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Admin tools development/SUL Audit/Metrics 20130315

From mediawiki.org

The following numbers are based on static dumps of all wikis from 2013/03/15, and slaved centralauth; consequently the numbers won't add up perfectly.

The following data is using the user_touched field in the user tables. This is not a particularly accurate number, but is conservative when it exists.

Group Total Accounts touched in last …
1mo 2mo 3mo 4mo 5mo 6mo 9mo 12mo 18mo 24mo 30mo 36mo
Local accounts total 54,198,377 7,648,878 9,123,939 10,299,704 11,545,854 12,652,651 13,547,083 15,814,906 17,843,964 21,905,645 25,293,304 28,892,101 49,263,580
attached accounts 39,150,667 6,855,298 8,271,373 9,389,564 10,575,563 11,637,797 12,480,472 14,620,109 16,509,664 20,285,066 23,370,389 26,668,163 34,665,382
non-attached accounts 15,047,702 742,646 815,976 875,891 933,846 989,056 1,039,421 1,174,877 1,314,077 1,602,817 1,908,554 2,209,775 14,582,053
non-attached accounts, with e-mail 11,184,787 480,274 543,942 595,580 645,384 692,919 735,763 850,603 968,926 1,215,401 1,475,717 1,733,459 10,821,581
… who do not clash with another account 10,642,704 336,340 361,361 382,570 402,734 420,400 436,263 481,066 528,077 620,525 729,246 828,661 10,474,862
… who clash with a global account 121,035 13,435 14,565 15,629 16,693 18,009 19,234 23,136 26,024 30,718 37,112 44,179 109,027
… who clash with 1 or more local accounts 4,360,291 403,411 451,100 489,182 526,309 563,013 596,628 684,384 774,750 968,265 1,161,147 1,358,436 4,069,605
… local clash but appear to be merge-able 822,261 92,227 101,768 109,252 115,879 122,106 127,564 142,124 155,987 182,461 210,049 236,028 789,390
Global accounts total 16,375,981 - - - - - - - - - - - -
… who clash with 1 or more local accounts - - - - - - - - - - - - -
… who do not clash with local accounts - - - - - - - - - - - - -