User:Aaron Schulz/deletion
(Redirected from User:Voice of All/deletion)
On delete, move `page` entry to `deleted_pages`
-- Holding area for deleted pages
CREATE TABLE /*$wgDBprefix*/deleted_pages (
-- Unique identifier number. The page_id will be preserved across
-- edits and rename operations.
deleted_page_id int unsigned NOT NULL auto_increment,
-- A page name is broken into a namespace and a title.
-- The namespace keys are UI-language-independent constants,
-- defined in includes/Defines.php
deleted_page_namespace int NOT NULL,
-- The rest of the title, as text.
-- Spaces are transformed into underscores in title storage.
deleted_page_title varchar(255) binary NOT NULL,
deleted_page_suppressed bool NOT NULL,
-- Timestamp of the last page deletion
deleted_on_timestamp binary(14) NOT NULL default '',
PRIMARY KEY deleted_page_id (deleted_page_id),
INDEX name_title (deleted_page_namespace,deleted_page_title)
) /*$wgDBTableOptions*/;
On restore, move back to `page` and fill in other columns based on the last rev.
Some old components of Special:Undelete kept around for B/C.
Most queries that fetch revs already JOIN on page, I've fixed the remaining ones that didn't.