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MediaWiki Stakeholders' Group/Tasks/Application

From mediawiki.org

Current state

  • 30-09-2014 Application has been sent
  • Confirmation by AffCom that application has been received. We will get two points of contact soon.



From: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Groups/Proposals

  • There are 3 of you, and you wish there would be more.
Yes, there are already more than 15 of us.
  • You want to have an identity as a group within the MediaWiki community and the Wikimedia movement.
Yes, we do care about MediaWiki and are part of the Wikimedia movement, we want to take care about the use of MediaWiki outside the Wikimedia world.
  • You want to reach out to people interested in MediaWiki or the software powering Wikipedia in a specific area.
Yes, our target group is people using MediaWiki outside the Wikimedia context.
  • You want to have officially recognized MediaWiki channels like a microblogging user account...
Yes, we need to build up trust and inform our target audience about changes in MediaWiki that specifically affect them and work together with this audience to improve MediaWiki for all of us.
  • You want to organize technical activities under the name of MediaWiki, Wikimedia or related projects like Wikipedia.
Yes, we want to organize the development of features that are of particular use for non WMF users.
  • You want to obtain funding from the Wikimedia Foundation or a Wikimedia chapter.
Yes, at least initially, we will need the Foundation's resources (money, but moreover experience).



From https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Requirements_for_future_user_groups

  • Listing a group's information in a public place
Groups/Proposals/MediaWiki Cooperation and MediaWiki Cooperation
  • A clear definition of focus, motivation and time period for which recognition is requested
Groups/Proposals/MediaWiki Cooperation. Time period is "continuously".
  • Plans for offline work
We will involve our target audience with MediaWiki Hackathons and, as soon as our resources permit, start organising regular hacking events, participate in relevant conferences to present MediaWiki showcases
  • Structure
For the start this will be a consensus-driven working group, with everyone who takes an active role in the group being in charge [1]. We have regular 3 weekly meetings [2]. Our work is organized in action committees with tasks [3]. With growing demands the group may involve into a non-profit members association.
  • Contributor involvement
See Groups/Proposals/MediaWiki Cooperation#Contributors
  • The group should have a contact person
User:MarkAHershberger and User:Mglaser as per MediaWiki_Cooperation/Meetings/2014-08-22_Telco#Spokesperson_and_action_committee

Prepare group


From: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Step-by-step_user_group_creation_guide

  • Gather the people
    • At least three people are required for the establishment of a user group;
    • We recommend gathering at least 10 in your group.
  • Develop your goals and structure
    • start a conversation on your group's exact goals and structure.
    • What do you want to accomplish as a group? What is your mission? See here
    • What kind of activities do you want to engage in (e.g. outreach, fundraising, public relations, publishing, meetups)? Reach out to institutions using MediaWiki, raise funds for development, organise MediaWiki conferences, have real live meetings at Hackathons, go to conferences like SMWCon.
  • Set up a wiki page for your group
    • designate two contact people.
    • set up a wiki page where people can join.
    • set up a mailing list or talk page or other forum to discuss your projects.



From: https://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Talk:Wikimedia_thematic_organizations#Thoughts_regarding_the_naming_of_thematic_organizations

The proposed name of the planned organisation is "MediaWiki Cooperation". We chose this name because the MediaWiki open source project is the core and only purpose of this organisation. We are developers, admins, users, consultants, and hosting providers who cooperate in order to improve the software. We intentionally did not chose a geographic or otherwise exclusive naming.

Some discussion about the name can be found here.

Prepare application




  • Send an email to affcom@lists.wikimedia.org (template available) including all the promoters of the group.
  • Add your proposal to meta:Wikimedia User Groups#User groups in discussion.

