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2015 MediaWiki User Survey/Survey Results Anonymized.csv

From mediawiki.org
Timestamp,How large is your organization?,How long have you been using MediaWiki?,How many MediaWiki sites do you manage?,Are your sites public or private?,Approximately how many people are there on your MediaWiki sites?,What MediaWiki Version are you currently using?,Which MediaWiki update cycle is closest to what you use?,"Of the extensions you use, which are your most essential?",Why do you use MediaWiki?,What would you like to see most improved in MediaWiki the software?,What would you like to see most improved in the community around MediaWiki?,Do you make contributions to the MediaWiki community?,"What barriers, if any, do you think exist to participation in the MediaWiki community? What can we do to help?"
7/9/2015 16:04:22,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Every 3 months,"BlueSpice
Semantic MediaWiki
","It's flexible, I can set it up very quickly, and users do understand how to use it easily.",Extension Management and configuration from a webbased interface.,Visibility of extensions. How can I know which ones are good and widely used?,"I help with documentation, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions",Publishing an extension in a good way requires a rather complex setup. Can we make that easier?
7/10/2015 3:40:45,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",Every 6 months,"BlueSpice:
* VisualEditor 
* ExtendedSearch
* VisualDiff
* PermissionManager
Semantic MediaWiki
Semantic Forms",It's the leading open source MediaWiki and it open up possibilities for new extensions and  configurations ,The extension management,Clear regulations how developers can participate and which technologies are supported in the next years. ,I contribute to extensions,"MediaWiki development is focused on Wikipedia, which ignores the needs of thousands other users and hundreds other use cases."
7/10/2015 5:16:04,More than 500 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,100-500 people,1.25,Every 3 months,"Semantic MediaWiki
Semantic Forms
Semantic Title
Title Icon
",Community knowledge building,Stable extension management with support for wiki farms,Roadmap/architecture/governance model,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/15/2015 10:25:49,Just Me,5+ years,5-10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,1.25,Ever major release,,"* Sharing knowledge in an organisation
* Sharing information about a game
","Ease of sharing information, SMW Like features, stability in the software",Ease of joining,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/15/2015 10:29:28,Just Me,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,100-500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"ParserFunctions
User Merge and Delete
InputBox","* easy to use
* available everywhere (webbased)
* expandable
* flexible information management (just start writing, re-arrange / expand / improve later)
* all information in one place -> search","* put some standard admin function into core (rename / merge users, spam stuff)
* auto-updater for extensions - eg. Wordpress
* getting rid of external services (eg. nodejs for VE)","* a better visibility of the non-WMF developer community
* more active / more in charge external developer community","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions",WMF development feels much like a closed shop
7/15/2015 11:25:33,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Public,Not Sure,1.25,When needed,"ConfirmEdit
",Because it replaced phase1 / wiki.pl  and was PHP based.,Creating new skins and replacing the background must be easier for end-users.,It should start to care about the needs of 3rd party (non-WMF) users and it's own projects that are not just Wikipedia.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","Use the same medium as users, wiki and IRC. Avoid Google docs."
7/15/2015 11:31:02,25-100 people,1-2 years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Every security release,"Breadcrumbs,BetaFeatures,MultimediaViewer,EmbedVideo,Replace Text",Web based document collaboration (sharing editing duties).,"We need the Visual Editor to be stable and working in an LTS or stable build. Currently, I cannot get it working (1.23 LTS, 1.24). The editing experience (wiki markup) is what puts many people off editing/authoring.",,,
7/15/2015 11:38:13,More than 500 people,5+ years,5-10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,1.24,Every security release,"ParserFunctions,DynamicPageList (third-party),LdapAuthentication,MWSearch,OAI,CategoryTree,CirrusSearch,SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi,TitleKey
",It's has been the primary intranet system at Cimpress/Vistaprint for sharing knowledge since 2007. It is low-cost and scalable. The wiki model is ideal for an educated community of users.,"(1) Continue developing VisualEditor until it's bulletproof. (2) Allow categories to be renamed and deleted with single, simple operations. (3) Fix numbered lists so you can insert other wikitext into the middle of a list (like images) and not break the numbering.",,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute to extensions, Financial donations",
7/15/2015 11:38:52,Just Me,5+ years,1,Public,25-100 people,1.24,Every minor point release,"Confirm User Accounts, Contribution Scores, External Links, Cite, CharInsert, ParserFunctions, Scribunto, SimpleMathJax, Gadgets, SandboxLink, WikiEditor",to run a wiki,shadow namespaces,better documentation,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I help answer questions and provide support",the preception is that WMF is interested only in MediaWiki for the WMF and not for outsiders
7/15/2015 11:49:13,,5+ years,1,Public,25-100 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Every minor point release,,"my main goal at begin was: create my personal learning space, see more at (1). The current mission for my wiki is at.","automatic updates
better spam protection",,I am in the irc channel + help people,
7/15/2015 11:50:48,Just Me,5+ years,0,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,1.24,"OS Packaged version (e.g. Debian, Redhat)","SimpleSecurity, ParserFunctions, Lockdown, Cite, Poem",,,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/15/2015 11:52:35,More than 500 people,5+ years,1,Public,100-500 people,1.19,Every minor point release,"User Administration
Google Analytics Integration
Bad Behaviour
PDF Handler
Facebook Open Graph for Mediawiki",To support a cultural archive site for a not-for-profit foundation,"Clearer direction and configuration for anti-spamming techniques, though this will vary ending on the spectrum of public to private participation.","Continued improvements to the organisation of developer materials, and perhaps even the possibly of offering hosted platforms to facilitate take-up for potential users.",I contribute feedback and bug reports,"In honesty, the community is fairly open, possibly even more so that the Wikipedia community at large. However, for newcomers, the organisation and sprawl within the mediawiki project is a little disconcerting. It has improved greatly in recent times though"
7/15/2015 11:53:55,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,1,Public,Fewer than 25 people,1.24,When needed,"OpenID, Interwiki, ImageMap, Widgets, ParserFunctions","Familiarity, Completeness",Enable multi-site searching.,Prompt alerts and advice for spam and intrusion prevention.,I contribute feedback and bug reports,
7/15/2015 11:54:23,Just Me,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,25-100 people,"1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Every minor point release,"AdminLinks,
Semantic Compound Queries,
Semantic Extra Special Properties,
Semantic Forms,
Semantic Maps,
Semantic MediaWiki,
Semantic Result Formats,
WikiEditor,",It is great and powerful software that offers very many opportunities to build a tailored wiki.,"file handling (ClipUpload etc.), access control (Lockdown etc.)",There should be somebody for community liaison (as well as editor in chief) on mediawiki.org too. At least I am not aware of any person doing such thing. mediawiki.org is basically an abandoned wiki.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","See above. There is basically nobody (dedicated person) listening if you enter via mediawiki.org. I just depends if there is a good WMF product manager around (this group is by far the worst), an involved person on the support page or a good extension maintainer if you want to get heard. To cut it short: There is nobody taking care of the unanswered rest, i.e. someone who could give pointers to some directions."
7/15/2015 11:58:11,More than 500 people,3-5 years,2-5,Private,100-500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",When needed,"VisualEditor, LDAP Authentication, Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Forms, External Data, Replace Text",It provides a easy way for co-workers to provide a low-friction way of sharing and finding information within our organization.,Easier install and upgrade process. Better backwards compatibility or help making sure extensions don't blow up with updates. ,More collaboration and involvement in the third-party MediaWiki community  from all users. More events about MediaWiki not directly tied to Wikipedia or other WMF-lead events.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I help answer questions and provide support, Community building","Way too developer/tech focused. There are many people who don't (or won't) spend the time trying to figure out MediaWiki with it's crazy dependencies and issues - composer, extensions are ill-supported, updates break things, newest (and best) editor requires more technical debt."
7/15/2015 12:39:24,Just Me,5+ years,1,Public,Just me,1.25,Every minor point release,"A custom, non-public spam blocking extension that hooks into my internal spam blocking system","I use MediaWiki in a similar fashion as Wikipedia, but as an ""encyclopedia"" exclusively for my comic strip and the rest of my site built around it. As of this writing, this wiki is publicly readable, but I am the only sysop and the sole contributor. MediaWiki makes this relatively easy, and having an interface familiar to my users (who are likely to already be familiar with Wikipedia) makes my wiki easier to use. (I once considered building my entire site around Wikipedia, but for reasons outlined in the following question, I'm glad I didn't go that route.)","MediaWiki does pretty much everything I expect and want from it. If I have any complaints, they are chiefly around much things change between releases. As an example, I had a significant problem upgrading from version 1.23 because of the complete restructuring of how skins were handled. I was using a custom skin which I had to abandon because I did not have time to completely rewrite it to fit with 1.24+. Fortunately, I was able to work around this by using MediaWiki's built-in custom CSS and JavaScript functionality, but I wasted a full day trying to figure out how this worked. Such a major restructuring in a ""minor point release"" is an annoyance, and I don't think it was communicated well to downstream, non-WikiMedia users of MediaWiki. MediaWiki development seems to be very fast and volatile, making building a third-party site based upon it a risky and difficult process. Non-WikiMedia users are left to fend for themselves as the software seems to change at the slightest whim of Wikipedians.","This has been brought up on the mailing lists before, but it would be nice if the development around MediaWiki were less Wikipedia-centric and took more into consideration the needs of MW users outside WikiMedia. While we all understand that Wikipedia is the chief user and poster child for the software, by releasing it for others to use WikiMedia now has an obligation to listen to its outside users. Bug reporting and handling isn't the issue there, but adding or changing features requires better coordination and communication.",,"Unfortunately, the main barriers that prevent my personal participation are my own constraints on time and other obligations. While I try to contribute to answering questions on the mailing lists from time to time, they usually get answered by someone more knowledgeable than me by the time I finally get around to them. I'm afraid there's not much I could offer in ways to improve participation at this time."
7/15/2015 12:41:32,Just Me,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,1.25,Ever major release,"ConfirmEdit + QuestyCaptcha
LiquidThreads",Primarily for community engagement and involvement.,"I'd like to see better ""enterprise"" extensions to provide CMS-like functionality such as fine grained access control.  I realize this type of functionality isn't very Wiki-like, but regardless, I get asked for it all the time.",Actually think the community is very healthy.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","If anything, perhaps centralizing the community better.  It feels today like there's so many community corners, such as IRC channels, mailing lists, etc. that the average person doesn't know where to begin."
7/15/2015 15:08:00,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"1.21, Older than 1.19",When needed,"DynamicPageList, SyntaxHighlight, WikiEditor, graph extension",,,,,
7/15/2015 15:21:51,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,100-500 people,"1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Every security release,HotCat,,,,,
7/15/2015 16:00:52,Just Me,1-2 years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,1.22,When needed,"CategoryTree, Interwiki ",To store my online notebook...,,,I'm merely an observer,
7/15/2015 16:28:52,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds), 1.21",Every minor point release,"Translate, UniversalLanguageSelector, TwnMainPage, SemanticMediaWiki, SemanticMaps","Closely related to wikimedia, we use a convenient and extensible platform called MediaWiki for a crowd sourced translation website","Extension discovery, installation and configuration","Improved connectivity between users. We are making a lot of effort to connect developers, but have never managed to empower the tens of thousands of wiki administrators. This might also boost the number of contributors.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",Sorry out of time
7/15/2015 16:51:14,25-100 people,3-5 years,More than 10,Public,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Ever major release,"AbuseFilter, AntiBot, AntiSpoof, ConfirmEdit, CategoryTree, Cite, DPL3.0, EmbedVideo, Interwiki, MobileFrontend, MsUpload, Nuke, ParserFunctions, Poem, RSSPie, SemanticMediawiki, SpamBlacklist, StringFunctions, TitleBlacklist, Variables, VisualEditor, WikiEditor, Elastica, CirrusSearch, Echo, Ton of homegrown extensions.",We house the largest gaming wiki community. ,The main mediawiki parser and job system.,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute to extensions",
7/15/2015 17:00:35,100-500 people,5+ years,More than 10,Public,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Every security release,"SemanticMediawiki, DynamicPageList, EmbedVideo, MsUpload, SpriteSheet",To host a wiki farm of gaming content comprised of 900+ individual wikis.,Overall Redis support to eventually replace Memcache.,People being super picky about commit message formatting in Gerrit.  It is 2015.  This is why word wrap exists.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute to extensions",
7/15/2015 17:08:43,More than 500 people,5+ years,More than 10,Public,More than 500 people,1.25,Ever major release,"ParserFunctions, DebugTemplates, MsUpload, Tabber, SlideBoxLightShow, AjaxPoll",because i make wikis,"less favouritism for wikia
better performance",see above,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions",
7/15/2015 17:59:13,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,5-10,Public,100-500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Every security release,"Collection,Widgets,Gadgets,VisualEditor,WEnotes,Liquid Threads","clear attribution of collaboration (version control system for educators), ease of reuse of text data
",image upload and licensing within page authoring workflow,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions",
7/15/2015 21:35:37,More than 500 people,3-5 years,5-10,Mix of Both,100-500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds), 1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Ever major release,"Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Result Formats, Semantic Forms, Cite, Parser Functions, Wiki Editor (VE soon) WatchAnalytics, Approved Revs",To bring order to massive amounts of rapidly changing knowledge.,Per-category and/or per-namespace access control,Does anyone use vanilla MW? The MW download page should encourage certain standardized builds of MW+extensions. ,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions",There are a lot of communication channels 
7/15/2015 23:42:10,More than 500 people,3-5 years,2-5,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"1.23 (Current LTS), Older than 1.19",Every security release,"Arrays
SemanticMediaWiki and all of its dependencies
WikiEditor",easy of access for users and editors. wide range of possibilities due to semanticmediawiki.,"the ui. haven't tries other skins yet, though.",group of devs seem a rather closed up group. questions regarding development issues get seldom answered,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",getting in is a rather tedious process. people already in the community knw each other and - most of the time - don't see the necessity to include new people.
7/16/2015 1:36:40,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,25-100 people,"1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS), 1.21",When needed,"BlueSpice, Semantic MediaWiki, Echo, Cite, FlaggedRevs",,"Templating system, restructuration of skin system",,I help answer questions and provide support,
7/16/2015 3:20:19,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,25-100 people,"1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Ever major release,"Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Result Formats, Semantic Forms, Chameleon, HeaderTabs, Semantic Internal Objects, Wikieditor, Semantic Comments, Semantic Maps","Open Source with large community, very stable, many extensions, great wiki engine, especially great in combination with Semantic MediaWiki",Access Control,Semantic MediaWiki and related extensions,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support, Organise SMWCon, do promotion and marketing",
7/16/2015 3:24:51,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,100-500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds), 1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Every security release,"AbuseFilter
GlobalBlocking","To host the Orain farm
To develop on","Releases & Versions
Amazing extension management
Improved robustness of i18n caching",,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/16/2015 3:57:44,More than 500 people,5+ years,2-5,Public,Fewer than 25 people,"OS Packaged version (e.g. Debian, Redhat)","OS Packaged version (e.g. Debian, Redhat)","Semantic MediaWiki, Cite, Graphvix, ParserFunctions, SimpleTable, SyntaxHighlight, OpenStreetMap Simple Map, CategoryTree, Replace Text, and a number of others particularly SemMediaWiki extensions such as Semantic Forms, Semantic Internal Objects, Semantic Compound Queries.","Because
- I am familiar with it from Wikipedia
- The editing is straigtforward
- template and semwiki functionality
- Good developer environment","Better ability to handle data that can be used for further scientific data mining:

Ability to display (and format) and edit table-like data, eg., handle cvs like data.
Representation of units in Wikidata (wikibase)

",,,Learning PHP and MediaWiki PHP
7/16/2015 7:34:31,100-500 people,1-2 years,More than 10,Private,100-500 people,1.21,When needed,bluespice,Intranet solution,Support of Oracle database,,,
7/16/2015 7:36:41,More than 500 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"1.23 (Current LTS), Older than 1.19",When needed,"ContactPage, Cite, WikiEditor, that's it, I don't use 5 extensions.","Website, internal documentation","automatic update (click on a button, ala dokuwiki)",,"I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I help answer questions and provide support, some edits on mediawiki.org",
7/16/2015 7:53:38,More than 500 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,100-500 people,1.24,Every security release,"CategoryTree, SimpleFeed, Cite, SyntaxHighlight, Gadgets, Gadgets, PCR GUI Inserts",Best Wiki Software,"email-Bouncer, Installation Part of the Visual Editor, Possibility to include different links in the side bar depending on the user lanuage

and as a (small) extension developer: a tool or any log to recognize that api calls are deprecated and how to replace them.","dunno

better, more centralized extension, ""app store"". hard to find some extensions and hard to guess if extensions still work with the latest mw versions when they are very old.
",I contribute to extensions,easier pushing existing very old extensions to git/gerrit
7/16/2015 8:19:00,More than 500 people,5+ years,More than 10,Private,More than 500 people,"1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Every security release,"Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Bundle, Arrays, Category Tree, External Data","Best in class collaborative document writing. 
Semantic capability.
Easy website set-up. ","Extension deployment&configuration through admin panel.
Wiki farm management portal.
SSO for wiki farms.
","The design is looking a little dated, but otherwise it's familiar and useful.",I contribute to extensions,"Knowing good ways to help. I know there are resources, but they could be more prominent. "
7/16/2015 8:28:57,More than 500 people,5+ years,1,Private,25-100 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Every security release,"CategoryTree
PDF Handler
TimedMediaHandler",manuals and info,,,,
7/16/2015 8:53:16,25-100 people,3-5 years,1,Public,25-100 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"We're hoping to add about 30 extensions in the coming months - something well overdue. As of now, the most valuable are MATH, Interwiki, and Google Analytics. ",We wanted to replicate the Wikipedia experience with our wiki. ,"Ease of installation of extensions has improved, but a more seamless installation process would be appreciated for me and my team",I'd love to see the Wikimedia Foundation engage the MediaWiki community - specifically the enterprise group of MediaWiki users. I think that rich exchange could be mutually beneficial. ,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions","Outside of the software, it can hard to be new to any group, so that perceived barrier is probably the largest for newcomers. I know it was for me and my team. Especially since we come from a community building background, as opposed to a coding or computing background. That said, now that I feel part of the community, I feel the community is warm and welcoming.  "
7/16/2015 9:34:22,100-500 people,3-5 years,1,Private,25-100 people,1.21,When needed,"Vector, Cite, Wikieditor, ParserFunctions, Lockdown, Multiupload, LaunchExternal, Add Article to Category, ImageMap, DynamicPageList, CategoryTree, MsCalendar","it's perfect for our company, a lot of extensions, a big community","at the moment it does everything it has to, we are used to it",,I help answer questions and provide support,"newbies should be taken seriously, sometimes I miss that, "
7/16/2015 9:35:33,100-500 people,3-5 years,More than 10,Public,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Every security release,"Interwiki, SemanticMediaWiki, DPL (DPL3), MobileFrontend, Various proprietary extensions",Our business is a gaming wiki farm. Mediawiki is by far the best choice of software for our purposes since it is the dominant wiki platform. ,You would have to ask my dev team :-),,,
7/16/2015 9:48:35,25-100 people,1-2 years,1,Public,Fewer than 25 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"CategoryIndex, Cite, Math, ParserFunctions, Google Analytics Integration","Started because of my job, and now I see the value in the software.","It is difficult for beginners to learn about the software, especially if they have no formal training in code and the like. The documentation assumes a lot of the users have prior knowledge.",More awareness and support on each other hosting MediaWiki sites. EnterpriseMediaWiki and the GitHub page are good starts.,"I help answer questions and provide support, I would like to gain the knowledge to support code and patches.","Tough for beginners to break-in. Always the feedback we get from contributors at our site. And as an admin of a wiki, it is hard learning how run the site properly. Even our IT staff has a difficult time administering the wiki."
7/16/2015 9:53:06,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Just me,"1.24, 1.21, Older than 1.19",When needed,"BlueSpice, Mpdf, Lockdown, Cargo, PDF Handler, Upload Manager, Mobile Frontend","many options ( Extensions), free, possible to add own Extensions",PDF Export,,,
7/16/2015 10:22:48,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,1,Public,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"Custom built extension for offline xml viewing.  Other import extensions are authorship contributions, RSS, and Cite. Would like to use VIsual editor but request it be pulled out of beta if stable and improve ease of install.",Collaberative knowledge and information organization tool,Improvement of extension manager and install similar to wordpress.  Also improved sandboxing of extensions to not alter core install also similar to wordpress. ,Dedicated software team separated from wikipedia so that the nonprofit foundation unctions separately. Right now improvements to software seem highly tied to wikipedia and ideally the software should exist similarly to the wordpress setup with a .org and a .com (one maintained open source and one maintaining wikipedia).  Hopefully this would allow for greater software development for the growing distributed install based of mediawiki based sites so we feel more apart of a software community even though we don't have content on wikipedia.,Offline extension to be contributed in the future once stable.,"Software development seems highly tied to Wikipedia. We would like to contribute more to software development but there is no software grants available for us to improve core and extensions to the project. 

Lots of community development grants but the software has so much potential it would be good to allow the disparate groups to be brought into the fold (ie. SemanticMediawWiki)"
7/16/2015 11:02:34,100-500 people,1-2 years,1,Public,Fewer than 25 people,1.2,When needed,"moderation
Video",The perfect platform for our needs (PetroWiki),auto multi languages,,,Need a beginners group or new to mediwiki group.
7/16/2015 12:24:39,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,100-500 people,"1.25, 1.24, Older than 1.19",Ever major release,SMW and all related extensions,"user interface, application transparency and user control
translation of multilingual content
excellent support by WMF",Visual Editor installable/customized widgets,github/gerrit installation and use,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",perform surveys using SemForms not Google
7/16/2015 12:32:20,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,1,Private,100-500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"ProofreadPage, Confirm User Accounts, Replace Text, User Merge and Delete, ParserFunctions, CategoryTree, PagedTiffHandler, PDF Handler, WikiEditor",Because it's a part of the job.,"Wiki Editor, with a lot of features nearly like Word.",,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation",
7/16/2015 13:24:58,100-500 people,5+ years,2-5,Public,Just me,Older than 1.19,When needed,"SQL2Wiki (heavily customized), pChart4mw, ParserFunctions, Graphviz, SimpleTable, mwCalendar, DynamicPageList2, MpDisqus, EmbedPDF, RandomImage","Collaborative authoring potential, ease of content entry and editing, easy integration with other tools, fostering the perception of an open system (even though few choose to take part)","Better/easier image management -- the upload/link procedure is a bit tedious.
Easier justification for keeping current -- it's not clear why I should suffer the inevitable pain of changing versions.
","""Extension champions"" to counter the ""extension nazis"" who seem to delete every extension I find essential at some point!","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","Some sort of incentives for keeping up and participating. I'm not talking financial, I just often fail to see the benefits of upgrading and/or participating. It would be good to see some tutorials for doing things like upgrading old tag-style extensions to first-class parser functions, for example. (I've started to upgrade one extension about three times, and get blocked on ""what's next..."")"
7/16/2015 14:06:36,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Public,25-100 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"Semantic Forms,Cargo,ParserFunctions,Confirm Edit,Admin Links",I like wikis.,Better support for limiting read-access.,It would be good to have a MediaWiki conference.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support, I write books about it",No idea.
7/16/2015 14:43:21,Just Me,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,25-100 people,"1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS), 1.19",Ever major release,"MultipleUpload,CategoryTree,Cite,ParserFunctions,Poem,Abuse Filter,ImageMap",Is the software that runs wikipedia and is pretty well maintained and active,,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support, Pywikibot",
7/16/2015 16:23:38,Just Me,Less than 6 months,More than 10,Mix of Both,Just me,1.25,Every security release,"Cite, ContactPage, SecurePages, Gadgets, EmailForm",I need to be able to do fast updates to web site content. ,Easier automated updating,N/A,I contribute feedback and bug reports,None that I am aware of.
7/16/2015 17:04:23,More than 500 people,3-5 years,5-10,Private,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"Simple Security, Approved Revs, CategoryTree, Social Profile, DynamicSidebar","Document repository for internal corporate handbooks. We wanted something that is familiar, easy to use, and has a good search.","We are currently limited to a specific browser (Internet Explorer) - although our IT is finally approving alternatives in coming months. I would love to see VisualEditor more mature and with a built-in spellcheck - and working for IE. I would also like to see better support for the LTS versions - it seems like VisualEditor development moves forward with the newest updates to core, but they don't always get back-ported to the LTS version in a timely manner.","I would like to see better participation in IRC. I have asked questions at times and received great response. Other times, no reply at all. It's also confusing to be directed to another channel (like VisualEditor), but then have no voice privilege there to ask a question.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","The GIT / Labs process is very confusing and there is conflicting information in the documentation. I started the process 3 different times before finally completing it, and I had to ask for support as my account didn't get created properly."
7/16/2015 17:30:00,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Public,Fewer than 25 people,"1.25, 1.19",When needed,"Semantic wiki, semantic forms, semantic forms inputs, wikilog, arrays, parser functions, gadgets, wikieditor","I use media wiki for text RPG games, where we house game information and records of roleplay.",I pretty much love it as is. ,,I contribute feedback and bug reports,"I don't know - I love mediawiki, but I don't have the knowledge or time to participate in the broader community really. "
7/16/2015 19:06:28,25-100 people,5+ years,More than 10,Public,More than 500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",Every minor point release,"Wikibase, Cite, Scribunto, ParserFunctions, WikiEditor, CharInsert, Gadgets",As a platform for almost everything.,Multi part content.,Have a plan.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions","Faster, more active code review."
7/16/2015 22:50:33,More than 500 people,3-5 years,2-5,Public,25-100 people,"1.24, Older than 1.19",When needed,"PonyDocs,Blacklist,SkinPerPage",We run our customer-facing documentation site on MediaWiki and the PonyDocs extension. We chose MW for documentation because we wanted to enable every employee to edit documentation.,,,I contribute to extensions,
7/16/2015 23:10:02,Not sure,1-2 years,2-5,Public,More than 500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",Every minor point release,"Scribunto,TemplateSandbox,ParserFunctions,FlaggedRevs,CheckUser,ApiSandbox,CentralAuth",,,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","From a developer's perspective, some patches take an extremely long time (I've had patches go over a year) to be reviewed."
7/17/2015 0:37:33,More than 500 people,5+ years,5-10,Mix of Both,25-100 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"DynamicPageList (third party),StopForumSpam,Gadgets,Google Analytics Integration,WikiEditor","REDACTED is a parody of Wikipedia, which uses MediaWiki.",Automatic updates,People backing up their words with actions.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","Poor documentation, which is either outdated or entirely missing.
7/17/2015 1:59:22,Just Me,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,1.25,Every security release,"ConfirmEdit, Renameuser, Vector, wikiEditor, Calendar, Piwik","MediaWiki is the best and best known tool to organize data in an open way for many users. My private Wiki is used to remember things and organize notes and ideas, another Wiki I host is an informationportal for my hometown, to integrate the people in collecting and organizing data about the town.","Sometimes I wish, MediaWiki would support ACLs.

MediaWiki is not usable as a knowledgebase in our company, because we have to restrict access of some parts to a few users. I would like to use MediaWiki instead of another Wiki or a CMS, but this key feature is not available.

But I know that this is not the scope of mediawiki. ;-)",-,I help answer questions and provide support,
7/17/2015 3:19:07,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"1.23 (Current LTS), 1.21, 1.20, 1.19, Older than 1.19",When needed,"Semantic Forms, Semantic Internal Objects, Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Result Formats, MultipleUpload, Password Reset, ParserFunctions, Regex Fun, StringFunctions, SearchSuggest",It's fast. Work really in a group.,"- The Search engine is week
- Easier upload (too many steps, too complicate for endusers)",There is no strategy for all MediaWiki users. Only Wikipedia is in the focus.,"I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/17/2015 4:25:41,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS), 1.19",When needed,5 is not enough,"I had Lotus Notes before and migrated to MediaWiki
I need traceability in my sofware projects so the linking is important.",Enterprise support - having a proper bugreport/change request handling based on the needs of paying customers.,"Creating a Company that supports Enterprise users. I'd love to see a ""Genossenschaft"" for this. That would be a for profit Foundation that targets Enterprises.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support, Visit hackathons and conferences",Mediawikifoundation is revolving around it's own agenda which is based on the experience with millions of people using the wikipedia sites. This is a great thing and has made a lot of success possible. Now for enterprise usage some of the basic assumptions e.g. about security and non-public wikis are in the way of needed progress for enterprise use.
7/17/2015 5:20:23,More than 500 people,3-5 years,More than 10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Every security release,semanticsmediawiki,"Gathering information easily.
Presenting information easily.
Connect people.
Archive presentations and tutorials.",Execution time (our wikis often need more than three seconds),"To actually allow new people to join the community.
It feels like there is an elite and they are unaccessible for you.",I contribute to extensions,Getting into mediawiki extension programming was really hard. Often the documentation was not detailed enough. Most of the things I needed to know I had to reverse engineer. One of the reasons was also that in many parts of mediawiki code there is no or only bad documentation. Most of the comments don't explain what it is used to do but rather repeat the function name.
7/17/2015 7:16:37,More than 500 people,5+ years,2-5,Public,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Every security release,"Translate,Abuse Filter,widget,gadget,wikieditor,arrays",Collaboration ,Editor ,Better developer docs,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I help answer questions and provide support","One of my concerns is the use of Composer and how it affects the newbies.  There are a lot of users who are tech savvy enough to grab MW  and install it on the shared server.  Yes, I know Composer has a lot of benefits in maintaining and  deploying libraries. I worry though you're limiting new users to a smaller group. "
7/17/2015 8:14:03,Just Me,3-5 years,5-10,Mix of Both,100-500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds), 1.25, 1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS), 1.22",When needed,"Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Forms, Push, ApprovedRevs, Skinny, ConfirmEdit, Cite, WikiSEO",Market traction,"The development experience. Documentation is a mess of outdated information, and totally lacking a decent architectural overview and ""public"" api specification for extension developers.","I'm not too involved in the community, so it's difficult to comment.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions","The only way I'm really connected to the ""community"" is via the mailing list, but I don't find it a very engaging way to be connected. I get the digest and usually just scan the subject lines.  Not sure what tools would increase my participation - possibly Discourse style forums."
7/17/2015 9:19:32,More than 500 people,1-2 years,1,Private,Fewer than 25 people,1.23 (Current LTS),Ever major release,"SemanticMediawiki, SemanticForms, pchart4mw, MathJax, AdminLinks, ArticleFeedbackv5, CategoryTree, Cite, Echo, ImageMap, InputBox, LiquidThreads, Nuke, ParserFunctions, Renameuser, ReplaceText, WikiEditor, SyntaxHighlight_GeSHi",Internal site used for engineering knowledge management,"easier cross platform deployment.  Updated extensions for comment threading in talk pages, easier visual editor deployment.",,,steep technical learning curve
7/17/2015 9:23:34,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,More than 10,Mix of Both,Not Sure,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds), 1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Every security release,"CreateWiki, Interwiki, GlobalPreferences, GlobalUserrights, Maintenance, Cite, Screenplay, DPLforum, InputBox, ParserFunctions, Abuse Filter, Phalanx, SpamBlacklist, Global CSS/JS, GlobalUserPage, ResponsiveVector, SharedHelpPages, Shared Newtalk, scribunto, confirmedit, namespace restrictions, contactpage, gadgets, massmessage, renameuser, css, randomselection, StopForumSpam, ApiSandbox, MediaWikiAuth, MobileFrontend
",Bad habits die hard.,Out-of-the-box mobile support,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions","Nobody cares about things that are important to us. We have to do everything ourselves, but attempts to get code merged upstream languish or outright fail."
7/17/2015 12:08:42,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,1,Public,Fewer than 25 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"Confirm User Accounts, Semantic Bundle, Math, Cite, AFTv5, Lingo, SyntaxHighlight GeSHI, Google Analytics Integration, ImageMap, ParserFunctions, Interwiki, Collections","Why wikis? Most shareable, evergreen platform I've found for professionals to share their stuff. Why MediaWiki? Familiarity with Wikipedia's interface, and ease of extensibility.","Installing and upgrading process. Maintaining the site is a bit of a headache. Some extensions are especially troublesome (particularly Collections, SMW, and even Math). Spam is a major problem on public sites. ","It's very hard to find relevant discussion threads, because stuff goes stale so fast (wrt versions of things mainly). Often there is no input at all from the developers or other people that could probably help. 

Best solution, IMO, would be a mediawiki channel on StackOverflow... If this already exists, stop having discussion on mw.org.

IRC is no help, BTW. It's alien to 99% of people, and the only times I've tried asking there, I was ignored. It's hopeless for newcomers. ",,"I feel like a bit of an outsider, and don't know where to participate... Discussion pages, bug reports, IRC, etc. Have sort of given up on finding 'a place' I guess. 

Thanks for doing this survey!"
7/17/2015 13:26:55,Just Me,5+ years,5-10,Mix of Both,25-100 people,"1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Ever major release,"CheckUser, Interwiki, Cite, ConfirmEdit, TitleKey, WikiEditor",It's a scalable software platform with an active community.,"The reading side of things is kind of okay (though still far behind the rest of the web in terms of design and usability).

However the editing side of things still feels very primitive and inaccessible. We need to start treating the special pages, edit page, review systems as a modern web application. Stop throwing more text at problems (endless walls of text) and start simplifying the interface in terms of design and UX. Even ignoring all of wikitext and templates, the experience of being a logged-in user is terribly outdated and full of usability nightmares.

The second thing would be a more streamlined ecosystem around extensions. Radically simplify discovery, installation and upgrading of extensions. Much like WordPress.",,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",Documentation is either absent or incredibly verbose and detailed as a giant wall of text. 
7/17/2015 14:40:12,Just Me,1-2 years,2-5,Public,Just me,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,Semantic Forms,The features and functions of Semantic Mediawiki facilitate my work with terminology and create new possibilities for my projects.,,,I continue to learn about Mediawiki and follow related topics.,"Most of the local people to whom I have mentioned Semantic Mediawiki are not familiar with it, so I continue to mention it whenever I think that it might be helpful."
7/17/2015 21:26:06,25-100 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"1.25, 1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS), 1.21, 1.20, 1.19, Older than 1.19, OS Packaged version (e.g. Debian, Redhat)",Every minor point release,"ParserFunctions
",Group editable knowledge base,"Better support for non-MySQL databases.
Stop removing/renaming core functions and variables.","Better process and docs - gerrit, git, etc. a real pain for beginners.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","Nobody cares about things that are important to us. We have to do everything ourselves, but attempts to get code merged upstream languish or outright fail."
7/18/2015 8:06:56,More than 500 people,5+ years,1,Public,Fewer than 25 people,1.22,Ever major release,"Cite
semantic mediawiki",Knowledge base for manufacturing equipment,ease of install,,,
7/18/2015 12:14:59,Just Me,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",Ever major release,"SemanticMediawiki, SemanticForms, AdminLinks, MultimediaViewer, ParserFunctions
","Personal wiki for technical notes.
Developing a public Semantic MediaWiki site.",,,,
7/18/2015 12:48:49,Just Me,5+ years,5-10,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"1.24, Older than 1.19",When needed,"Cite, ParserFunctions, UserMergeandDelete  (against spam)","Global standard, high quality, has the right features to organize big/smart/scientific information ; open source ; I can be involved ","easy management and upgrade 

clearer, more precise and helpful error messages  (often these are easy things to address if one has good access to the code and observes an error condition)
","I'm not critical but I want it to be easy to get into and use phabricator and the other developer tools which seem to be changing all the time.
my attentiveness is sporadic so I am never caught up, sometimes trying to catch up.
easier setup and ways to help fix.
","I help with documentation, I help answer questions and provide support","developer tools are changing all the time

Not clear how to get newbies like myself going productively at hackathons"
7/18/2015 14:03:40,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"1.25, 1.24",Every minor point release,"ParserFunctions, WikiEditor, LabeledSectionTransclusion, googleAnalytics, Promoter, WRArticleType","When we started our project, a wiki fit our immediate needs better than any available CMS; inside the wiki world, I picked the most active project. This was in 2009, and a visual editor, etc., was just around the corner. I'm using it nowadays because of the momentum - switching just seems to be too hard now for our single-developer outfit. Also, I keep hoping for those changes right around the corner...","1. I would like to see Wikimedia stop looking at essential extensions (ElasticSearch, Echo, VisualEditor) as add-ons instead of integral parts of the software. I mainly refer to the fact that development of those continually ignores the release cycle, only taking into account Wikimedia's rolling updates.","I believe mediawiki.org doesn't serve the community well enough. We need:
1. a proper system for extension listing and rating.
2. a major overhaul of documentation - just look at the list of orphaned pages, for example... [https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Special:LonelyPages]","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions","Documentation, documentation, documentation. But maybe that's just me."
7/18/2015 21:38:16,25-100 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,100-500 people,1.19,When needed,"We try many spam, captcha, blacklist extensions.
None totally satisfying; not all wikis use the same ones.",No better free wiki,"Push updates, similar to wordpress.
Automated spam catching.
Better spam tools.
Still better spam tools.  
Better multisite tools/extensions built in.

Every one of my wikis ends up dying or having to restrict access because of spam, even the ones maintained by 2+ MW-savvy people, as soon as it first becomes popular on google, and then the # of active patrollers drops too low.","identification of core extensions.
shared maintenance and updating of core extensions.
easy ways to find other MW hackers or implementers near me.
access to good ~free wikifarms for times when I don't have time to spin up a new wiki myself.","I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions","Easy to post an extension, and never get any feedback from others.  No way to see who has downloaded or used it; no feedback from the general community.  "
7/18/2015 22:14:23,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,2-5,Private,,1.23 (Current LTS),Ever major release,"WhitelistPages
","I provide online spaces for Wikimedians, so MediaWiki is a natural choice for their familiarity with the software.","More disbundled features from core to extensions, and perhaps a ""lite"" package of selected features.",,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes",
7/19/2015 7:51:36,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Ever major release,"ParserFunctions, wikieditor, vector, ","easy to edit
easy to link","server usage
page read permissions
skin making","skins
configuration details (extensions)",,
7/19/2015 13:42:37,More than 500 people,Less than 6 months,1,Private,25-100 people,1.24,When needed,"Of the extensions not provided by default with MW:

Shibboleth (for single sign-on)
MSUpload  (to allow uploading multiple files)
","I was told to install MW by senior management. I still have no idea actually 'why' - despite asking. Usually I am asked to look into providing a 'service' (eg a wiki), and am then allowed to determine a suitable product. For some reason that didn't happen with the wiki.",The editor. It is by far the thing I am most often asked about (as in 'is there a better editor we can use? WYSIWYG?'),,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute bug reports/fixes to extensions (we had to to get theshibboleth extension working)",
7/19/2015 13:52:01,Just Me,5+ years,1,Private,Fewer than 25 people,1.23 (Current LTS),"OS Packaged version (e.g. Debian, Redhat)","ParserFunctions, Poem, Interwiki, BiblioPlus, EmbedPDF, ReCaptcha",It's a nice flexible system for doing what I want (I've adapted it to support a family history site for my relatives).,,,,People already know a lot.  I'm amazed at the nuances that get discussed on the mailing list.
7/19/2015 17:35:00,100-500 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"1.25, 1.22",Every minor point release,"ParserFunctions, LdapAuthentication, Cite, CategoryTree, GraphViz, ",I *trust* it (the software) and know it'll be around forever (the community).,We would use it much more in business if page-level access control were more possible.,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions",The complexity (compared to e.g. Github) of contributing code.
7/19/2015 18:29:43,Just Me,Less than 6 months,1,Private,Just me,1.25,Every minor point release,,,,,,
7/20/2015 2:42:31,100-500 people,3-5 years,2-5,Mix of Both,100-500 people,Older than 1.19,When needed,"AccessControl, Approved_Revs, BibManager, CategoryTree, CharacterEscapes, CharInsert, Cite, ConfirmEdit, ContactPage, ControlStructureFunctions, DynamicPagesList, JavaScript, LOParserFunctions, OGG, QuestyCaptcha, SpecialInterwiki, Terminology, UserMerge, WhosOnline",for knowledge transfer of special themes,compatibility of core and extensions to older versions and to PHP-Updates,,I contribute to extensions,time - no help possible
7/20/2015 3:28:13,100-500 people,5+ years,2-5,Private,25-100 people,1.24,Ever major release,"Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Drilldown, TitleKey, BoilerRoom, Semantic Maps",It's easy to use and provide a good concept for my use case.,,Continuous extension development. Lot's of extensions are not up to date with the latest MediaWiki version and the risk is quite high that a current extension cannot be used in future.,I contribute feedback and bug reports,
7/21/2015 9:22:04,25-100 people,5+ years,0,Private,Just me,1.22,,"Abuse filter,
Translate",Because I can :P,Way of making patches.,Less influence from WMF,"I help answer questions and provide support, Translations, Minormost patches.","English as lingua franca, WMF, usurpation of projects by single coders or two usually from WMF or affiliate staff."
7/21/2015 13:18:20,More than 500 people,5+ years,2-5,Private,25-100 people,"1.22, 1.19",When needed,"WhoIsWatchingTabbed, Cite, CreateBox, PageHistoryRealnames, PdfExport, Checkpoint, TitleKey, ShowRealUsernames, ParserFunctions, StringFunctions, SyntaxHighlight, MultiBoilerplate, CategoryWatch, ReplaceText, DismissableSiteNotice, Presentation","Knowledge sharing and management, Requirements analisys, Development Tools discussion and documentation, Internal education.","Automated dependency check (MW core <-> extensions). Corporate use doesn't allow users to be anonymous, so ways to share lists of pages/articles to be watched would improve productivity (force watches would also be good)",,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions",
7/22/2015 1:55:09,Just Me,Less than 6 months,1,Private,Just me,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",When needed,數據,點數,金錢,遊戲,權限,,,,I help with documentation,
7/22/2015 12:12:11,100-500 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds), Older than 1.19",When needed,"Vector,ParserFunctions,PDFHandler,Piwik,ExpandTemplates","For activities related to the Wikimedia community (MW development, chapter activities)","As a developer, a modernized architecture (dependency injection, an ORM layer, proper skinning, decent test coverage...).

As a site administrator, a great administration interface (think WordPress).

As a Wikimedia user, the things I want most are on the way (good WYSIWYG, single sign-on an app integration, sane communication tools, semantic data). The things I would like to see most that are not works in progress are probably better cross-wiki content integration (global modules/gadgets).","More leadership, an actual roadmap. The recent changes in the role of the architecture committee are promising.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","I think MediaWiki is not attractive to either enterprise users (lack of proper permission controls is the main reason) or freelancers (great documentation and a nice admin interface are missing the most) and that limits involvement from developers outside the Wikimedia universe and in the end endangers self-sustainability. I would love to see a separate MediaWiki organization, funded by the Foundation for a few years with the goal of becoming self-sustainable, that tries to make MediaWiki attractive to a wider demographic of developers and into more of a framework than a CRM (Drupal is a good role model)."
7/22/2015 17:01:09,25-100 people,5+ years,0,Public,More than 500 people,,,,"Used on Wikipedia, wiki of Wikimedia Belgium, etc",More possibilities for easy enhancements,Easier to know who to speak to for talking about a subject,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I help answer questions and provide support",Not easy to find who to contact or status of the software development.
7/22/2015 17:54:37,Not sure,5+ years,1,Public,Fewer than 25 people,1.24,When needed,,We wanted a wiki it seemed the natural choice as we knew it from WP.,An easy to customize user interface where we can blend out everything that is not necessary for the unregistered reader,the software documentation needs a lot improvement,,too difficult to understand
7/22/2015 19:34:37,Just Me,1-2 years,1,Private,Just me,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",When needed,"ParserFunctions, SyntaxHighlight, Cite, Scribunto, Interwiki, ...",Testing for Wikipedia,,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/22/2015 19:43:47,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,5-10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Ever major release,"Translation, Upload","Educational platforms, free of charge, use is known by many users because of the wikipedia.","Multiple Languages by default, Cache by default pre-installed and outsourceable.",Easier entry in points of development.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help answer questions and provide support","No direct contact, slow answer or no answer rate in support chats, no people guiding you at the beginning."
7/23/2015 16:15:06,More than 500 people,1-2 years,5-10,Public,100-500 people,1.22,When needed,"SemanticMediaWiki, Semantic Result Formats, Parser functions, Arrays, Variables",,,,,
7/23/2015 16:15:21,Just Me,3-5 years,2-5,Private,Just me,1.24,When needed,"Semantic Bundle,Parser Functions,Loops,Arrays,Variables",,,,,
7/23/2015 16:24:00,Just Me,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,1.25,Every security release,"Semantic MediaWiki, ParserFunctions, Semantic Forms, Semantic Result Formats, Scribunto, CirrusSearch, WikiEditor, TitleKey, UniversalLanguageSelector, Language Names",Because it is flexible and has a good i18n.,UI,Core developers should pay more attention on the use of MediaWiki beyond Wikimedia sites. ,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation",I don't know.
7/23/2015 16:33:08,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,1,Private,Fewer than 25 people,1.22,When needed,"Semantic Mediawiki, Semantic Forms, Solr, Semantic Result Formats, PDF Export","Best Wiki Engine, known to everybody. Semantic Mediawiki is great to collect and proces facts internally and imported from other sources.",Skin; Performance; Editor; Some more functions to make Mediawik ieasier to include into enterprise environment like ACL.,Everything fine. :),"I contribute patches and bug fixes, I help answer questions and provide support",Provide easy to understand use cases that show more than classical wiki tasks - MediaWiki is much more useful and powerful than most people know. Maybe more and frequent local meetings.
7/23/2015 16:47:08,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Public,Fewer than 25 people,"1.25, 1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Every security release,"SMW, CategoryTree, MultiBoilerplate, Interwiki, QrCode","We need a wiki and we want as well text as multimedia
We also wanted a wiki with a wikisyntax that people know","Easier theming
Reduction of memory footprint, increase of performance
Easier management of media files
More ajax instead of reloading whole pages",,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions","which media to use ?
what kind of contribution is wanted ?"
7/23/2015 18:15:17,25-100 people,1-2 years,1,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,1.25,Ever major release,"semantic_ask, semantic_form, category_tree, WYSIWYG, WikiEditor, widgets, RawFile, Code","We make documentation about our technical project, 3d printing, ""fablab all day making"" ","I thing the interaction between user could be better. 
profile page, inter member discussion, should be improved ( see MW ep_lite plugin for quick multi user editing )

clarify the free editing concept  for use as collaborative tool","maybe the visibility of the ability to anybody to  help. oh, bot is quite speed and rude with people try to help","I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support","plugin jungle to add user friendly uses as user_board, gift, contribution score.
lot a people want a mini blog around their contributions, or just web-ify their mindings. maybe a mediawiki-diaspora mixed thing? "
7/23/2015 19:42:22,More than 500 people,1-2 years,2-5,Mix of Both,25-100 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",When needed,"in-house extensions, Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Forms, Translate, CirrusSearch",It's the only platform that is widely translated and supports all the forms etc. we need.,"Page editor, speed",Not enough experience to comment on that,,
7/23/2015 21:47:34,More than 500 people,3-5 years,5-10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Ever major release,"Semantic Mediawiki, Semantic Forms, SemanticCompoundQueries, Variables, ParserFunctions, Cite, StringFunctionsEscaped, TalkRight, HeaderTabs, WikiEditor, Wiretap, WatchAnalytics, ApprovedRevs, Interwiki, MasonryMainPage, SummaryTimeline, ","MediaWiki is an open-source, widely-supported, and extendible wiki platform providing the flexibility of an open wiki and the power of a database (through extensions). This provides a solid single-source solution for corporate knowledge management.","Options for refined access control lists, better onboarding and tools for new users, gamified social aspects to entice prolonged usership, and tools to determine the pedigree of each contribution to each page thus enabling the ranking of how trustworthy each bit of knowledge is.","Better documentation for both new users and extension developers, easier access to core developers for help in developing extensions, more mechanisms to foster collaborative development.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support, I preach its worth to everyone I talk to","1) The underlying perception that MediaWiki's focus should be on Wikipedia. MediaWiki is bigger than Wikipedia and everyone needs to accept that fact. It is critical that the community address the needs of the majority, even if that means working on features that aren't relevant for Wikipedia. MediaWiki and Wikipedia can diverge and still thrive together. The more that the WMF supports ""3rd-party users"", the more those 3rd-party users will support the WMF.

2) Documentation - it's hard to start out because documentation is the last thing a developer wants to work on. So it is often outdated or incomplete.

3) Intimidation - there are many strong-minded developers in the community and newcomers can easily be discouraged from contributing."
7/24/2015 0:35:14,100-500 people,5+ years,2-5,Private,25-100 people,1.24,When needed,"Semantic Mediawiki, Semantic Forms, Semantic Internal Objects, Semantic Result Formats, ParserFunctions, Header Tabs, External Data, Data Transfer, DynamicPageList, WikiEditor  ","Machine documentation, CRM",Per page read and edit rights.,The documentation.,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/24/2015 2:15:54,25-100 people,5+ years,1,Private,25-100 people,1.24,When needed,Semantic MediaWiki,Information structuring.,Composer-based installation.,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, Translation",
7/24/2015 2:20:19,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,1.24,Every security release,"Semantic Mediawiki, Semantic Forms, ParserFunctions, Scribunto, Widgets","For the same reasons as the Wikipedia project that it was originally authored for. Our site(s) are enycopedia-like rather than news, current afffairs of social-media based.",Nothing stands out. Happy to ride the slip-stream of a vast technical user knowledge-base.,No complaints,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help answer questions and provide support","Nothing significant in the 'community' itself. However, since it is comprised largely of clever, young people, there is a subtle obstacle; viz - successful careers depend largely upon the necessity of (at least tacit) adherence to official narratives of the West's moral superiority, in its notions pf 'progress' and its dealings with the rest of the world; when in reality it is becoming - and probably by design of its a defacto masters - a veritable moral sewer. REDACTED sits way outside such official narrative concensus. We are thus apt to be dimissed at tin-foil-hat-wearing conspiracy-loons

7/24/2015 2:26:31,25-100 people,3-5 years,1,Private,25-100 people,1.19,When needed,"Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Forms, Semantic Result Formats, Import Users, Replace Text, Semantic Forms Inputs, Semantic Compound Queries, External Data, Semantic Maps",Structured information handling and presentation.,Easier update (Composer?),,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, Translation",
7/24/2015 4:18:15,More than 500 people,1-2 years,2-5,Private,25-100 people,"1.19, Older than 1.19",When needed,"SMW, SparqlExtension, ReplaceText, GrapViz, ImageMap, SemanticForms",We use MediaWiki as base for semantic wikis on top of SMW. ,"We have a mix of structured and unstructured content and are building apps inside the mediawiki/SMW infrastructure.

Therefore we would need a real IDE, perhaps some kind of Eclipse for MediaWiki and SMW.",,I contribute to extensions,
7/24/2015 4:57:23,More than 500 people,5+ years,2-5,Mix of Both,25-100 people,"1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS), Older than 1.19",When needed,"Semantic MediaWiki, ParserFunctions, Semantic Forms, Chameleon, Bootstrap, AutoCreatePage, Variables, Semantic Result Formats, PDF Handler, Replace Text
","* I want a fully versioned, community-safe CMS in many projects
* Best integrated data management of any CMS I know
* I know how to use it and can fix issues when needed
","Skinning (under way now, but I still have to see if any of my current sites can be upgraded without doing all the skinning work again)","Better community resources that don't look like web pages from the late 1990s. One can do modern-looking web pages in MediaWiki, too. Extension and skin search could be done with SMW and friends using very nice UIs. There is support for in-wiki faceted browsers and query forms to find pages. Everything can be skinned to use more images in search results. But someone has to put in the work to build these web pages.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support, help to organise meetings","There is a huge barrier of entry, for users and admins alike. MediaWiki is ""programmed"" in content pages (templates, but also advanced HTML layouts, queries, and forms), but this programming is left almost entirely to the user. It's a developers' system with mostly developers' documentation. A starting point might be to create tutorials that focus on a functionality that an actual user might want in her or his wiki (""mobile-friendly portal page"", ""twitter feed box"", ""MW-based news feed"", ""multi-language wiki"", ""event calendar"", ""in-page search form"", ...). Right now, most of our documentation is technology driven, not use-case-driven."
7/24/2015 5:54:14,Just Me,1-2 years,1,Private,Just me,1.25,Every security release,SemanticMediaWiki,Am building a personal knowledgebase to house research materials for my Phd.,Easier integration for local files and media.,,,
7/24/2015 7:23:38,More than 500 people,1-2 years,2-5,Private,Fewer than 25 people,1.24,When needed,"SMW of course, including Semantic Forms, Semantic Maps and Semantic Result Formats",Building research dataset and Data integration,"Import / Export of data, better Schema editing. Mobo (by Simon Heimler) is a good 3rd party tool that develops in the reoght direction",I don't see that the community needs to be improved.,,"Steep learning curve, some devs have good answers very fast most of the time, so its most of the time already answered, if there is a question that one can answer."
7/24/2015 8:51:03,25-100 people,3-5 years,1,Private,25-100 people,1.25,Ever major release,"Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Forms,Semantic Forms Input, Semantic Result Formats, External Data, DataValues, LDAP Authentication, Parser Functions",Only way to capture free form information about our customer based on top of structured relationships,parser function aware editor would be nice...,More examples of how to do things,Help with Semantic MediaWiki of the month selection process,Awareness.  It is amazing how many people still don't know about this great tool-set
7/24/2015 9:28:00,More than 500 people,1-2 years,5-10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,Older than 1.19,When needed,"Ponydocs, Widgets, Dynamic Page List (third-party), Parser Functions, Slimbox Thumbs, custom extensions for localization, contextual help mapping, etc","We use MW for our public-facing technical documentation.

Originally, because free and open source.  As time went on, the ability to customize as we needed - stable platform, can make it look and work how you need it to.  As opposed to asking a vendor to make changes.","Easy ways to customize the UI - a more modern look.

An extension that lets a company easily brand/color scheme their wiki  instance.

IMO, most of the good wiki implementers (consultants) are interested in all the background plumbing of what MW can do - and UI is an afterthought.  This is not a good approach for wider update.  Average folks can't ""see"" what is cool about software, if it does not look good.  ","A focus on the software technical documentation industry.

IMO, the vendor software around this industry, which is all XML-based, is out of date and not responsive to modern web-based users. 

I could see Mediawiki, in combination with query-based tools (SMW, DPL, Cargo) making serious inroads in this space, if it was easier to get a platform set up and working.  It works for us, but only with heavy investment from developers in our group. 

In particular, the Ponydocs extension holds GREAT promise to transform the whole industry - but only IF there were a lot more folks using it, contributing extensions and query-based tools samples, to solve the various content problems software orgs come up against.",,"Resources.  We have a couple custom extensions that work for us, but it is difficult for us to actually release them open source - test them against various versions, strip out idiosyncratic company-specific features, and make useful for a wider audience.

We do intend to release a couple of these extensions at some point though."
7/24/2015 9:28:11,More than 500 people,3-5 years,2-5,Private,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"Semantic MediaWiki, VisualEditor, SimpleSamlAuth, HeaderTabs, MsUpload, Parserfunctions
","We use MediaWiki primarily for company process, policy, and technical documentation. We use it (instead of other options) primarily because of the stability and flexibility it provides. Additionally Semantic MediaWiki and its related extensions provide a lot of power that we haven't seen in other platforms. ","For the most part the core MediaWiki code is pretty solid; however, the addition of composer, specifically extension installation via composer, has been a bit of a bear. Using composer for standard libraries that MediaWiki makes sense, and allows easier standardization for any extensions that want to use the same libraries. However, when it comes to extensions it has become a bit of a mess, especially with trying to efficiently control how they are managed. Especially if I need to quickly disable one on the fly for some quick testing (extension conflicts), or just troubleshoot a particular extension with a debugger. ","Support for private wikis, or maybe better communication around private wikis. The impression that I get is that private wikis are a little bit of an afterthought. It's still good that we're addressed and not ignored, but I suspect there may be more out there in corporate environments than people are aware of. 

Also, there's very much a wikipedia centric focus. That's not unsurprising or necessarily always bad, but there are cases where it's detrimental to the improvement of the community. For instance, from what I've seen the development of an Upload UI for VisualEditor has been stalled out due to copyright concerns. While this is a very valid concern for the open internet at large, but for internal wikis we'd at at least like something bare-bones we can use. In a corporate environment, lacking an editor that is ""easy to use"" is a big detractor. ",I contribute feedback and bug reports,I can't think of any major barriers to participation. 
7/24/2015 10:53:15,More than 500 people,3-5 years,2-5,Mix of Both,25-100 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"Semantic Mediawiki
Semantic Forms
Semantic Internal Objects
Semantic Result Formats
Replace Text
User Merge and Delete
Header Tabs
WikiEditor",For Semantic Mediawiki and Semantic Forms' ability to allow for easily user-editable database functions.,,More support for easy-to-use plugins/extensions that help with data display & visualization,I contribute feedback and bug reports,
7/24/2015 11:56:23,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,1,Public,Fewer than 25 people,1.25,Every security release,mobile frontend,trying to provide alternative for Texas attorneys to non-attorney corporate owned websites,mobile frontend,I understand why it is what it is but the extensions documentation is often lacking in depth and timeliness.,I contribute feedback and bug reports,None that I know of.
7/24/2015 15:05:28,More than 500 people,5+ years,1,Private,100-500 people,1.25,Ever major release,"Semantic MediaWiki (forms, maps, etc),
ImageMap","It's a great set of code because of it's broad authorship, features, and stability. It gets better-and-better over time, and yet the data model and core upgrades with simplicity. I can count on it, and a corporation is not going to mess it up because of *their plans*.","In an enterprise we *know* who everyone is and they do, generally follow the rules. I would build the easy of watching content, keeping up on changes, who has the rights to change things, and who should check it off as being golden.

The articles are great; we have a small set of reviewers and need tools that help us watch and verify the content.","I'd like to see the enterprise community find ways to be on the same page, and the contribute together to help make MediaWiki even stronger.",I contribute feedback and bug reports,Some of us are just too busy. I think that good calendars and organization and plans can help people like me to be better players in the space because it's factored into my plans.
7/24/2015 20:39:09,Just Me,1-2 years,0,,Just me,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",When needed,"ImageMap, GraphViz, SMW, VisualEditor, offline content generation","In my former role my org used MW for knowledge management. I enjoyed it and would have liked to have used the graphviz extension, had one existed of better quality. I took over maintenance of the extension (and re-wrote it) as a personal project when I left IBM to be a stay at home dad.","Offline content generation doesn't support any extension-generated images. For example, it doesn't interoperate with the ImageMap or GraphVis extensions. I raised a bug but hey, a little more visibility couldn't hurt.","As a volunteer, I find it hard to get code reviews in a timely fashion or at all. I've resorted to regularly +2ing my own commits to keep forward progress on the extension I maintain. I was fastidious and extremely patient for reviews of my initial rewrite but gave up shortly after. I must say i18n/l10n reviews are timely and very good.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions",I've sent polite emails to a WMF developer and not received a response. Please respond to polite email queries.
7/24/2015 21:24:43,Not sure,Less than 6 months,0,Mix of Both,Just me,"OS Packaged version (e.g. Debian, Redhat)",When needed,,Part of my Self-Study About How network goes,We are 1FOREVER FREEDOM everywhere,Asked jUan? To be jUan!,Beginner,"Making the internet accessible for all. But, it needs a lot of Self discipline to consider this!
From zerO to herO is what I mean"
7/25/2015 10:47:39,Fewer than 25 people,1-2 years,2-5,Private,25-100 people,"1.25, 1.24",Ever major release,"Semantic Mediawiki, Semantic Glossary, Semantic Internal Objects, User Merge and Delete, Graphviz, MsUpload",Open Source based on extensions and has developer community.,Security,"Technical knowledge, understanding architecture and best standards to extensions. Create developers communities in the region or countries, migth in LATAM.",I contribute feedback and bug reports,Not regularly basic technical workshops to get involce in mediawiki community.
7/25/2015 13:35:18,100-500 people,Less than 6 months,2-5,Mix of Both,Not Sure,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,,,,,,
7/26/2015 6:04:02,25-100 people,3-5 years,1,Private,25-100 people,1.19,When needed,,Was there when I joined,"Usability, closely 2nd installability. I also run dokuwiki in a similar org. It's way easier to provide a useful environment to users there within just a couple of clicks. Upgrading is a breeze there.",Missing a vision on where stuff is going for normal users ,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute patches and bug fixes","It's complex as hell, both on the community level and the development level"
7/27/2015 6:10:02,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds), 1.23 (Current LTS)",Ever major release,"BlueSpice, FlaggedRevs, Semantic",It´s a well known knowledge plattform tool. As Open Source Software it is flexible and adjustable to many different needs. MediaWiki has big and vivid community. ,General usability and interface. Also the skin and the connectivity to other business tools like tools for process description.,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions",
7/27/2015 9:10:21,More than 500 people,1-2 years,2-5,Mix of Both,Fewer than 25 people,1.24,Every minor point release,"Semantic MediaWiki,Semantic Forms,Semantic Drilldown,ParserFunctions,Semantic Forms Inputs,Semantic Maps,Maps,Semantic Result Formats,Header Tabs,HTML5 Video",Preinstalled,"Packet manager for extensions, one-click extension installation, configuration wizard for extensions",Non-public ways to get help from the community,I contribute feedback and bug reports,I don't do PHP or JavaScript
7/28/2015 1:27:04,Just Me,1-2 years,1,Public,Just me,1.23 (Current LTS),Every security release,Semantic MediaWiki and all its related extensions!,Because of Semantic MediaWiki,Better and more intuitive Semantic MediaWiki integration,More support for absolute beginners like myself,,
7/28/2015 7:25:24,100-500 people,5+ years,1,Private,100-500 people,1.24,Every security release,"Semantic MediaWiki
WikiEditor",To share information company-wide.,The editor. My users want wysiwym editing.,"1. Some of the documentation should be improved, including cleaning up the discussion pages on documentation.
2. Extensions should be easier to install.",,"Due to the difficulty in keeping versions and extensions up-to-date, our wiki is always lagging behind in updates. That is why I am always using older versions and unable to contribute bug reports."
7/28/2015 10:07:28,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Private,More than 500 people,1.24,Ever major release,Many - difficult to name them all,Best wiki software available and it's recognized so widely by all people the change management is easier for corporations,The editor - just more features and more intuitive,The creation of a clear strategy going forward so we know what to expect in the development roadmap,,Many companies still want to try the SharePoint Wiki offering since they use SharePoint so readily - IT departments in corporations are often reluctant to support MediaWiki
7/29/2015 2:09:52,More than 500 people,3-5 years,2-5,Public,100-500 people,"1.25, 1.22",Every minor point release,"AbuseFilter, MediaWikiChat, CheckUser, Semantic MediaWiki, Echo",It's an efficient platform to host content and information,User-friendliness of wikisyntax,Technical support of third party extensions,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/29/2015 11:10:22,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,More than 10,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"1.25, 1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS)",When needed,"Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Forms, Semantic Result Formats, Bootstrap, Lockdown, UserFunctions",Because it provides a very good platform for developing information systems for businesses.,"First I want to say that we really love working with MediaWiki!
- A way to share content (templates, forms, properties). Something similar to the way system messages can be shared in a flexible way.
- Wiki markup syntax highlighter and support for easier development of templates.
- Standard ways to login with LinkedIn, Facebook or Google credentials. 
- Export files or a way to download all files in a zip-file.
- Easier upgrade. ","Well, it is impressive as it is. Can't think of improvements really.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",We don't see barriers. It may be 'more appealing' however if modern skins (we use Chameleon as the standard skin for our solutions) are mainstream and MediaWiki use for business is promoted.
7/29/2015 11:33:03,25-100 people,1-2 years,2-5,Public,100-500 people,"1.25, Older than 1.19",Ever major release,"twinkle, imagemap, multiboilerplate, parserfunctions, ",Encyclopedic historical database for a medieval/fantasy combat organization with 35+ years of history and culture.,,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I contribute to extensions",
7/29/2015 11:48:30,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,2-5,Private,Fewer than 25 people,"1.25, 1.19",When needed,"LabeledSectionTransclusion, EasyTimeline, Quiz, FancyBoxThumbs, SyntaxHighlight","It is easy to setup, easy to use, and reliable. Also has many ways to organize a bunch of information and turn that into a shippable product.",the way it is right now is just fine :),i don't know.... i'm not really active in the community.,,
7/29/2015 22:51:54,,,,,,,,,,,,,
7/30/2015 7:02:29,More than 500 people,Less than 6 months,0,Private,Just me,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds)",When needed,Revised responses above:  We are in the exploratory phase of design for a site.  So currently not using any version of MediaWiki nor any update cycles.      ,Our site will be built during 2016,,,Try to attend weekly meetings,Enjoy the Friday sessions when I can attend.  
7/30/2015 9:23:54,Just Me,1-2 years,2-5,Private,Fewer than 25 people,"1.24, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Ever major release,"ParserFunctions, Semantic MediaWiki, Semantic Forms, Semantic Forms Inputs, Semantic Result Formats, Translate, UniversalLanguageSelector, MediawikiPlayer, Data Transfer",,"User Interface, simple usability, simple upgrade/extension handling, ability to choose skins and/or adapt skins easily (without as much HTML/PHP/CSS knowledge), clearer error reports + solutions","A bit more user-orientated (compared to developers' orientation), more women, more sharing of knowledge apart from dev's",I help answer questions and provide support,Ease the entrance – at the beginning it's hard to find out: How can I help – without stepping on somebody's toes? How can I help without being the 100% expert yet? Where is my help needed and wished?
7/30/2015 9:48:58,Fewer than 25 people,5+ years,2-5,Public,Fewer than 25 people,1.24,Every minor point release,"MobileFrontend, Translate",Because people know Wikipedia and it is easier to motivate them to edit when they know that they will learn to edit Wikipedia as well.,"Mobile contributions, microcontributions.",3rd party MediaWiki users unite!,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I work in WMF's Engineering Community team","Difficulty receiving information of what really matters and is interesting; it's basically all or nothing.

Ways to provide small doses of feedback (votes, etc) without having to subscribe to or follow noisy channels.

Proxies: people I can provide feedback casually and they will consolidate / prioritize / do the right thing."
7/30/2015 10:01:27,Fewer than 25 people,3-5 years,More than 10,Mix of Both,Not Sure,1.25,Every minor point release,"CentralAuth, GlobalBlocking, SiteMatrix, AbuseFilter, AntiSpoof",A simple piece of software which has a wide range of features including easy-to-configure wikifarm set up using wgConf,Better customization within the interface without the need for a lot of things going to LocalSettings.php. That is the major bug for Wikifarms.,Better documentation of the minor/less common features. (ca. all the red links on MediaWiki.org),"I help with documentation, I help answer questions and provide support",Nothing as far as I know.
7/30/2015 10:08:50,Fewer than 25 people,1-2 years,5-10,Mix of Both,Not Sure,"1.25, 1.23 (Current LTS)",Every minor point release,"CheckUser, AbuseFilter, SpamBlacklist, TitleBlacklist, ParserFunctions, CentralAuth, GlobalBlocking","MediaWiki makes it possible to work with wiki software which has many functions, can easily be extended with hundreds of extensions and everyone can contribute to it.

MediaWiki is open-source and developed by a non-profit organization and volunteers from all over the world, and when you run a non-profit site it is a major plus for you if you can run your site on open-source free software.","MediaWiki is a very big piece of software, and it only gets bigger and bigger. There aren't many performance improvements, and high-traffic MediaWiki sites won't run well without the help from HHVM and caching (e.g. Varnish and Redis). It would be cool if a big amount of code can safely be rewritten so that it is more efficiently.

(not sure if this belongs to ""community around MediaWiki"")
Also, it looks like that there are bugs which are very old (e.g. more than 3 years), and still not resolved.

Old bugs = long-term bugs, and those are bad.",I'm not sure what I have to fill in here :),"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute patches and bug fixes, I contribute code to MediaWiki core, I contribute to extensions","There must be a friendly environment, better documentation (imo especially old docs from 8 years ago are a mess) and no one should be afraid of contributing :)"
7/30/2015 11:37:21,More than 500 people,1-2 years,1,Public,More than 500 people,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"BlueSpice
Parser Functions
Category Tree
","Open Source, free, it's the best, extensions available, sense of community, the entire movement I love between wikipedia, commons, and others, free open source and sharing.",A completely visual editor ready to use out of the box included in the package at installation.,"Common language for users, and tutorials for common users for installation of the more complex extensions, for example, I still cannot figure out how to install Visual Editor successfully on Shared Hosting. There is nothing out there that explains how.","I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help answer questions and provide support","the only barrier I see is the user has a hard time interpreting the language of the developers. Even after reading Yoran's book for Mediawiki and doing a ton of research I find myself scratching my head about many things within Mediawiki. 
that being said, I am very happy with Mediawiki and the movement. I am a donor as well."
7/30/2015 14:09:51,More than 500 people,5+ years,2-5,Private,More than 500 people,1.24,When needed,"CategoryTree


Contribution Scores



Lookup User


User Merge and Delete











RSS feed


PDF Handler

Article Feedback








WikiEditor",Internal communications,Watchlist changes appear in notifications.,Nothing,I contribute feedback and bug reports,Not enough time
7/30/2015 23:25:54,Just Me,3-5 years,2-5,Mix of Both,More than 500 people,"Latest development build (master, 1.26+, WMF builds), 1.25",Every security release,"CheckUser, Nuke, Antispoof, OAuth, Flow",It's most convinient for me.,Convinience for users.,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help with documentation, I contribute to extensions, I help answer questions and provide support",
7/31/2015 6:39:30,Not sure,1-2 years,2-5,Private,Not Sure,1.23 (Current LTS),When needed,"RSS Feed, Wiki Tag Cloud, Bue Spice for MediaWiki, category Tree, PDF Händler",I wanted to  improvisieren The Knowledge Transfer and - Exchange in my workplace / professional Group. ,"Editor - better integration of WYSIWYG
Rss -integration
Discussion tools","Community is OK, as far as I can see.",,"Probably too many know-everything-people around, no easy path to integration of newbies"
8/2/2015 18:16:10,More than 500 people,5+ years,1,Private,More than 500 people,1.25,Ever major release,"Semantic Mediawiki, Semantic Forms, Maps, Parser Functions, Arrays, Variables, URLGetParameters, Semantic Query Form Tools (now dead apparently)","For its extreme flexibility, built-in consistency checks (red links, redirects) and automation (bots, api).",Ease of deployment and customization of skins... difficult to go back to managing MediaWiki after experiencing the level of user friendliness of Wordpress.,,"I contribute feedback and bug reports, I help answer questions and provide support",