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Admin tools development/SUL Audit/Metrics 20130417

From mediawiki.org

The following numbers are based on static dumps of all wikis from 2013/04/17, and slaved centralauth; consequently the numbers won't add up perfectly.

The following data is using the user_touched field in the user tables. This is not a particularly accurate number, but is conservative when it exists.

Group Total Accounts touched in last … Group name
1mo 2mo 3mo 4mo 5mo 6mo 9mo 12mo 18mo 24mo 30mo 36mo
Local accounts total 55,277,895 10,844,466 17,962,609 18,974,457 19,788,432 20,662,830 21,452,744 23,176,411 24,484,443 27,197,478 30,030,437 33,061,157 50,711,356 L
attached accounts 50,853,079 10,090,826 16,808,201 17,783,829 18,567,081 19,410,030 20,168,812 21,812,125 23,049,130 25,600,567 28,266,141 31,122,781 46,566,939 LA
non-attached accounts 4,424,816 752,136 1,154,302 1,190,517 1,221,255 1,252,694 1,283,860 1,364,245 1,435,264 1,596,805 1,764,254 1,938,329 4,144,363 LU
… with e-mail 3,566,011 534,315 803,142 835,198 862,104 889,108 916,197 986,725 1,049,463 1,192,035 1,339,659 1,492,929 3,317,581 LUE
… who do not clash with another account 313 78 125 126 190 193 196 212 238 246 246 248 310 LUN
… who clash with a global account 124,582 36,948 50,842 51,652 52,480 53,377 54,399 56,385 57,467 59,397 64,297 70,657 114,379 LUG
… global clash but appear to be merge-able - - - - - - - - - - - - - LUGM
… who clash with 1 or more local accounts 4,379,164 741,286 1,140,456 1,176,173 1,206,316 1,237,124 1,267,535 1,346,576 1,417,151 1,578,124 1,742,340 1,911,948 4,105,206 LUL
… local clash but appear to be merge-able 822,608 127,041 220,315 227,391 233,329 238,788 243,973 257,318 268,759 292,320 317,010 340,387 790,946 LULM
Global accounts total 27,347,859 - - - - - - - - - - - - G
… who clash with 1 or more local accounts - - - - - - - - - - - - - GL
… who do not clash with local accounts - - - - - - - - - - - - - GN