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Work towards Developer - Monthly Report

From mediawiki.org

MyM - MediaWiki Release Team
Work towards a Developer Community
Monthly Progress Report
August 15, 2014

Management Summary
In July and early August of 2014, we intensified our energy and effort on the preparation for Wikimania with a focus on relationship building to galvanize the interest of people and stakeholders in a developer community. Presented below is a summary of the activities and links:



  • We are working towards official recognition of Wiki Co-op.
  • We need to start holding regular online meetups for the Wiki Co-op and schedule some in-person meetings
  • We reached out to experts for advise and guidance with the environmental scan. As a result, the method and purpose is much clearer and we are headed towards starting the scan.
  • We are continuing outreach work through direct contact, following up with inquiries, and networking. Mark is continuing to meet with NASA engineers who set up an internal wiki and wrote some custom extensions.

Not Started

  • Work on the 3rd-party focused development roadmap was postponed until after Wikimania.
  • Research on potential grants and other forms of income was postponed until after Wikimania.