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From mediawiki.org

Prefix: None Required Rights: None POST Only? No

Allows actions to be taken on threads and posts in threaded discussions.


  • bump – If set, overrides default behaviour as to whether or not to . Type: string
  • gettoken – . Type: string
  • method – For getting inline edit forms, the method to get a form for. Type: string
  • newparent – If merging a thread, the ID or title for its new parent. Type: string
  • operand – . Type: string
  • reason – If applicable, the reason/summary for the action. Type: string
  • render – If set, on post/reply methods, the top-level thread after the change will be rendered and returned in the result.. Type: string
  • signature – Specifies the signature to use for that post. Can be NULL to specify the default signature. Type: string
  • sortkey – Specifies the timestamp to which to set a thread's sort key. Must be in the form YYYYMMddhhmmss, a unix timestamp or 'now'.. Type: string
  • subject – The subject to set for the new or split thread. Type: string
  • talkpage – The talkpage to act on (if applicable). Type: string
  • text – The text of the post to create. Type: string
  • thread – A list (pipe-separated) of thread IDs or titles to act on.
  • threadaction – The action to take.
Type: one of markread, markunread, split, merge, reply, newthread, setsubject, setsortkey, edit, addreaction, deletereaction, inlineeditform
  • token – An edit token (from ?action=query&prop=info&intoken=edit). Type: string
  • type – Specifies the type of reaction to add. Type: string
  • value – Specifies the value associated with the reaction to add. Type: string

Errors Codes

  • already-top-level – This thread is already a top-level thread..
  • badtoken – Invalid token.
  • invalid-parent-thread – The parent thread you specified was neither the title of a thread, nor a thread ID..
  • invalid-sortkey – You must specify a valid timestamp for the sortkey parameter. It should be in the form YYYYMMddhhmmss, a unix timestamp or "now"..
  • invalid-subject – The subject you specified is not valid.
  • invalid-subject – You must specify a thread to edit.
  • invalid-talkpage – The talkpage you specified is invalid, or does not have discussion threading enabled..
  • mustbeposted – The threadaction module requires a POST request.
  • no-parent-thread – You must specify a new parent thread to merge beneath.
  • no-specified-threads – You must specify a thread to change the subject of.
  • no-specified-threads – You must specify a thread to reply to.
  • no-specified-threads – You must specify a thread to set the sortkey of.
  • no-specified-threads – You must specify a thread to merge.
  • no-specified-threads – You must specify a thread to split.
  • no-text – You must include text in your post.
  • no-valid-subject – No subject, or an invalid subject, was specified.
  • noaction – The action parameter must be set.
  • noapiwrite – Editing of this wiki through the API is disabled. Make sure the $wgEnableWriteAPI=true; statement is included in the wiki's LocalSettings.php file.
  • nosubject – The subject parameter must be set.
  • notalkpage – The talkpage parameter must be set.
  • notoken – The token parameter must be set.
  • perm_result-protected – You cannot reply to this thread, because the perm_result is protected from replies..
  • readapidenied – You need read permission to use this module.
  • talkpage-protected – You cannot post to the specified talkpage, because it is protected from new posts.
  • too-many-threads – You may only edit one thread at a time.
  • too-many-threads – You may only change the subject of one thread at a time.
  • too-many-threads – You may only split one thread at a time.
  • writeapidenied – You're not allowed to edit this wiki through the API.