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 * Bug Status Update Gadget
 * Author: Rob Moen (robm)
 * Description:
 *  Finds and updates bug status templates on a page. 
 *  Makes 1 JSONP request to Bugzilla JSON RPC api.

	var		ids = [],
			target = 'https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/jsonrpc.cgi';
	//ugly way to compose the request parameters. though, bugzilla is happy with it
	var getParams = function (ids) {
		return 'method=Bug.get&id=158&params=[{ "ids": ['+ ids.join(',') +'],"include_fields":["last_change_time","status", "id"]}]';
	//get the bug id numbers on the page
	$('.mw-trackedTemplate').each(function() {
		var title = $(this).find('a[title^="bugzilla:"]').attr('title');
    if( ids.length === 0 ) return ;

	//make jsonp
		url: target,
		data: getParams(ids),
		success: function (data) {

			var		color = {
						"RESOLVED": "green",
						"CRITICAL": "red"
					statusProps = {
						'font-weight': 'bold', 
						'font-size': '1.5em', 
						'text-transform': 'uppercase'

			if(data.result.bugs) {
				for(var b in data.result.bugs) {
					//find the right bug to update
					$item = $('.mw-trackedTemplate')

					if($item) {
						//find child, if exists
						$status = $item
						//create the status element if it does not exist
						if($status.length === 0){
									$('<p />').append(
										$('<span />').css(statusProps)
						//udpate the status element
							.css('color', color[data.result.bugs[b].status] || '#333333')
						$status = null;

