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Talk:Content translation

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Please provide feedback about the Content translation tool on this page.

We suggest checking the Frequently Asked Questions page first.

When reporting a bug, it will help a lot if you will indicate the following things:

  • Which article were you translating and to which language
  • Which browser did you use (Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.)
  • If you're getting any errors, please provide log from browser console if possible. To open browser console: press Ctrl+Shift+j (or cmd+alt+J () on a Mac).

In case you are familiar with Phabricator, please consider reporting a bug there.

See also:

The tool does not seem to be working properly.

Giant2236 (talkcontribs)

It does not accept my translations after I check everything and press publish. It keeps saying the text is 99% similar to the original language but it absolutely is not.

Reply to "The tool does not seem to be working properly."

Manuelle Änderungen an der Übersetzung

FreakyN (talkcontribs)

Im Artikel (Chinese emigration), den ich gerade ins Deutsche am Übersetzen bin gibt es eine Vorlage, welche nicht in den deutschen Wikipedia-Sprachraum übernommen werden kann. Daher habe ich diesen Teil im Übersetzungstool manuell hinzugefügt. Beim Laden der Übersetzung ist dieser Teil jetzt verschwunden. Könnte man dies bitte lösen? Sonst geht je nach dem unglaublich viel Arbeit verloren.

Browser: Microsoft Edge

FreakyN (talkcontribs)

Um genau zu sein handelt es sich um eine Infobox und ich habe diese als Bild mit Beschreibung manuell ersetzt.

Reply to "Manuelle Änderungen an der Übersetzung"

The article exists already in German. How can it be connected?

CRB (talkcontribs)

Instead of translating it should be possible to connect an existing version.

Yeshivish613 (talkcontribs)

Click on "Edit interlanguage links" in the options bar.

Reply to "The article exists already in German. How can it be connected?"

Talk: content translator

Ece Turkmut (talkcontribs)


I am currently working on adding a Turkish translation to the Intimacy Coordinator page. As a professional book translator, published author, and the only Turkish-speaking Intimacy Coordinator, I initially intended to create entirely new content for the Turkish page. However, it seems that translating the existing content and refining it afterward would be a more effective approach.

That said, I keep encountering warnings that I’m unable to resolve. The page suggests using Google Translate, but direct translation isn’t possible as some titles and terms don’t exist in the Turkish film industry. As we are in the process of introducing this role to Turkey, I believe having a page in Turkish is crucial.

I would appreciate any assistance with this matter.

Reply to "Talk: content translator"

I need help adding a header and sources

Lulubrooklyn (talkcontribs)

The Portuguese language page has "predefinitions" which are not available in English. I am new as Wikipedia editor and struggling to add the information that's missing. It is an article about a band which I translated from Brazilian Portuguese, and I can't get the callout box with the band info, and don't know how to insert it manually. The same goes for the external references.

Reply to "I need help adding a header and sources"

Saving personal draft with "95% translated text"

1 (talkcontribs)

For some reason it won't allow, but I want to work on improving it with "Edit source" in my own convenience - why won't it allow this? very frustrating. ~~~~

Reply to "Saving personal draft with "95% translated text"" (talkcontribs)

Hi! I’m trying to publish a new translation, but when it comes to the robot-check („Captcha“), the page never leads me to the real publishing page because the Captcha is always kinda wrong and it shows me a new Captcha as soon as I typed in the first one and wanted to publish the article. So I’m unfortunately never able to publish anything. Any suggestions?

Reply to "Captcha failed"

Übersetzungen per 'Tool'

Adtonko (talkcontribs)

Es ist immer wieder erstaunlich wie viel Murks aus diesem Tool kommt, weil es weder versionen aus dem Ausgangwiki zur Verfügung stellt, noch wirklich überprüft was da passiert.

Das der SChmarn auch zu 90% die Übersetzte Seite dann nicht speichern kann, macht es eigentlich nutzlos.

Reply to "Übersetzungen per 'Tool'"

Can't post due to "Inappropriate content"

Brainroth (talkcontribs)

I've been trying to translate a page on a type of boat from english to portuguese for a while now but keep getting the "inappropriate content" filter. i'm sure this is a mistake but im not sure how to fix it

Reply to "Can't post due to "Inappropriate content""
Ma3r (talkcontribs)

Now I'm translating en:Gaza genocide into Chinese, but new changes can't be saved for days. The tip is saying "saving..." all the way, but never saved.

SCP-2000 (talkcontribs)


  1. Which browser did you use (Firefox, Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc.)? Have you tried to use different browser/device?
  2. If you're getting any errors, please provide log from browser console if possible. To open browser console: press Ctrl+Shift+j (or cmd+alt+J () on a Mac)?

Furthermore, I couldn't reproduce this issue on testwiki. However, when I was testing, a lag occurred. So maybe your issue is related to a performance problem? Anyway, although it's not a good solution, you may want to try publishing your draft to your personal namespace first and then editing it there. Thanks.

Ma3r (talkcontribs)

Hi, thanks for your response. When I use Chrome, I found the following in the Console:

Error: Attempting to save section 147 with blank content.

    at mw.cx.TranslationController.getSectionRecords (mw.cx.TranslationController.js:646:10)

    at MwCxTranslationController.<anonymous> (mw.cx.TranslationController.js:579:8)

    at Array.forEach (<anonymous>)

    at mw.cx.TranslationController.getContentToSave (mw.cx.TranslationController.js:578:12)

    at mw.cx.TranslationController.processSaveQueue (mw.cx.TranslationController.js:374:14)

    at later (oojs-ui-core.js:251:11)

In Firefox, it shows:

Uncaught Error: Attempting to save section 147 with blank content.

   getSectionRecords mw.cx.TranslationController.js:646


   getSectionRecords mw.cx.TranslationController.js:646

   getContentToSave mw.cx.TranslationController.js:579

   forEach self-hosted:164

   getContentToSave mw.cx.TranslationController.js:578

   processSaveQueue mw.cx.TranslationController.js:374

   <anonymous> self-hosted:1115

   later oojs-ui-core.js:251

   (异步:setTimeout handler)

   debounce oojs-ui-core.js:259

   onSectionChange mw.cx.TranslationController.js:109

   emit oojs.js:858

   emitSectionChange ve.dm.CXSectionNode.js:97

   <anonymous> self-hosted:1115

   (异步:setTimeout handler)

   onUpdate ve.dm.CXSectionNode.js:92

   emit oojs.js:858

   setLength ve.dm.Node.js:741

   adjustLength ve.dm.Node.js:754

   setLength ve.dm.Node.js:737

   adjustLength ve.dm.Node.js:754

   setLength ve.dm.Node.js:737

   adjustLength ve.dm.Node.js:754

   applyTreeOperation ve.dm.TreeModifier.js:363

   applyTreeOperations ve.dm.TreeModifier.js:105

   process ve.dm.TreeModifier.js:394

   process ve.dm.TransactionProcessor.js:110

   commit ve.dm.Document.js:389

   changeInternal ve.dm.Surface.js:970

   change ve.dm.Surface.js:939

   setSectionContent ve.init.mw.CXTarget.js:941

   changeContentSource ve.init.mw.CXTarget.js:1102

   <anonymous> self-hosted:1115

   jQuery 8

   changeContentSource ve.init.mw.CXTarget.js:1101

   onDocumentActivatePlaceholder ve.init.mw.CXTarget.js:807

   <anonymous> self-hosted:1115

   mightThrow jQuery

Other information that might help:

Some templates appear in strange places after being reloaded, e.g. there's a Template:Infobox civilian attack.

An untranslated version appears in the right place, but the version I've already translated appears in very later.

Furthermore, I'm translating another article en:Motor-paced racing currently, which works well as of now.

The most apparent difference is the article length, I think.

I did try to publish it, but it did nothing after the button changed into "publishing...", and the Console also showed nothing.

SCP-2000 (talkcontribs)

@UOzurumba (WMF) Hello, could you please take a look on this issue? Any ways can mitigate this issue? Thanks.

Ma3r (talkcontribs)

Hi, @SCP-2000 & @UOzurumba (WMF),

Today I have a new discovery, though I have no idea if it helps.

The original article has an "Footnotes" section with content "{{notelist}}".

But at the right(Chinese) side of the "{{notelist}}", I can't add anything there.

The cursor is an "I" instead of a hand, but there's no blink cursor after I click there.

And I can't put anything there, whether drag and drop, or typing, or pasting.

I guess maybe this is the "section 147"?

KartikMistry (talkcontribs)

@Ma3r, Regarding {{notelist}}, since it is template, you can't edit it manually in the target article.

Also, some time, source article is changed a lot while translation is still in progress - Content Translation will not be able to match sections and thus resulting errors. But, I'll take a look at saving issue first.

Ma3r (talkcontribs)

Hi, @KartikMistry, I'm sorry, maybe I stated not clear enough.

The {{notelist}} section is the only section I can't add anything at the right side, so I guess it may be the "section 147".

I said this, only because I wanted to provide as many as I can, and I'm hoping it would help.

Thanks for you efforts.

Reply to "Can't be saved"