project

Pages Blocked per Submission


By the end of July 2021, people are blocked from total 13791 pages (unique 8501 pages) on all projects. Majority of partial blocks only blocked people from 1 page per submission.

Number of Pages Users Are Blocked From in One Submission
Number of Pages People Are Partial Blocked From by Project
wiki Number of Pages
afwiki 2
anwiktionary 0
arwiki 183
arzwiki 0
aswiki 1
azbwiki 1
azwiki 7
banwiki 1
barwiki 1
bgwiki 23
bnwiki 17
bnwikisource 2
bswiki 1
bxrwiki 1
cawiki 56
ckbwiki 0
commonswiki 42
cowiki 1
cswiki 129
cswiktionary 1
dawiki 19
dewiki 383
dewikivoyage 0
dewiktionary 27
elwiki 58
elwiktionary 0
enwiki 2487
enwikiquote 1
enwikisource 2
enwikiversity 3
enwikivoyage 4
enwiktionary 155
eowiki 8
eswiki 258
eswikisource 1
eswiktionary 4
etwiki 2
euwiki 7
fawiki 274
fawikiquote 4
fiwiki 30
fiwiktionary 4
frwiki 558
frwikisource 0
frwiktionary 3
glwiki 3
guwiki 2
hewiki 48
hewikivoyage 1
hewiktionary 1
hrwiki 16
huwiki 17
huwiktionary 1
hywiki 4
idwiki 106
ilowiki 1
incubatorwiki 2
iswiki 2
itwiki 1645
itwikinews 10
itwiktionary 10
jawiki 295
jawikiquote 1
jawikisource 1
jawiktionary 0
jvwiki 1
kawiki 1
kkwiki 0
knwiki 3
kowiki 24
kowikinews 1
kuwiktionary 1
kywiki 6
lmowiki 2
ltwiki 63
lvwiki 11
mediawikiwiki 7
metawiki 37
miwiki 1
mlwiki 1
mrwiki 1
mswiki 20
mywiki 4
nlwiki 143
nlwikibooks 1
nlwiktionary 3
nnwiki 1
nowiki 18
plwiki 126
plwikibooks 0
plwikinews 2
plwikiquote 3
plwikisource 1
plwiktionary 15
pswiki 3
ptwiki 264
ptwikiquote 3
rowiki 15
rowiktionary 0
ruwiki 203
ruwikisource 2
ruwikivoyage 1
ruwiktionary 10
scowiki 3
simplewiki 10
simplewiktionary 1
siwiki 1
skwiki 25
slwiki 1
srwiki 19
svwiki 110
svwiktionary 2
swwiki 4
tawikisource 1
tewiki 5
thwiki 8
thwikisource 1
thwiktionary 1
trwiki 23
ttwiki 1
ukwiki 91
ukwikivoyage 3
uzwiki 1
vecwiki 1
viwiki 11
viwikibooks 1
vlswiki 0
wikidatawiki 7
wuuwiki 1
yowiki 1
zh_yuewiki 14
zhwiki 199
zhwikibooks 10
zhwikisource 10
zhwiktionary 10
zuwiki 0

Partial Blocks by Namespaces


By the end of July 2021, the most often blocked namespaces are: 3 (user talk), 4(project),0 (main),10 (template). The trend is consistent with what we observed last year.

Number of Partial Blocks by Namespaces