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From mediawiki.org
This page is a translated version of the page API:Block and the translation is 69% complete.
Outdated translations are marked like this.
Версія MediaWiki:

POST запит, щоб заблокувати або розблокувати користувача.

Блокування користувачів

Документація API


(main | block)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • This module requires write rights.
  • This module only accepts POST requests.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Block a user.

Specific parameters:
Other general parameters are available.

User to block.

Type: user, by any of username, IP, Temporary user, IP range and user ID (e.g. "#12345")

Specify user=#ID instead.

Type: integer

Expiry time. May be relative (e.g. 5 months or 2 weeks) or absolute (e.g. 2014-09-18T12:34:56Z). If set to infinite, indefinite, or never, the block will never expire.

Default: never

Reason for block.

Default: (empty)

Block anonymous users only (i.e. disable anonymous edits for this IP address, including temporary account edits).

Type: boolean (details)

Prevent account creation.

Type: boolean (details)

Automatically block the last used IP address, and any subsequent IP addresses they try to login from.

Type: boolean (details)

Prevent user from sending email through the wiki. (Requires the blockemail right).

Type: boolean (details)

Hide the username from the block log. (Requires the hideuser right).

Type: boolean (details)

Allow the user to edit their own talk page (depends on $wgBlockAllowsUTEdit).

Type: boolean (details)

If the user is already blocked, overwrite the existing block.

Type: boolean (details)

Watch the user's or IP address's user and talk pages.

Type: boolean (details)

Watchlist expiry timestamp. Omit this parameter entirely to leave the current expiry unchanged.

Type: expiry (details)

Change tags to apply to the entry in the block log.

Values (separate with | or alternative): AWB, convenient-discussions, possible vandalism, repeating characters

Block user from specific pages or namespaces rather than the entire site.

Type: boolean (details)

List of titles to block the user from editing. Only applies when partial is set to true.

Type: page title
Separate values with | or alternative.
Maximum number of values is 10.
Only accepts pages that exist.

List of namespace IDs to block the user from editing. Only applies when partial is set to true.

Values (separate with | or alternative): 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 90, 91, 92, 93, 100, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 486, 487, 710, 711, 828, 829, 1198, 1199, 2600, 5500, 5501
To specify all values, use *.

List of actions to block the user from performing. Only applies when partial is set to true.

Values (separate with | or alternative): create, move, thanks, upload

A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens

This parameter is required.
Block IP address for three days with a reason.
api.php?action=block&user= [open in sandbox]
Block user Vandal indefinitely with a reason, and prevent new account creation and email sending.
api.php?action=block&user=Vandal&expiry=never&reason=Vandalism&nocreate=&autoblock=&noemail=&token=123ABC [open in sandbox]


Подання будь-якого запиту POST є багатокроковим процесом:

  1. Увійдіть до системи через один із методів, описаних у API:Вхід .
  2. Отримати токен . Цей токен дорівнює токену редагування і змінюється під час кожного входу.
  3. Надішліть запит POST з токеном, щоб заблокувати користувача.

Запит POST

Приклад блокування користувача на 1 день, відключення створення облікового запису та електронної пошти


  "block": {
    "user": "Example",
    "userID": 2,
    "expiry": "2015-02-25T07:27:50Z",
    "id": "8",
    "reason": "Time out",
    "nocreate": "",
    "noemail": ""

Приклад коду




    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Block` module: sending POST request to block user
    MIT license

import requests

S = requests.Session()

URL = "https://test.wikipedia.org/w/api.php"

# Step 1: GET request to fetch login token
PARAMS_0 = {
    "action": "query",
    "meta": "tokens",
    "type": "login",
    "format": "json"

R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS_0)
DATA = R.json()

LOGIN_TOKEN = DATA['query']['tokens']['logintoken']

# Step 2: POST request to log in. Use of main account for login is not
# supported. Obtain credentials via Special:BotPasswords
# (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:BotPasswords) for lgname & lgpassword
PARAMS_1 = {
    "action": "login",
    "lgname": "your_bot_username",
    "lgpassword": "your_bot_password",
    "lgtoken": LOGIN_TOKEN,
    "format": "json"

R = S.post(URL, data=PARAMS_1)

# Step 3: GET request to fetch CSRF token
PARAMS_2 = {
    "action": "query",
    "meta": "tokens",
    "format": "json"

R = S.get(url=URL, params=PARAMS_2)
DATA = R.json()

CSRF_TOKEN = DATA['query']['tokens']['csrftoken']

# Step 4: POST request to block user
PARAMS_3 = {
    "action": "block",
    "user": "Example",
    "expiry": "2015-02-25T07:27:50Z",
    "reason": "Time out",
    "token": CSRF_TOKEN,
    "format": "json"

R = S.post(URL, data=PARAMS_3)
DATA = R.json()





    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Block` module: sending POST request to block user
    MIT license

$endPoint = "http://dev.wiki.local.wmftest.net:8080/w/api.php";

$login_Token = getLoginToken(); // Step 1
loginRequest( $login_Token ); // Step 2
$csrf_Token = getCSRFToken(); // Step 3
block( $csrf_Token ); // Step 4

// Step 1: GET request to fetch login token
function getLoginToken() {
	global $endPoint;

	$params1 = [
		"action" => "query",
		"meta" => "tokens",
		"type" => "login",
		"format" => "json"

	$url = $endPoint . "?" . http_build_query( $params1 );

	$ch = curl_init( $url );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt" );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookie.txt" );

	$output = curl_exec( $ch );
	curl_close( $ch );

	$result = json_decode( $output, true );
	return $result["query"]["tokens"]["logintoken"];

// Step 2: POST request to log in. Use of main account for login is not
// supported. Obtain credentials via Special:BotPasswords
// (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:BotPasswords) for lgname & lgpassword
function loginRequest( $logintoken ) {
	global $endPoint;

	$params2 = [
		"action" => "login",
		"lgname" => "bot_user_name",
		"lgpassword" => "bot_password",
		"lgtoken" => $logintoken,
		"format" => "json"

	$ch = curl_init();

	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $endPoint );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query( $params2 ) );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt" );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookie.txt" );

	$output = curl_exec( $ch );
	curl_close( $ch );


// Step 3: GET request to fetch CSRF token
function getCSRFToken() {
	global $endPoint;

	$params3 = [
		"action" => "query",
		"meta" => "tokens",
		"format" => "json"

	$url = $endPoint . "?" . http_build_query( $params3 );

	$ch = curl_init( $url );

	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt" );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookie.txt" );

	$output = curl_exec( $ch );
	curl_close( $ch );

	$result = json_decode( $output, true );
	return $result["query"]["tokens"]["csrftoken"];

// Step 4: POST request to block user
function block( $csrftoken ) {
	global $endPoint;

	$params4 = [
		"action" => "block",
		"user" => "ABCD",
		"expiry" => "2020-02-25T07:27:50Z",
		"reason" => "API Test",
		"token" => $csrftoken,
		"format" => "json"

	$ch = curl_init();

	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_URL, $endPoint );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POST, true );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, http_build_query( $params4 ) );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, true );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEJAR, "cookie.txt" );
	curl_setopt( $ch, CURLOPT_COOKIEFILE, "cookie.txt" );

	$output = curl_exec( $ch );
	curl_close( $ch );

	echo ( $output );


    MediaWiki API Demos
    Demo of `Block` module: sending POST request to block user

    MIT license

var request = require('request').defaults({jar: true}),
    url = "http://dev.wiki.local.wmftest.net:8080/w/api.php";

// Step 1: GET request to fetch login token
function getLoginToken() {
    var params_0 = {
        action: "query",
        meta: "tokens",
        type: "login",
        format: "json"

    request.get({ url: url, qs: params_0 }, function (error, res, body) {
        if (error) {
        var data = JSON.parse(body);

// Step 2: POST request to log in. 
// Use of main account for login is not
// supported. Obtain credentials via Special:BotPasswords
// (https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:BotPasswords) for lgname & lgpassword
function loginRequest(login_token) {
    var params_1 = {
        action: "login",
        lgname: "bot_username",
        lgpassword: "bot_password",
        lgtoken: login_token,
        format: "json"

    request.post({ url: url, form: params_1 }, function (error, res, body) {
        if (error) {

// Step 3: GET request to fetch CSRF token
function getCsrfToken() {
    var params_2 = {
        action: "query",
        meta: "tokens",
        format: "json"

    request.get({ url: url, qs: params_2 }, function(error, res, body) {
        if (error) {
        var data = JSON.parse(body);

// Step 4: POST request to block user
function block(csrf_token) {
    var params_3 = {
        action: "block",
        user: "ABCDEF",
        expiry: "2020-02-25T07:27:50Z",
        reason: "API Test",
        token: csrf_token,
        format: "json"

    request.post({ url: url, form: params_3 }, function (error, res, body) {
        if (error) {

// Start From Step 1

MediaWiki JS


	MediaWiki API Demos
	Demo of `Block` module: sending POST request to block user

	MIT License

var params = {
		action: 'block',
		user: 'ABCD',
		expiry: '2020-02-25T07:27:50Z',
		reason: 'API Test',
		format: 'json'
	api = new mw.Api();

api.postWithToken( 'csrf', params ).done( function ( data ) {
	console.log( data );
} );

Розблокування користувачів

Документація API


(main | unblock)
  • This module requires read rights.
  • This module requires write rights.
  • This module only accepts POST requests.
  • Source: MediaWiki
  • License: GPL-2.0-or-later

Unblock a user.

Specific parameters:
Other general parameters are available.

ID of the block to unblock (obtained through list=blocks). Cannot be used together with user.

Type: integer

User to unblock. Cannot be used together with id.

Type: user, by any of username, IP, Temporary user, IP range and user ID (e.g. "#12345")

Specify user=#ID instead.

Type: integer

Reason for unblock.

Default: (empty)

Change tags to apply to the entry in the block log.

Values (separate with | or alternative): AWB, convenient-discussions, possible vandalism, repeating characters

Watch the user's or IP address's user and talk pages.

Type: boolean (details)

Watchlist expiry timestamp. Omit this parameter entirely to leave the current expiry unchanged.

Type: expiry (details)

A "csrf" token retrieved from action=query&meta=tokens

This parameter is required.


Запит POST

Приклад розблокування та вибачення


  "id": "16",
  "user": "Example",
  "userid": 2,
  "reason": "Sorry Example"

Можливі помилки

Код Блокування Інформація
alreadyblocked The user you tried to block was already blocked
cantblock Ви не маєте прав на блокування користувачів.
cantblock-email Ви не маєте прав на блокування користувачам можливості надсилання електронної пошти через вікі.
canthide Ви не маєте прав на приховування імен користувачів у журналі блокувань.
This feature has to be enabled explicitly in LocalSettings.php.
invalidexpiry Invalid expiry time
invalidip Invalid IP address specified
invalidrange Invalid IP range
notoken Параметр token має бути заповнений.
nouser Параметр user має бути заповнений.
pastexpiry Час закінчення «$1» — в минулому.
permissiondenied Ви не маєте прав на блокування користувачів.
On most wikis, blocking users is restricted to sysops, but other wikis may have stricter rules.
rangedisabled Blocking IP ranges has been disabled
Код Розблокування Інформація
notarget Either the ID or the user parameter must be set
notoken Параметр token має бути заповнений.
idanduser The ID and user parameters can't be used together
blockedasrange IP address "address" was blocked as part of range "range". You can't unblock the IP individually, but you can unblock the range as a whole.
cantunblock The block you specified was not found. It may have been unblocked already
permissiondenied Ви не маєте прав на розблокування користувачів.
On most wikis, unblocking users is restricted to sysops, but other wikis may have different rules.

Історія параметра

  • 1.29: Уведено tags
  • 1.21: Видалено gettoken
  • 1.20: Застаріло gettoken
  • 1.18: Уведено watchuser
  • 1.14: Уведено allowusertalk, reblock

Див. також