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From mediawiki.org

Prefix: afl Required Rights: None POST Only? No

Show events that were caught by one of the abuse filters.


  • dir – The direction in which to enumerate.
Type: one of newer, older
  • end – The timestamp to stop enumerating at. Type: timestamp
  • filter – Show only entries that were caught by a given filter ID. Type: string
  • limit – The maximum amount of entries to list. Type: limit
  • prop – Which properties to get.
Type: one of ids, filter, user, ip, title, action, details, result, timestamp, hidden
  • start – The timestamp to start enumerating from. Type: timestamp
  • title – Show only entries occurring on a given page.. Type: string
  • user – Show only entries done by a given user or IP address.. Type: string

Errors Codes

  • invalidtitle – Bad title ``key''.
  • invalidtitle – Bad title ``title''.
  • invalidtitle – Bad title ``title''.
  • permissiondenied – You don't have permission to view detailed abuse log entries.
  • permissiondenied – You don't have permission to view IP addresses.
  • permissiondenied – You don't have permission to view the abuse log.
  • readapidenied – You need read permission to use this module.