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User:๐Ÿ˜‚/Dial home format

From mediawiki.org

We want MediaWiki owners to be able to ping Mediawiki.org with statistics about their installations and upgrades (optionally, of course). This has a lot of benefits, like helping us know what the majority of our users are running, so we can help target them best. The following is a proposed layout of how we could get this information (probably submitted via JSON, using an array here for clarity)

<source lang="php"> $wikiInfo = array( 'requestId' => 'abc123' // needs to be something unique, maybe md5( IP + unix time )? 'time' => 123456 // unix time installation/upgrade/etc was done 'phpVersion' => 5.3.2 'dbType' => 'sqlite' 'dbVersion' => 3.1 'oldVersion' => 1.15.3 'newVersion' => 1.16.0 'extensions' => array( array( 'name' => 'FlaggedRevs', 'oldVersion' => 1.2, 'newVersion' => 1.2.1 ), array( 'name' => 'Maps', 'oldVersion' => 1.3, 'newVersion' => 1.4 ), ), 'softwareVersions' => array( 'curl' => 2.1 'imageMagick' => null, 'diff3' => 3.6 // and so on, all being optional of course ), 'phpConf' => array( 'safe_mode' => false, 'open_basedir' => true, // BOOLEAN ONLY, DO NOT RETURN ACTUAL PATHS 'allow_url_fopen' => true, );