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Core Platform Team/Initiatives/REST JobExecutor

From mediawiki.org

Initiative Vision

< Initiatives

  • WMF JobQueue calls a REST endpoint for job execution
  • JobQueue and AppServer MW cluster setup is unified
  • PETeam
  • SRE
  • Language team
  • Currently there’s 4 ways of executing a job in MW, which is 3 too many
  • WMF jobqueue uses an RPC endpoint living in mw-config repo, it’s not covered by tests and is hard to maintain
  • Jobrunner and Appserver has different apache config which will be an obstacle to MW on k8s
  • Introduce a REST job execution endpoint (done)
  • Unify Jobrunner and Appserver apache config
  • Drop RPC endpoint from mw-config
Aligned Goals:
  • Reduce tech debt
  • Make MW on k8s easier

Initiative Description

< Initiatives


Replace calls to mediawiki-config/rpc hierarchy with a REST API call for job execution

Significance and Motivation

Tech debt cleanup


rpc endpoints removed from mediawiki-config

Baseline Metrics

100% of job executions go via rpc

Target Metrics

0% of job executions go via rpc


Platform Engineering Team

Known Dependencies/Blockers

SRE support

Epics, User Stories, and Requirements

< Initiatives

Time and Resource Estimates

< Initiatives

Estimated Start Date

None given

Actual Start Date

None given

Estimated Completion Date

None given

Actual Completion Date

None given

Resource Estimates

1 eng, 1 sre, 1 sprint




50% done


Team members are invited to voice support or opposition, and give their reasoning. Please use the polling templates, for example:

* {{support}} I like this example!  ~~~~
* {{oppose}} This is not a great example example... ~~~~