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Huggle/JS/hello world.js

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< Huggle‎ | JS
// Note: all functions prefixed with "ext_" are function hooks, huggle will try to locate them and execute
//       on certain events

// This hook needs to return true as long as the extension is considered operational.
// If this function ever returns false, Huggle will consider it defunct and will halt its execution.
// It may be useful when your extension reach or catches some exceptional condition and further
// execution is dangerous or impossible.
// Extensions can't unload or remove themselves from operating memory, but can send indications
// to Huggle that they are defunct through this hook
function ext_is_working()
    return true;

function register_menus()
    // Create all sample menus, list of available menus is here on github:
    // https://github.com/huggle/huggle3-qt-lx/blob/master/src/huggle_core/scripting/ecma/types.js
    huggle_ui.create_menu_item(huggle_ui_menu_scripting, "Hello world: HTML", "html");
    huggle_ui.create_menu_item(huggle_ui_menu_scripting, "Hello world: Message box", "message_box");
    huggle_ui.create_menu_item(huggle_ui_menu_scripting, "Hello world: Console", "console_hello");
    huggle_ui.create_menu_item(huggle_ui_menu_scripting, "Hello world: Error", "hello_error");

function console_hello()
    // Print to standard huggle system window
    huggle.log("Hello world!");

function hello_error()
    // Same as console_hello but marked as error

function html()
    // Replaces current browser window HTML code with this. This function locks the user interface by default as well.
    huggle_ui.render_html("<big>Hello world</big>");

function message_box()
    huggle_ui.message_box("Example", "Hello world");

// Main entry point, called when extension is being loaded. Should return true.
// If doesn't return true, extension is considered to fail to load and is later removed from memory
function ext_init()
    // Scripts can be loaded anytime, but menus can be created only if main window exists,
    // which is not when you start huggle. So in case main window doesn't exist yet, we just
    // register a hook which is triggered when it is open. Otherwise we register menus now.
    if (huggle_ui.mainwindow_is_loaded())
        // Main window already exists so we can register our menus
    } else if (!huggle.register_hook("main_open", "register_menus"))
        // We were unable to register main_open hook for some reason
        return false;
    return true;

// Returns various information about the script
function ext_get_info()
    var info = {};
    info["name"] = "hello world";
    info["version"] = "1.0.0";
    info["description"] = "Shows some possibilities of scripting engine";
    info["author"] = "Petr Bena";
    // info["min_huggle_version"] = "3.4.0";
    // info["required_context"] = "huggle_ui";
    // info["requires_unsafe"] = false;
    return info;